Hernia workouts

Hernia workouts
Hernia workouts

Find out what types of training can be used after such a serious spinal injury. Effective training methods from sports doctors. In the spine, the discs act as a kind of shock absorber that suppresses shock loading. It is thanks to these elements that the spinal column becomes elastic and acquires elasticity. The intervertebral disc consists of a nucleus pulposus located in the center and surrounded by a fibrous ring.

As a result, the elastic element of the disc is surrounded by a strong ring that prevents the core material from escaping. A herniated disc is a weakening or rupture of the ring, causing the nucleus to come out. Most often, the lumbar spine is susceptible to this disease, since it has a heavy load. Today we will show you how to build your workout after a hernia.

How to protect your spine from damage?

Girl doing barbell squats
Girl doing barbell squats

Often, trainers in the gym tell beginners about the need to do basic exercises. This is correct, but before that it is necessary to find out in what state the health of a person is. You should remember that basic movements are the most difficult in terms of motor coordination.

To perform them correctly, you must have a developed neuromuscular connection. It is very important to first master the technique and use an empty neck for this. If you do not do this, but immediately go to work with weight, then you can ruin your spine. Violation of technique while doing deadlifts or squats can result in serious injury.

The spine consists of several sections, formed by a group of vertebrae. Each of these elements is responsible for a specific organ. Many people who come to the gym have problems with scoliosis. This, together with a weak muscular corset, can lead to the development of excessive stress on the vertebrae, and then to their injury. For this reason, you need to master the technique of all movements first. Only after that, you can begin to progress the working weight.

Reasons for the development of herniated vertebral discs

Schematic representation of a hernia of the spinal column
Schematic representation of a hernia of the spinal column

Before you talk about a training plan after a hernia, you should learn more about the causes of this disease in more detail. Most often, degenerative processes in the spinal column, which lead to the development of a hernia, are manifested with a genetic predisposition. This, in turn, is due to the mutation of certain genes that encode the protein compounds that make up connective tissues. At the same time, it must be said that such genetic changes are observed in almost half of the world's population. Studies have shown that weakening of the annulus fibrosus occurs from about 19 years of age and thereafter invariably progresses. Since there is no blood supply in this area of the body, the discs receive nutrients through diffusion from the intercellular fluid. With age, the rate of the diffusion process slows down and this negatively affects the production of collagen. This is what explains the weakening of the rings. The faster the degenerative processes proceed, the less resistant the spinal column to physical exertion.

Cracks and breaks appear in collagen fibers, through which the core substance penetrates. At the same time, inflammatory processes are activated and, as a result, pain appears in the damaged area. When exposed to the spinal cord and nerve endings, the appearance of irrational pain in the lower extremities is possible.

How to organize training after a hernia?

Girl training with dumbbells
Girl training with dumbbells

We have already said that the development of a hernia is largely influenced by hereditary factors and the age of the athlete. At the level of its development, modern medicine does not have the ability to influence these factors. Thus, the only preventive measure in this situation is only to reduce the load on the spinal column.

The greatest danger from this point of view are squats, deadlifts and other movements that can heavily load the athlete's lower back. However, a hernia is not a contraindication to strength sports. If you have the problems described above, then follow these rules:

  • First of all, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in the field of sports medicine.
  • You can go in for sports only at the stage of remission of the disease. Simply put, only when you are not experiencing acute pain.
  • Before starting the training, special attention should be paid to warm-up.
  • Exclude from the training program all the movements that we talked about.
  • It is necessary to start actively developing a muscular corset using your own body weight. To do this, you should perform, say, hyperextension.

You will learn how to train with a hernia from this video:
