Benefits of African Black Soap for Beauty and Health

Benefits of African Black Soap for Beauty and Health
Benefits of African Black Soap for Beauty and Health

Learn what African black soap is, what benefits it has, and how to use it correctly. Women are always on the lookout for funds that will help prolong their youth. And more recently, cosmetologists have been able to find a way to solve various problems associated with the condition of the facial skin. To do this, you must regularly use a special African black soap.

We can say that this is an invaluable gift of African nature, which is based on a large number of plant components. This tool is used in cosmetology, as well as medicine. With its help, you can take care of aging and problem skin, including use for the treatment of various types of dermatitis.

Composition of black soap

Black African soap and snails
Black African soap and snails

African soap has one very interesting feature - no animal fats are used for its preparation, which is a characteristic difference from a simple household and aromatic modern counterpart. This type of soap can be used for both facial skin and hair care.

This all-purpose cosmetic is incredibly useful, and it also contains plantae, which is a type of banana and a must-have in any kind of African black soap. It is applied in the form of ash. Thanks to the action of the beneficial substances of green banana, the process of regulation of the fat balance in the skin is accelerated, while it becomes possible to quickly get rid of age spots.

This cosmetic product contains:

  1. Coconut oil that provides effective yet gentle cleansing of the surface of the skin, creating an airy foam.
  2. Vegetable glycerin provides skin softening.
  3. Palm oil acts as an anti-inflammatory and protective agent.
  4. Shea butter is a natural UV filter, therefore it protects the skin from the negative effects of the sun's rays.
  5. Vitamin E and A reliably protect the epidermis at the cellular level from premature aging.
  6. Lime juice has a stimulating effect on the collagen production process, thereby maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
  7. Plant ash from the peel of fruits, leaves, bark has a regenerating and wound healing effect.
  8. Natural honey provides effective protection against various types of bacteria, while softening and healing wounds.

Each of the ingredients in African Black Oil has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Thanks to their complex effect, it becomes possible to solve various problems associated with the condition of the skin, including getting rid of such serious diseases as eczema.

African soap helps to quickly get rid of acne, rashes and blackheads, has a mattifying effect, prevents the onset of aging of the epidermis, while the skin is reliably protected from the bright sun, and the correct fat balance is restored.

How is black soap made?

Raw materials for black soap
Raw materials for black soap

Every single piece of African soap is the result of painstaking and intricate handicraft. To prepare it, only the plant resources of the country of origin are used. The main ingredient in this cosmetic product is a green banana.

Banana panthein (green banana) is a green, starchy fruit. In Africa, it acts as a potato we are accustomed to for preparing a variety of savory and very satisfying dishes.

For the production of soap, finely chopped green banana fruits are used, which are well dried beforehand. The leaves and rind of the fruit are also used. First, dry components are burned, and then ash is used as the main constituent of the soap.

Pre-dried pods of cocoa beans, including shea bark, are also burned with pantein. Then the resulting ash is filled with water and filtered. Not only oils are added to the composition, but also auxiliary ingredients.

Black soap is cooked throughout the day, while the mixture must be constantly stirred, otherwise it will burn. The finished broth is left for about 14 days, since during this period it will continue to ripen. After 15-30 days, the formation of soap bars begins.

For the first time, the Republic of Ghana began the production of black soap based on natural plant components, after which other countries on the continent gradually began to catch up. Today there are a fairly large number of different types of black soaps, both in solid and liquid form:

  1. The most popular is black soap Dudu-Osun. It contains the bark of sandalwood or African aziris. This soap was developed for the bath, as it has a persistent and pleasant aroma, while being very loyal to the skin.
  2. Nubian black soap includes in its composition natural aloe juice, due to which the processes of skin regeneration are accelerated, therefore, wounds and scratches heal much faster.
  3. Light black soap Tama contains a large number of additional ingredients. Moreover, the more components a product contains, the wider the spectrum of its action will be.

How to use and store black soap?

African soap Dudu-Osun
African soap Dudu-Osun

Unlike plain soap, African soap has certain differences in the way it is used. Before using it, you must first wet it, and then foam it with a shaving brush.

At first, African soap will be very difficult to wash, so you need to repeat the movements for a while to beat the lather. Then it can be applied not only to the skin but also to the hair.

As a result, the foam turns out to be a slightly unusual grayish-brown shade. After the skin has been washed, the remnants of the product are washed off with plenty of warm water.

African black soap can only be stored in a dry place that is reliably protected from moisture. It is important that the soap bars themselves are dry. The fact is that if they are in a soggy state, they will simply become sour and the soap will be used up several times faster. Natural African black soap helps to solve various problems associated with the condition of the skin, and it also becomes an indispensable tool for the care of professional makeup artists. And this is not surprising, because it helps to gently but thoroughly clean expensive brushes, thanks to which they will remain in almost perfect condition and will last much longer.

Black soap for hair care

Girl with loose hair and black soap
Girl with loose hair and black soap

Liquid black soap can be an excellent, and most importantly, natural replacement for shampoo. This product helps to quickly and gently remove dead scalp cells. The soap contains only natural ingredients that help to strengthen the hair roots, while providing good nutrition and saturation with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Thanks to the regular use of black soap for hair care, it becomes stronger and stronger, restoring its natural beauty and shine.

The main disadvantage of this product is that it is very difficult to wash off the soap from the hair. This primarily applies to African black soap in solid form.

Girls who have already tried the action of this remedy are advised to first beat the foam, and then apply soap to the hair. In that case, if this algorithm is violated, there is a risk that the hair will stick together strongly, after which it will be very difficult to comb it. With regular use of black soap, hair regains shine and becomes silky.

Black soap in cosmetology

Cosmetics based on African soap
Cosmetics based on African soap

It is simply impossible to make African black soap on your own, but today there are certain cosmetic variations. Subject to the non-standard use of this unique tool, you can enhance its useful qualities several times and get much more benefit than with classical use.

You can regularly wash your hair with well-foamed black soap and water, but there is also the option of using a multi-continental elixir of strength. For example, to lather black African soap, you can use chilled decoctions or infusions of calendula or chamomile flowers, oak bark, nettle leaves. To prepare such a broth, 2 tbsp is taken. l. dry raw materials per 1 liter of water.

If you need to quickly get rid of acne and blackheads or tighten sagging skin, it is recommended to regularly use a honey-soap mask. To do this, take a small piece of black soap and fill it with warm water in a 1: 2 ratio. Then you need to wait about 10 minutes, since the soap should get soaked well, then it needs to be frothed. Then a small amount of honey is added until a thick enough paste is formed. The resulting composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, décolleté and neck area, you can also treat any part of the body. After half an hour, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water.

African black soap can also be used to make a natural cleansing facial scrub. To do this, mix a small amount of soap suds with salt. With a ready-made scrub, you need to regularly process the skin of the face.

Black African soap today remains an unusual novelty for many. But it is a wonderful and completely natural remedy designed to address a variety of skin-related problems. However, before using this product, you must remember about the existing contraindications - this type of soap is strictly forbidden to use for the treatment of dry skin types. This miracle remedy helps to quickly and quite easily get rid of ugly blackheads, acne, including age spots.

In those cases when this tool is used for the first time, you first need to carefully monitor the reaction of the skin, if there are no unpleasant sensations, you can safely use African soap to care for the skin of the face and body, as well as for hair. Before buying, you need to make sure that this is a real black soap, which contains only natural ingredients.

Regular use of unusual gray foam helps to make hair stronger, stronger, an effective healing course of internal restoration of strands is carried out. The curls become shiny, a bright and rich color returns. It is also useful to carry out daily washing with African black soap, so that you can not only get rid of ugly oily sheen and acne, but also effectively prevent their appearance in the future.

Watch how to make DIY African black soap in this video:
