Alkaline diet - for beauty and health

Alkaline diet - for beauty and health
Alkaline diet - for beauty and health

There is a diet that is designed to balance the pH of the foods consumed. This program allows you not only to control your weight, but also to improve your health.

Basic principles of an alkaline diet

Alkaline food
Alkaline food

The duration of the alkaline diet is usually 3-4 weeks. During the passage of this program of recovery and weight loss, acidity in the blood will be restored, and the body itself will be cleansed of acidic toxins.

  1. Chew the food you eat thoroughly during the meal, try to eat slowly.
  2. After breakfast, lunch, etc. allowed to drink herbal tea. Also use water and natural fruit juices as a drink.
  3. Stick to the correct ratio of alkaline to acidic foods you eat (80% to 20% or 70% to 30%).
  4. The last meal must be taken no later than 19:00.
  5. Before going on an alkaline diet, it is strongly recommended to gradually increase the amount of consumed alkaline foods and reduce the proportion of acidic ones.
  6. Seeds and various nuts are allowed, without drying, as well as green beans and peas.
  7. Do you like fish? An alkaline diet allows you to consume it 2-3 times a week.
  8. Grain products can be eaten 3 times a week.
  9. As natural sweets, you can use dried fruits, honey, brown sugar, maple syrup, unrefined molasses, only in small quantities.
  10. Small amounts of meat are allowed. Goose and duck are banned due to their high cholesterol content.
  11. Limit your intake of foods containing preservatives and saturated additives.
  12. Canned fruits and vegetables, smoked and salty foods are prohibited.
  13. Try to start your morning with a yellow and green vegetable.
  14. Observe fractional meals.
  15. To give the dishes the best taste, it is allowed to use only natural oils without additives.

All food products that we see on store shelves, having an acidic and alkaline environment, affect the body in different ways. If an acidic environment destroys the integrity of bone tissue, then an alkaline one aims to neutralize the action of this acid, thereby providing an optimal pH environment. Internal organs work better in an alkaline environment, and if a person often eats food with a pH of no more than 6, acidification occurs in his body, as a result, useful microelements are washed out.

Alkaline foods include vegetables and herbs (cauliflower, baked potatoes, beets, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, ginger, parsley, arugula, celery), cereals (buckwheat, brown rice and oats), fruits (apples and pears, apricots, figs, dates, lemon, lime), coconut, avocado, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, sesame seeds, almonds.

Acidic foods should make up 20% or 30% of the diet and include legumes, grains and nuts, fish, seafood, all dairy products, high yeast breads, butter, eggs, meat, and drinks such as coffee and tea.

There are many protein diets. On the one hand, protein helps cells grow and repair, but some nutritionists claim that the pH of protein products is not more than 6, and there is a lot of cholesterol in animal products, as a result of which not only the health of blood vessels, but also internal organs worsens. Fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods, they are aimed at optimizing metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss.

Diet Result and Cautions

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

It is not difficult to go through this diet if you have long adhered to at least some principle of proper nutrition. Already after the first week of the alkaline program, there will be a surge of energy, improved mood, memory and skin condition, reduced bloating and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. You will notice how you have ceased to be as addicted to sweets, as it was before.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting an alkaline diet, and note that this program is contraindicated for people with heart disease, chronic or acute renal failure, serious gastrointestinal problems. lose up to 4 kg in a week. The next week, the weight loss was only 1 kg.

Diet for a week

You can develop your diet with an alkaline program yourself, taking into account the principles of the diet and permitted foods, or with the help of a nutritionist. An approximate weekly menu looks like this:

  • Monday. Eat one yellow and one green vegetable, drink 200 ml of soy milk. For lunch, boil 150 g of chicken fillet and add fresh vegetables to the cooked meat. You can treat yourself to yogurt later. In the evening, until 19:00, a serving of vegetable salad, 150 g of boiled fish and juice is allowed.
  • Tuesday. Dates, yogurt with a minimum fat content with fruit, 200 ml of any fresh juice - this is how the breakfast of the second day of the diet might look like. For lunch, there is a stew of fish with vegetables, as well as a glass of soy milk. After a few hours, make yourself a protein omelet, snack on a slice of whole grain bread and drink 200 ml of juice.
  • Wednesday. Start your morning with fruit, dried fruit is allowed. For lunch, make a vegetable soup, tofu with green vegetables and beans. In the evening, boiled veal in the amount of 150 g, salad of any vegetables and yogurt are supposed.
  • Thursday. In the morning, treat yourself to a bowl of any fruit salad, yogurt and walnuts, or unroasted sunflower seeds. Dine on a vegetable salad, boiled chicken (150 g), later drink a mug of unsweetened herbal tea, and after a few hours, eat a vegetable stew and boiled fish in 150 g.
  • Friday. A glass of fresh juice and fruit can be consumed on the fifth day of the alkaline diet. For lunch, eat a portion of buckwheat with a small piece of boiled veal, after a while, drink herbal tea. Treat your body to fresh vegetables and low-fat yogurt in the evening.
  • Saturday. Eat a fruit salad with low-fat yogurt as a dressing in the morning. A 150g piece of chicken fillet with vegetable stew relies on lunch. Sip a mug of herbal tea between lunch and dinner. In the evening, make a vegetable salad and steam the fish.
  • Sunday. 200 ml of soy milk can be drunk on the morning of the seventh day of the alkaline diet. Eat an omelet and a serving of vegetable salad for breakfast. Take fish with vegetables and a cup of tea or fresh fruit for lunch. After a few hours, bake one large apple in the oven.

Alkaline Diet Video Tips:

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