Useful properties of corn syrup and its chemical composition. Recipes for making sweeteners for home cooking. What products contain artificial honey and can it harm human health?
Corn syrup is a thick, honey-flavored syrup that can sweeten any baked goods or beverage. According to GOST, molasses belongs to starch products. It can take both liquid and powder form. Dry sweetener is obtained by drying the syrup. Both types of molasses are used in the confectionery industry, in the manufacture of a number of alcoholic beverages, and in the preparation of a balanced diet. You can prepare a natural honey substitute in your own kitchen in just a few minutes. There are practically no contraindications to the use of this product.
Composition and calorie content of corn syrup

Sweet syrup is full of carbohydrates, practically does not contain proteins, dietary fiber and water.
The calorie content of corn syrup is 316 kcal per 100 g, of which:
- Proteins - 0 g;
- Fat - 3 g;
- Carbohydrates - 3 g;
- Dietary fiber - 0 g;
- Water - 21 g.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
- Potassium, K - 29 mg;
- Calcium, Ca - 25 mg;
- Magnesium, Mg - 13 mg;
- Sodium, Na - 80 mg;
- Phosphorus, P - 48 mg.
Trace elements are represented by iron, of which 1.2 mg is contained in 100 g of corn syrup.
In addition, the chemical composition of corn syrup contains elements such as beta-carotene, vitamins B, E, P and PP.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:
- Starch and dextrins - 35 g;
- Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) - 3 g.
On a note! Corn syrup is often called a semi-finished product, because it is a product of incomplete hydrolysis of starch.
Useful properties of corn syrup

The main benefit of corn syrup is a high percentage of sucrose, which is absorbed by the human body faster than the type of sugar we are used to. That is why it is often included in the diet or sports nutrition.
Some scientists have come to the conclusion that due to the large amount of sucrose, molasses can cause obesity. At the same time, they confirm its beneficial properties and advise to use sweetness in limited quantities.
Another advantage of honey syrup is its low cost. It is advantageous to use corn semi-finished product in the food industry instead of sugar.
Other health benefits of corn syrup:
- Low crystallization rate … The product is irreplaceable for use in the manufacture of preserves, jams, marmalade, etc. Thanks to molasses, these sweets do not harden for a long time, remain soft and viscous.
- Long shelf life … Molasses is a natural natural preservative, therefore it can increase the shelf life of food.
- Reduced freezing point … The semi-finished product practically does not harden at subzero temperatures, therefore it is added to ice cream and all kinds of frozen juices so that they do not turn into ice, but are suitable for consumption.
- Similarity to the taste of honey … Many modern people are diagnosed with an allergy to natural honey, the solution for allergy sufferers will be the use of no less tasty molasses.
- Content of a large amount of nutrients … Periodic use of corn syrup has a beneficial effect on human well-being, helps to normalize the work of all internal organs, and speeds up metabolism.
Note! People who consume corn syrup in moderation have a marked increase in immunity.
Contraindications and harm to corn syrup

Almost nothing is said in the scientific literature about the dangers of corn syrup - the product is absolutely safe for human health if consumed in reasonable doses.
It is forbidden to take sweeteners in food for people who are found to be intolerant to corn, which is extremely rare. Also, experts do not recommend overusing sweetness to anyone who has high blood sugar levels.
How to make corn syrup?

It is almost impossible to buy this sweetener in an ordinary supermarket. You can find it in specialized stores or prepare it yourself. The internet space and cookbooks are overflowing with tips on how to make corn syrup.
Next, check out the easiest way to prepare honey substance:
- Take 300 ml of hot boiled water, add 700 g of cornstarch to it and, stirring, bring the resulting mass to a boil.
- Add 2 g of citric acid to the starch water and cook for 45 minutes. Keep the fire moderate.
- Cool the prepared syrup a little and add a prepared solution of baking soda (1, 5 g) and water into it. Don't be surprised to see foam in the pan after adding the baking soda. Stir the substance and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. After that, the molasses will be ready for use. If you notice that there is still foam on its surface, it does not matter. Collect the remains with a spoon.
- Pour the finished product into a glass container and store in the refrigerator.
Interesting fact! Starch syrup is widely used in both cooking and pharmacology. It is often added to medicinal syrups as a natural sweetener.
Treacle recipes and drinks

Unless necessary, molasses is not consumed in its pure form; it is added to various dishes as a natural sweetener, plasticizer or preservative.
TOP 4 recipes for simple dishes using corn honey substitute:
- Quick glaze … The dish is prepared in a water bath. Mix 3/4 cup sugar with 1 tbsp. l. molasses and 3 tbsp. l. water. Add a pinch of salt and 3 proteins to the resulting mass. It is better to choose larger eggs. Boil the substance for no longer than 4 minutes (until the sugar dissolves). Next, add vanilla extract (0.5 tsp) to the cream and beat it with a mixer. Set the whisk to the maximum speed. Beat until thick and high peaks appear on the surface of the cream. The glaze is ready! At the exit, you should have 4 cups of thick and airy frosting.
- Chocolate cream or ganache … In a metal container, mix 3 tbsp. l. corn syrup and 1 cup high fat cream (200 ml). Boil the resulting mass over low heat and add 350 g of chopped chocolate into it (choose dark varieties). Stir and remove from heat. Add vanillin (0.5 tsp). As a result, you should get 1, 5 cups of fragrant cream.
- Marshmallow cream … Heat 90 ml of water with molasses diluted in it (1, 25 tbsp.) And sugar (180 ml). At the same time, in another bowl, beat 4 egg whites with a pinch of salt. When the mass has foamed, add a tablespoon of sugar to it and beat again with a mixer. Pour the resulting syrup into the finished cream, add 2 tbsp. l. vanilla and stir again until thick and fluffy. The dish is ready!
- Fruit alcoholic ice on a stick … For alcohol, use 750 ml Spanish sangria or another type of weak fruit wine. Heat the liquid and let it evaporate slightly from the pan. When 2.5 glasses of wine remain in the container, add 1 glass of pomegranate juice to it, 2 tbsp. l. orange juice and the same amount of grape, 25 g of sugar syrup and 2 tbsp. l. molasses. Next, cut into small cubes 2 each pear, apple and orange. Combine fruit with liquid and remove from heat. The resulting drink should be infused, so leave it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture, pour it into special molds that are used to make ice cream, and leave them in the freezer. After a few hours, the frozen juice will be ready to drink.
Corn syrup is actively used by fishermen to create effective complementary foods. The sweet mixture is added to the mix of dry food and booster to make the bait as attractive as possible for the fish.
Several recipes for alcoholic beverages, for the preparation of which you will need dried corn syrup:
- Kissel … Dissolve 400 g molasses in water (8 cups) and boil. Add 1 cup of cold water with dissolved potato starch to the hot mixture (incomplete 100 gram cup). Wait for the syrup to boil and begin to thicken. Cool the jelly and serve!
- Beer … Dissolve 2 kg of molasses in 30 liters of water and cook the resulting mixture for 40 minutes. Then add the crushed ginger and cook for another 20 minutes. Remove the finished mixture from heat, add bay leaf, 10 g of cinnamon and 50 g of hops to it. Leave to cool under the lid. Take a liter of liquid from the resulting mass and dilute 50 g of beer yeast in it. Combine the prepared starter with the remaining syrup. The liquid should ferment for 2-3 days, after which it can be bottled. Please note that the spilled beer at this stage of preparation is not yet usable. It should be left in a cool room for a week, and only then can you enjoy the original taste of homemade beer.
To make beer or jelly, you can use store-bought molasses or a home-made product.
Good to know! Corn syrup replaces sugar in many popular sodas. It is in the beloved by all Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
Interesting facts about corn syrup

For the manufacture of molasses, many products are used, including: potatoes, beets, wheat, barley, sorghum and more. However, in Russia, the most popular is sweet syrup made on the basis of corn starch.
In America, corn syrup is considered a cheaper substitute for cane sugar, therefore it is actively used in the manufacture of confectionery, sugary drinks and other products that, according to the recipe, must contain sugar.
Some beekeepers who own large honey farms add corn syrup to bee feed. This food supplement significantly increases the volume of honey production.
This type of sweetener is used in the production of most imported sweets. It can even be found in burgers and meat restaurant dishes. Therefore, in order not to oversaturate your body with glucose, carefully read the composition of the foods you eat.
What is corn syrup - watch the video:

Summing up the topic of the harm and benefits of corn syrup, experts emphasize: the product is capable of harming the human body only if consumed in excessive amounts. If you decide to regularly use it in your home kitchen, seek the advice of a nutritionist. Your dietitian will determine the optimal molasses consumption rate for you.