Effective whitening homemade face masks

Effective whitening homemade face masks
Effective whitening homemade face masks

Learn recipes for making whitening masks at home using natural ingredients. How to whiten freckles and age spots harmlessly? The appearance of age spots, freckles, as well as other imperfections of the skin on the face can greatly spoil the mood. But this is not a cause for disappointment, because thanks to the use of special whitening masks from natural ingredients, you can get perfectly clean and smooth skin.

When to use whitening face masks?

Pigmentation on the face
Pigmentation on the face

Beautiful and well-groomed skin is a reason for envy and admiration, but not all girls can boast of this. Most suffer from freckles and age spots, uneven skin color, rashes and acne, dullness and dullness of the skin. These minor flaws can be eliminated on your own and fairly quickly if you choose the right whitening home mask.

It is important to adhere to one main rule - after applying such a mask in the next few hours, you should not go outside. If you cannot stay at home, a cream with a high level of protection against UV rays is necessarily applied to the skin. This rule must be strictly observed both in hot and cold seasons.

It is worth remembering that all whitening masks dry the skin greatly, which is why they can be used no more than once every few weeks. For oily skin care, it is recommended to apply such masks every 7 days. Regardless of what kind of whitening mask will be used, in order to obtain the desired result, such cosmetic procedures must be done systematically. Only after carrying out a full course will the effect be noticeable. When choosing a mask, it is important to take into account the type of skin and use only natural ingredients.

Features of the use of whitening masks

Girl with a whitening mask on her face
Girl with a whitening mask on her face

The use of whitening masks has certain rules that must be followed, since only in this case it will be possible to achieve the set goal:

  1. Regardless of the skin type, women over 40 years old can use such cosmetic masks no more than once a week.
  2. The best time to use whitening masks is the second half of the day, preferably in the evening, before going to bed. Due to the observance of this recommendation, it is possible to prevent unwanted exposure to the treated delicate skin of the sun's rays, which can negate all efforts.
  3. It is recommended to combine whitening masks with mild peeling and moisturizing face cream.
  4. It is imperative to take vitamin complexes during the period of skin whitening.
  5. Almost all homemade masks include natural ingredients (for example, parsley, berries, honey, cucumbers, etc.), so each ingredient must be selected very carefully so as not to accidentally provoke an allergic reaction.

Recipes for effective whitening face masks

Whitening facial mask
Whitening facial mask

Today there is just a huge number of different recipes for whitening masks that you can prepare yourself at home and use them at any convenient time. You should not try to apply several different types of masks at the same time, since such actions will not give a visible result, because after the first application of the product, you cannot completely get rid of freckles or age spots.

One of the most effective and effective masks is the one that contains a cucumber. The juice of this vegetable will help get rid of signs of pigmentation and ugly freckles pretty quickly. The cucumber contains moisturizing and whitening agents.

For dry skin care, you can regularly use the following composition:

  • homemade heavy cream or fat face cream is taken;
  • one cucumber is chopped on a fine grater so that a vegetable gruel is obtained as a result;
  • all the ingredients are mixed, after which the finished composition is applied directly to the previously cleansed skin;
  • the mask may turn out to be liquid, so that it does not drain off the face, it is worth putting a layer of clean gauze on top;
  • the mask is left on the skin for 15 minutes and then washed off with plenty of cool water.

For the care of oily and combination skin, masks containing cucumber are ideal, but the second component can be almost anything - for example, calendula alcohol tincture, vodka, etc.

For normal skin types, you can add fresh juice of half a lemon to the cucumber gruel, because this citrus fruit perfectly whitens the skin.

Lemon Whitening Mask

Girl with lemon
Girl with lemon

Lemon is not only one of the most effective, but also quite affordable remedies for the fight against age spots and freckles. Citrus contains citric acid, which helps cleanse the upper layers of the skin, removing accumulated dead cells from its surface.

The result is a gentle and gentle exfoliation using a natural chemical scrub that helps cleanse the epidermis. This removes not only dead cells, but also dirt, sebum, including spots that have formed from freckles and acne.

Lemon juice contains an abundance of vitamin C, which preserves the youthfulness and elasticity of the epidermis, restoring its ideal shade. Ascorbic acid contributes to the normalization of the process of production of cells of their own melanin, which in turn helps the production of collagen. Hence, lemon juice eliminates a variety of problems, helping to quickly improve the appearance of the skin. You can use a universal recipe:

  • 1 lemon is taken;
  • citrus juice is squeezed into a deep container;
  • a cotton sponge is taken and soaked in lemon juice;
  • wipe problem areas where there are age spots or freckles;
  • in cases where the skin color is very uneven, it is worth using as much juice as possible.

This mask can be applied several times a day, continuing until a perfectly even skin tone is obtained.

When using lemon whitening masks, the following mistakes should not be made:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to purchase concentrated lemon juice in stores, as this product contains harmful preservatives, flavors and dyes.
  2. After using lemon juice, you cannot immediately go outside, because the sensitivity of the epidermis increases several times.
  3. In order not to harm the skin, it is recommended to process it in the afternoon or right before bed.
  4. It is important to remember that lemon juice is not suitable for everyone, therefore, if there is a burning sensation, redness, tingling or tingling sensation, you need to stop using this remedy, choosing a different mask for yourself.

One of the most effective whitening masks is the combination of lemon and honey. Its preparation takes place according to the following scheme:

  • juice of 1 lemon is taken and mixed with 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • all components are thoroughly mixed, after which they are applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face;
  • after 15 minutes, the rest of the mixture is washed off with cool water.

A mixture of lemon and turmeric has a pronounced whitening effect. To prepare such a mask you will need:

  • 1 tsp is taken. fresh lemon juice and mixed with 0.5 tsp. turmeric powder;
  • all components are thoroughly mixed;
  • the result is a mushy mass that is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face;
  • it is advisable to scrub before using this mask;
  • the mask is left on for about 8-10 minutes;
  • after the specified time, the remnants of the mixture are washed off with cool water, after which the cream is applied.

Whitening parsley face mask

Girl with parsley
Girl with parsley

Simple parsley will help to quickly and gently lighten problem areas, thanks to which the skin becomes soft and perfectly smooth.

To brighten the skin of the face, you can use the following whitening masks, which include parsley:

  1. 2 bunches of fresh herbs are taken and crushed, then poured with boiling water. The mass is boiled for 2 minutes on minimum heat, then the mixture is wrung out. The resulting composition is used to wipe the skin, paying special attention to problem areas.
  2. You will need to take parsley with oatmeal. Oatmeal is pre-crushed until powder is obtained, then 1 tbsp is added. l. finely chopped parsley and 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice. In the event that the composition turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of mineral water. The finished mask is applied to cleansed skin and left for 15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.
  3. In equal quantities, cottage cheese is mixed with parsley, if the composition turns out to be too dense, a little milk is added. The finished mixture is applied to the skin and washed off after 10 minutes with warm water.
  4. To whiten dry skin, you should use the following recipe - the parsley leaves are washed, dried, crushed, mixed with fatty homemade sour cream. All components are taken in equal amounts. The composition is left on the skin for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water. If an oily sheen remains on the face, a cosmetic napkin is used to remove it.
  5. Take 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and mixed with chopped parsley. The composition is applied to the skin, after 30 minutes it is washed off with warm water. Provided that this mask is used daily for a month, a positive result will be noticeable - freckles and pigmented rashes are completely removed, the skin becomes soft and well-groomed.

Whitening masks for age spots

Anti-pigmentation whitening mask
Anti-pigmentation whitening mask

Many girls suffer from such a cosmetic defect as age spots or dark areas on the skin of the face. Of course, the first time you can't get rid of them completely, so you need to be patient and regularly use special masks.

If you constantly use the following masks, you can abandon the expensive services of cosmetologists:

  1. Warm water is mixed with mustard powder to form a mushy mass, which is applied pointwise directly to problem areas. You may experience a slight tingling and burning sensation, but this is completely normal. After 15 minutes, the remnants of the mixture are washed off with warm water, but the skin cannot be wiped off with a towel, it will be enough to get slightly wet. It is worth abandoning the use of this mask with increased hair growth, as well as rosacea.
  2. 1/3 of a glass of black beer is taken and mixed with egg white, then cucumber gruel is introduced. The composition is applied to the skin and washed off after 15 minutes; it is not recommended to keep the mask longer. The mask turns out to be quite liquid, so that it does not spread, it is recommended to put a gauze napkin on top of your face.
  3. Take horseradish root and grind on a grater, then mix with apple gruel. The composition is applied to gauze, pre-folded in several layers and applied to the face. After 15 minutes, the rest of the mixture is washed off with cool water.
  4. A clean gauze swab is soaked in viburnum juice and applied to the areas with pigmentation, the compress is left for 10 minutes. Then the procedure is repeated. The full course consists of 15 procedures, then a break is taken for 7 days and is repeated again. Such masks can be done every day for 10 days. If the mask will be used for dry skin, the composition is diluted in equal amounts with any cream.

So that in the future you do not have to face the appearance of age spots or freckles again, the masks listed above can be used as a prophylaxis. Also, before going outside at any time of the year, including in winter, sunscreen must be applied to the skin.

Find out more interesting recipes for whitening masks at home from this video:
