Description of stevia sweetener, energy value and chemical composition. Useful properties and possible contraindications for use. Recipes and interesting facts.
Stevia is a natural sweetener made from the medicinal perennial Stevia shrub of the same name, which belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its chemical composition contains the stevioside component, thanks to which the sweetness of the plant is 15 times higher than refined sugar and 18 times higher than raw cane sugar. The sweetest part of the bush is the leaves. The natural component is used to normalize blood glucose levels in people with diabetes and people who follow a healthy lifestyle. Stevia sugar substitute does not contain any flavors or preservatives, colors or flavors. Currently, it is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Features of making stevia sweetener

In the photo, tea from stevia leaves
The habitat of the stevia plant is the territory of South and Central America up to Mexico. But they have already bred subspecies that are resistant to temperature changes, which are grown in China, Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia.
How stevia sweetener is made industrially:
- Collect the raw material at the stage of bud emergence, manually cutting the plant 6-8 cm above the root.
- They are washed and dried in special dryers.
- Separate the leaves from the stems with your hands.
- They can then immediately package the leaves and sell them as tea or grind the stevia into a powder.
To make an extract that is a natural sweetener, dried stevia leaves are soaked in solution until the active ingredient, the sweet glycoside, is released.

Photo of stevia sugar substitute in tablet form
Stevia can also be purchased in tablet form. In this case, after water extraction of the raw material for the production of stevia tablets, it is discolored, purified and pressed.
How to make your own stevia sweetener:
- The collection of plants and drying is carried out in the manner already described. But at home, the leaves are separated from the stem immediately after cutting to speed up the manufacturing process. First, they are washed with running water, and then they get rid of excess moisture by blotting with paper towels.
- For the manufacture of stevia extract for 1 liter of ethyl alcohol, take 300 g of fresh leaves or 150 g of dried leaves.
- Prepared raw materials are poured into a glass jar (preferably dark glass), poured with alcohol and shaken. Close with a tight lid and put away for 2 days in a dark place. You cannot store longer than 48 hours, otherwise you will get bitterness instead of sweetness.
- Filter the herbal gruel through cheesecloth folded in several layers, squeeze thoroughly. The liquid is placed in a water bath and heated so as to avoid boiling until the alcohol can be evaporated. The volume is reduced by three times, the consistency becomes viscous to the touch, sediment may form.
- Packaged in sterilized glass bottles and stored in a cool place without access to light for 6-7 months.
Note! The loss of the beneficial properties of the stevia sugar substitute is indicated by a change in taste: a pronounced bitterness appears.

In the photo, stevia leaf syrup
If you plan to cook stevia extract in water, the plant is prepared according to the method already described. For 1 liter of liquid, 100 g of finely chopped dried leaves or 250 g of fresh are required. Insist for 24 hours, filter, wring out. Evaporation can be dispensed with. The shelf life is short-term - up to 2 weeks.
Stevia syrup is made from the extract. The liquid is left for a long time in a water bath until the contents of the pan are reduced by three or half. More useful is a syrup made from an aqueous extract. To get it, a single heat treatment is enough.
Composition and calorie content of stevia sugar substitute

The plant is used as a sugar substitute due to the high amount of glycosides contained in the leaves. But this quality is not the only reason for the popularity of culture.
The calorie content of the stevia sweetener from the dried leaves of the plant is 0 kcal per 100 g, of which:
- Protein - 10 g;
- Fat - 1.5 g;
- Carbohydrates - 16 g;
- Dietary fiber - 2.6 g;
- Water - 10.5 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
- Vitamin B1, thiamine - 10.8 mg;
- Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 35.8 mg;
- Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 8.5 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
- Potassium, K - 516 mg;
- Calcium, Ca - 587 mg;
- Magnesium, Mg - 1734 mg;
- Sodium, Na - 56 mg;
- Phosphorus, P - 1260 mg.
Stevia powder and extract also have zero calories. But after extraction, the nutrients are partially destroyed, with the exception of vitamin C - the preparations are artificially enriched with it. All other substances are preserved in dosage forms.
The sweeteners from stevia contain 17 amino acids, carotenoids, tannins, flavonoids. Highlighted essential oils, the powerful antioxidant apigenin and the plant phytohormone campesterol. Of particular note is the high content of the flavonoid kaempferol, which has a powerful anti-cancer effect.
Organic acids in stevia:
- humic - a natural antiseptic;
- coffee - anti-inflammatory properties;
- formic - accelerates the regeneration of the epithelium.
Among glycosides, the following predominate:
- rebaudioside A - 150-222 times sweeter than sugar;
- stevioside - 110-260 times.
If the ratio of these substances is 6/1 or even 9/1, there is no bitter taste after eating stevia. With an equal content of glycosides, a licorice aftertaste remains.
The permissible norms for the use of stevia sweeteners have been developed, regardless of the form of release. In terms of pure substance, glycoside, up to 2 mg / kg. This amount corresponds to 40 g of sugar. When using stevia in the form of powder or dried leaves - 4 mg per day. When purchasing an extract or tablets, you should be guided by the instructions for use.
Benefits of Stevia Sweetener

Thanks to its sweet taste and zero calorie content, the herbal component helps people with diabetes to improve their quality of life. The safety of this natural sweetener has been confirmed by official research by Japanese scientists.
Benefits of stevia as a sugar substitute:
- Reduces the calorie content of foods, reduces the sensitivity of taste buds and blocks appetite, which contributes to weight loss. Prevents the development of obesity.
- If you follow the recommended dosage, it does not increase blood glucose levels.
- Prevents the development of candidiasis.
- Improves immunity and has antibacterial properties.
- Increases vascular tone, dissolves already formed cholesterol plaques, prevents the development of hypertension and atherosclerosis.
- Reduces the release of histamine and norepinephrine, has a calming effect.
- Stops age-related changes and accelerates wound healing.
- Increases the strength of nails and teeth, improves hair quality.
- Stimulates the hormonal system, normalizes the secretion of pancreatic enzymes.
Thanks to pectin and tannins, natural stevia supports the vital activity of the intestinal flora, accelerates peristalsis and protects the mucous membrane lining the intestines from aggressive substances secreted by the digested food lump.
It should be noted the beneficial properties of stevia as a sweetener for people with a history of diabetes mellitus:
- dissolves "bad" cholesterol;
- normalizes metabolic processes and, by reducing the load on the pancreas, promotes recovery at the cellular level;
- stevia in diabetes thins the blood and prevents (or alleviates) varicose veins;
- has a mild diuretic effect;
- reduces sensitivity to allergens and inhibits the production of histamine.
Herbal mixtures from dried herbs weaken coughing attacks, reduce their number and severity in obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma and whooping cough.
Replacing refined sugar with a natural sweetener stevia normalizes the reproductive system in men and improves sperm quality, helps to cope with unhealthy cravings if you want to give up alcohol, smoking and drug addiction.
Contraindications and harm of stevia sweetener

The use of a plant and preparations made from it is not dangerous, but abuse can provoke negative consequences - increased bile secretion, indigestion, increased secretion of saliva and bronchial secretions.
Stevia can cause harm as a sweetener in pregnant women, young children and women during lactation. The effect on developing organisms has not yet been studied. In addition, side effects were identified: lowering blood pressure, the appearance of rashes in the form of urticaria, irritation of the oral mucosa.
Note! For healthy people, stevia can only be used with a complete rejection of sugar.
It has been found that the use of more than 50 mg of sugar substitute per day for 1-2 months can be fatal.
The effect of the composition on the female reproductive system is currently being studied. Since Paraguayans and American Indians used herb as a contraceptive, exceeding the recommended dose of stevia in the instructions can provoke secondary infertility.
You cannot sweeten milk with stevia - this method of use will lead to dysbiosis.
Stevia Sweetener Recipes

When preparing baked goods and various desserts, it is more advisable to use syrup or extract, but for drinks, you should give preference to dried plant materials. But if the goal is simply to sweeten the dish, use the powder form.
Stevia Sweetener Recipes:
- Pancakes … It will be tastier if you take chickpea flour with a pronounced nutty flavor. It does not contain gluten, so it can help you lose weight. To make flour, chickpeas are boiled until half cooked, thrown back on a drushlag. Then it is crushed, laid out in one layer on a baking sheet and baked in the oven for 10 minutes, so that it does not burn. When everything is dry, re-grind in a coffee grinder and sift. Knead a thick dough: 300 g of flour, 360 ml of water, a pinch of soda, 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 chicken eggs, 3-4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. stevia syrup. Allow to stand under the lid at room temperature for 1 hour. Then kefir or yogurt is poured in, so much as to get a batter. Fried on 2 sides.
- Sweet salad … Fresh strawberries, 0.25 kg, cut in half. Remove white layers from orange slices - 2 fruits, squeeze juice from a whole orange to get 1/4 cup. Mix strawberries, citrus wedges, 3 sliced bananas and a glass of melon cubes. For dressing, mix half a glass of olive oil, orange juice, 1 tsp each. paprika powder and mustard, stevia syrup. Lemon juice is poured in - enough to remove excess cloying. Decorate with lettuce leaves torn by hands - so they will be juicier.
- Tomato soup … Boil 1/3 cup brown rice until tender. 12 small fresh meaty tomatoes are placed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes to remove the thin skin, and mashed. Season the tomato with balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l., 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 0.25 tsp. syrup or stevia extract. Bring to full homogeneity with a hand blender, cool. Put rice in a plate, pour it over with tomato, you can add spicy herbs - to your own taste.
- Blueberry jam … Pour 1 liter of fresh blueberries into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour 50 ml with white wine. Leave for 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally. Cook over very low heat, adding 0.25 tsp. chopped cloves and the same amount of cinnamon. Instead of sugar, use stevia extract or syrup - 1 tbsp. l., no more. It is boiled as usual jam, until the drop stops rolling off the nail.
To brew stevia tea, leaves, 20-25 g, pour 50 ml of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes under the lid. Then it is filtered, diluted to 250 ml. Additional properties of this tea: soothes, lowers blood pressure and blood sugar.
Interesting facts about stevia

A perennial plant from the Asteraceae family (Asteraceae) has the Latin name Stevia, and in common parlance it is a sweet biennial or honey herb. Of the 286 species, only 18 are edible.
The plant propagates by dividing the root, seeds and shoots. You can grow it on your own plot, but you need to take into account - you will have to bring it into the house for the winter. The shrub loves the sun and well-drained soil rich in humus. A part of the root or cutting is planted, the soil is constantly moistened. When propagated by seeds, half of the crop is lost.
Surprisingly, despite the fact that the American Indians, Paraguayans and Mexicans have been using honey herb for food and medical purposes for several centuries, Europeans only became interested in it at the end of the 19th century. This is explained by the fact that the locals did not reveal the secret of which herb is sweet.
Only the Italian Antonio Bertoni managed to find an edible species among the numerous subspecies.
The study of the medicinal properties of stevia began in the 30s of the twentieth century. Chemists from France were the first to isolate stevioside in its pure form - a sweet white powder that looks like flour. Numerous animal experiments have shown no side effects when replacing sugar with a new substance.
The government of England became interested in the discovery. During the blockade by German submarines, the plant "rescued" the British - the grass was grown in a cool climate. Stevia powder began to be included in soldiers' rations. By the way, in 1997, stevia as a sweetener was introduced into the diet of American military personnel.
The Japanese began to study the plant in 1954. At this time, and revealed its most useful property for the Japanese at this time interval - to accelerate the removal of radionuclides. At the same time, other qualities were discovered: prevention of caries, normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and fat burning. The sweetener began to be used for the preparation of gum, sugary drinks, ice cream and seafood.
Currently, stevia is predominantly used in diabetes mellitus to satisfy sugar cravings.
How to take stevia - watch the video: