Today many people suffer from osteochondrosis. There are exercises that can help reduce the negative impact. Learn how to strengthen your spine. Today we will talk about exercises for the treatment of the lumbar spine. Thanks to them, it is possible to treat or prevent osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. Today this disease is very widespread, and this knowledge will be useful to a large number of people.
Signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbar region

The main signs of the disease are as follows:
- Dull pain in the lower back and legs;
- Numbness of the limbs;
- Sharp pain when turning the body;
- Limited mobility of the lumbosacral region.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar region has certain features, however, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, complete rest is necessary in order to relieve the affected segments and prevent the progression of the disease. Today, osteochondrosis is the most common disease of the peripheral nervous system. At the same time, relapses and partial loss of working capacity are quite possible.
There can be a lot of reasons for the development of osteochondrosis, but all the damage caused by it is of the same nature. The intervertebral discs undergo degenerative changes, leading to the destruction (partial) of the fibrous rings, disc displacement, etc. as a result, this leads to compression of the nerve endings.
With osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, not only pain occurs, but also the mobility of the body in all three directions decreases.
Exercises for the treatment of the lumbar spine

When using the exercises, which we will talk about below, thanks to the work of the muscles, protein compounds are synthesized, which, after entering the bloodstream, have a positive effect on the work of all major systems. Also, thanks to them, the ability to conduct nerve impulses and peripheral receptors and nerve pathways increases. Thanks to special exercises, you will be able to solve the following tasks:
- Increased overall tone;
- Improving joint mobility;
- Prevention of various complications (bedsores, congestive pneumonia, etc.);
- Increasing the efficiency of vegetative systems;
- Restoration of lost functions.
If pain occurs during exercise, then you should stop performing them and move on to the next movement. Try to work for 40 minutes, and after five or six hours, repeat the complex. One exercise should be done for 15 minutes.
1 exercise
Lie on the ground with your back down. Begin to pull your arms up, and the socks towards you. After that, return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated 30 times.
2 exercise
Lie on your back and stretch your arms up. Take your left wrist with your right hand and begin to pull your body to the right. Run the other way. The exercise must be repeated 30 times.
3 exercise
The starting position is similar to exercise 2. Take your right wrist with your left hand and begin to pull your body to the right, turning the toes of your legs at the same time in the same direction. Run the other way. The exercise must be repeated 15–20 times.
4 exercise
Lie on your back and bend your knees with your arms extended upward. Take your right wrist with your left hand and begin to pull the body to the right, turning the knee joints in the same direction at the same time. Run the other way. The exercise must be repeated 30 times.
5 exercise
Lie on your back with your arms extended upward. Bend your legs and wrap your knee joints with cancers. Return to starting position. The exercise must be repeated 30 times.
6 exercise
Lie on your back with your legs apart and your arms pointing up. Tighten the limb muscles as if they were stretching in different directions. Maintain static load for 3 to 5 seconds. The exercise must be repeated 5 to 7 times.
7 exercise
Lie on your back and bend your elbows and your knees. Lean on your forearms and feet. Lift your pelvis off the ground and hold it in place for 10 or 15 seconds. The exercise must be repeated 5 to 7 times.
Find out what exercises to do to heal your lumbar spine in this video: