How to choose a protein shaker?

How to choose a protein shaker?
How to choose a protein shaker?

Find out what a pro-athlete's shaker should look like. We will also tell you in detail about the criteria for choosing a container for shaking protein. In bodybuilding today, almost no athlete can do without the use of sports nutrition. At least every builder uses protein supplements. This is quite justified, because the cost of protein is relatively low, and the benefits of its use are beyond doubt. Today it is the most sold type of sports food.

They are protein mixtures powder, which must be diluted before use. As a rule, milk or water is used for this, as well as juice. To make the cocktail preparation process more efficient, a special accessory has been created - a shaker. Learn how to choose a protein shaker today.

What to look for when choosing a shaker?

Man and woman with shakers
Man and woman with shakers

Today on the market you can find a large assortment of shakers from various manufacturers. They have different shapes and colors, and also differ in cost. In addition, they have different functionality. If you decide to make your life easier and buy a shaker, then you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • The volume of the accessory is chosen depending on the size of the serving of the additive.
  • Shape - by and large depends on your taste and should provide you with maximum comfort in use.
  • Scale - thanks to it, you can easily measure the required amount of additive.
  • The thread is an important parameter, as it ensures a tight closure of the lid and prevents leakage.

And now in more detail about each of these and other parameters in order to answer the question of how to choose a protein shaker in as much detail as possible. Let's say right away about the presence of a thread, since this is quite important. If the cap is threaded, you can be sure that no liquid will spill out of the shaker. Thus, you should pay attention to the models in which there is a thread.

Number of cameras

At the moment, shakers are produced with two, three or four chambers. They are designed to hold supplements and dilution liquid. You can store liquid and protein in the 2-chamber accessory. If you do not use other types of sports food, then this is the best option.

For those athletes who, in addition to protein mixtures, use, say, amines, it is better to choose a 3-chamber shaker. In this case, two chambers will contain the same protein and liquid, and the third can store amino acid supplements.

In addition, it should be said that some types of shakers provide the ability to store liquid heated to a certain temperature. The third chamber is most often divided into several compartments. 4-chamber accessories have one more chamber where one more additive can be located.


The shaker material is also quite important. If you want to have a stylish accessory, then pay attention to the models, the body of which is made of metal. However, be prepared for your duffel bag to get a little heavier.

Silicone is a very common material. Shakers made from it are ergonomic, have a rather attractive appearance, and are also very light. However, the most popular material is special food grade plastic. Such accessories do not pose a danger to the body, do not have foreign odors, are attractive and do not have much weight.

Volume and shape

You have to figure out the form yourself, since it does not affect the functionality of the accessory. It is only important that it is convenient for you to use the shaker. But as for the volume, you can give a couple of tips. The most popular models are from 600 to 750 milliliters.

This is due to the fact that in most cases, this is the size of the serving you will have to consume. However, if you are not going to use other additives in addition to protein mixtures, then a 500 ml shaker will be quite enough for you. When you also use a gainer, then in this case you should opt for accessories with a volume of 700 milliliters.


Now you can purchase three options of the accessory: American, European and sports food shaker. European is quite suitable for beginners, but it is a glass with two lids.

The American version consists of two glasses connected to each other. Most often only one of them is made of steel, and the second is made of glass. The third type has no remarkable features, but simply does its job well.

So, in order to finally answer your question - how to choose a protein shaker, we will highlight the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing such a useful accessory as a shaker:

  • If you only use protein mixtures and do not plan to change anything, feel free to choose a shaker with a capacity of 500 milliliters. If you also need to take gainers, then the best option is a capacity of 700 milliliters.
  • It is better to purchase an accessory that is threaded and its lid is twisted. Instead of slamming.
  • The shaker should have a metal mesh to break up the clumps. Its shape does not matter.
  • The measuring scale will greatly simplify the process of making a cocktail.
  • We recommend that you fill the shaker with liquid and supplement before the start of the session, and after that you make a cocktail. Do not mix the supplement in advance, but rather use it freshly prepared.

How to choose a shaker for sports nutrition, see more details here:
