Find out how to make hips like those of bodybuilding stars in just 2 months and maintain muscle relief. The days when it is necessary to work on the muscles of the legs for most athletes are the least favorite. Athletes often find various excuses to work on other groups instead of legs. Over time, they realize that the legs need to be trained, but this can take several years.
If you are engaged in bodybuilding, then you must develop your body harmoniously. Very often, athletes concentrate all their attention on the upper body, and this does not add beauty to the whole body. Judge for yourself how a man will look with developed muscles in his chest, back and arms on thin legs.
Overall strength is an equally important reason for good leg workout. By developing this muscle group, you will significantly increase endurance and strength throughout your entire body. It should also be remembered that the quadriceps and thigh muscles on the body are some of the largest muscles. Their training involves a powerful release of anabolic hormones, which aids in gaining mass.
The next reason for using a leg weight training program is metabolism. The higher the rate of metabolic processes in your body, the less fatty deposits will be in the body. Body constitution is an important indicator and should be kept in mind. Very often with problems with weight loss, leg training significantly speeds up this process.
Features of the leg weight training program

First and foremost, training your lower body must be hard. The best results can be achieved with basic movements. To make you want to train your legs as happily as any other muscle, let's take a look at a few of the benefits that a leg weight training program can give you:
- When working on the legs, a fairly large load falls on the muscles of the back.
- The endurance and strength of the whole body is significantly increased.
- When working on your legs, you expend a huge amount of energy, and this leads to an acceleration of the processes of reduction of fatty tissues.
- On the beach, you won't be able to rip off the lagging leg muscles and you can look quite funny.
For your workouts to be as effective as possible, you need to choose the right working weight, as well as the number of sets and reps. Much depends on your level of training. For beginners, it is enough to perform two sets with 8-12 repetitions each. When you reach an intermediate level of fitness, then begin to perform three sets, each of which will have from 8 to 10 repetitions. Experienced builders should do four sets of 6-10 reps.
Approximate weight training program for legs

After a warm-up, which will take from 5 to 10 minutes, you can move on to the main part of the lesson.
- Deadlift.
- Squats.
- Leg presses.
- Seated Calf Raises.
- Leg curls on the simulator.
- Extension of the legs on the simulator.
- Barbell Lunges to the Side.
- Standing Calf Raises.
Now let's talk about these, the most effective exercises that will allow you to pump your leg muscles qualitatively.
Projectile squats

This is one of the most effective movements that can only be compared with the deadlift. Starting position: the legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints, and the sports equipment is located on the traps. It is not by chance that we focused on where the barbell should be located during the exercise. Sometimes athletes will hold the projectile around their neck, which can lead to injury.
Take a deep breath and holding your breath, begin to slowly descend. The knee joints move forward slightly, and the pelvis moves back. As a result, the body is tilted forward from the vertical at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground. After that, start an upward movement on the exhale, using the strength of the thigh muscles for this.
Also note that if the legs are already located in the shoulder joints, then the load will be focused on the quadriceps. If it is necessary to actively pump the biceps of the thigh, then the legs should be located wider than the level of the shoulder joints. Remember that when doing squats, a lot of stress is placed on the muscles of the back and when working with large weights, it is worth using a belt.

This movement, like squats, is considered to be the kings of strength sports. When performing the deadlift, the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, lower leg and extensor muscles of the back take an active part in the work. Starting position: Bend your knees with your hips parallel to the ground. Take a sports equipment with a medium grip.
Inhale and start lifting the barbell, while bringing the shoulder blades together a little. When you are fully extended, exhale. After that, inhale again and return to the starting position. In your weight training program, these exercises should be present without fail.
Leg press

The exercise is designed to develop the buttocks, lower leg and hamstrings. Starting position: sit in the machine and make sure that the knee joints are not fully extended. Remove the platform from the supports and, inhaling, lower it down until the knee joints are bent at right angles. Exhaling air, return to the starting position. It is also important that when performing the movement, the back is always firmly pressed against the bench.
Leg curl in the simulator

The movement is aimed at strengthening the hamstrings and calves. Starting position: Lie on the machine bench with your Achilles tendon just above the roller. After that, begin to bend your legs at the knee joints while inhaling to a right angle. After a short pause, return to the starting position. Make sure that your thighs are always firmly pressed against the surface of the bench.
Reducing the legs on the simulator

Involves the inner thigh, as well as the biceps. Starting position: Position yourself in the simulator, holding the handles and spreading your legs. Exhaling, begin to bring your legs together and in the extreme position of the trajectory, maintain a short pause. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Remember to keep your upper body motionless throughout the entire set.
Leg workout program at home

Often people want to study, but for various reasons they cannot attend the gym. If you have a similar situation, then you can get acquainted with the program for training legs for weight at home. The number of sets should be three with 15 repetitions each. Here are the most effective exercises for strengthening your leg muscles at home.

You can perform the exercise at the first stage with your own body weight or use dumbbells. Of course, it would be just great to get a barbell, but not everyone has such an opportunity. Dumbbells, in turn, can be safely purchased and with the help of this sports equipment to carry out effective exercises. Note that the knee joints should not extend beyond the level of the toes.

There are several variations of this movement and you can use them all. If we talk about a classic lunge, then you need to take a wide step forward and sit down. In this case, the thigh should be parallel to the ground.
Raising a leg on a support

In addition to dumbbells, you need a sturdy chair to perform the movement. Take a standing position, holding the sports equipment in your lowered hands, and place a chair in front of you. After that, step with one foot on a chair and transfer your body weight to it. The second leg at this time rises to the level of the belt, and the knee joint is bent.
Romanian deadlift

You need to take a standing position, holding the dumbbells in the arms lowered along the body. Keeping your back straight, begin to bend forward, while pulling your pelvis and buttocks back. As a result, the hands with sports equipment should be slightly below the level of the knee joints. Inhaling air, return to the starting position.
With these simple exercises, you can work your leg muscles quite effectively at home. If you have the opportunity, then you should start visiting the hall, because there the opportunities are much wider. Let us also recall the importance of proper nutrition. Otherwise, no workout will be able to bring you the desired result.
How to train your legs for mass gain, see the following video: