Camel milk shubat: benefits, recipes, preparation

Camel milk shubat: benefits, recipes, preparation
Camel milk shubat: benefits, recipes, preparation

Description of shubat, in contrast to other types of fermented milk products. Calorie content and composition, benefits and harms when consumed. Recipes for dishes and drinks with chal, interesting facts about it. If you plan to quench your thirst with a drink, dilute it. But it can be combined with water even during preparation, when mixing the raw materials, in a 1: 1 ratio. The water is also heated to a temperature of 32 ° C. Such a chal is less fatty, tastes softer and more pleasant, and is more homogeneous in structure.

The composition and calorie content of chal

Bowls with shubat on a tray
Bowls with shubat on a tray

The fat content of the drink is high - when prepared without water, it reaches 8%. And the lactose content is low - 2.75%. For comparison: in cow's milk, milk protein is from 3, 5 to 4, 7%.

The calorie content of shubat made using traditional technology is 82 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 4 g;
  • Fats - 5, 1-7, 2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4, 9 g.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 7, 7 mg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.08 mg;
  • Vitamin E, tocopherol - 0.06 mg;
  • Vitamin A, retinol - 0.04 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.02 mg;
  • Vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin - 0, 00016 mg;
  • Vitamin D, calciferol - 0.15 mcg.

Micro and macro elements per 100 g:

  • Zinc - 0.4 mcg;
  • Iron - 0.1 mcg;
  • Cobalt - 0, 005 mg;
  • Potassium - 180 mg
  • Calcium - 121, 0 mg;
  • Sodium - 70.0 mg.

Unsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Oleic - 1379, 0 mg;
  • Palmitic - 638, 0 mg;
  • Myristic - 217, 0 mg;
  • Linolenic - 165, 0 mg;
  • Linoleic acid - 143, 0 mg.

Essential amino acids per 100 g:

  • Leucine - 568 mg;
  • Lysine - 409 mg;
  • Valine - 351 mg;
  • Isoleucine - 310 mg;
  • Threonine - 191 mg;
  • Phenylalanine - 172 mg;
  • Methionine - 163 mg;
  • Tryptophan - 62 mg

The nutritional value of chal is 3 times higher than that of cow's milk, and 1.5 times higher than that of kumis. But this does not mean that everyone should necessarily switch to a drink made from camel milk. The benefits and harms of shubat largely depend on the preparation technology, individual susceptibility, storage conditions. Unaccustomed people are sometimes sick of the drink. They cannot force themselves to swallow even a spoonful, especially a "real" thick product.

Note! Chalet made according to the "city" recipe with powdered cow's milk contains much less nutrients.

Useful properties of shubat

Girl drinks shubat
Girl drinks shubat

The medicinal effect of a fermented milk drink has been known for a long time.

The benefits of shubat:

  1. Restores the reserve of nutrients in the body.
  2. It has a relaxing and sedative effect, improves the quality of sleep, and allows you to recover during a night's rest.
  3. Stimulates the absorption of nutrients from foods that are consumed with chal.
  4. Possesses antimicrobial action, antibacterial properties are most pronounced.
  5. Isolates free radicals traveling in the intestinal lumen.
  6. Reduces blood clotting, promotes dissolution of cholesterol plaques, which are deposited on the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Reduces blood glucose levels and stimulates the production of natural insulin. Stops the development of type 1 diabetes.
  8. Creates favorable conditions for increasing the activity of beneficial intestinal flora, prevents the development of dysbiosis, inhibits the vital activity of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella, rotavirus.
  9. It stabilizes the immune system, suppresses antiagents, and prevents malignancy.
  10. Reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children.
  11. Stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, increases the secretion of bile.

If chal is introduced into the diet of patients who complain of food intolerance within 2 weeks, the problem disappears. The beneficial properties of shubat in lactose deficiency have been proven. There is much less casein in the composition, and if the disease is in an inactive phase, then intolerance does not occur. According to medical statistics, in 85% of cases, chal can be drunk by patients in whom cow's milk causes digestive disorders.

Women are advised to take 2-3 tablespoons of fermented milk drink diluted with water in order to withstand a weight loss diet. And for patients with hay fever or polyvalent allergies, the inclusion of a chal helps to get rid of negative manifestations.

The shamans of the Turkic peoples treated gastritis with low acidity, “pale sickness” (anemia), symptoms of diabetes mellitus, coughing attacks in asthma and whooping cough, tachycardia with a fermented milk product. They restored the condition of people after serious illnesses and supported the strength of the elderly.

Contraindications and harm to shubat

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

People who are unaccustomed to the original taste of a fermented milk drink, nausea comes to the throat even before the first sip. Many people refuse chal because of the sour taste.

There is no need to accustom the body to a new taste with increased flatulence, chronic pancreatitis, a tendency to diarrhea and individual intolerance to camel milk.

Note! The harm from shubat can appear if it was not stored properly or overheated before serving. When heated above 32 ° C, the drink turns sour. You should not acquaint children under 3 years old, pregnant and lactating women with shubat. The raw materials are not boiled or pasteurized, there is a high likelihood of developing infectious diseases. In babies, whose bodies have become accustomed to such a diet since childhood, the use of the drink does not cause any side effects.

Sometimes aged shubat is prepared, which contains alcohol (up to 1, 1%). In this case, the leavening process is extended to 2-2.5 days. Such a product is not given to children, as it has too aggressive effects on the body in general and on the intestines in particular. The intense intoxication and relaxing effect is due to the mixture of alcohol, carbon dioxide and organic acids.

Chal recipes

Okroshka in a plate
Okroshka in a plate

When it is planned to drink chal in its pure form, it is already stirred in a cup. To reduce the laxative effect, the drink is cooled.

Recipes with shubat:

  • Marinated meat … The chalu is allowed to stand for 1, 5 days, spices are added (pepper, salt, herbs to taste, giving spiciness), poured into a container. Portion pieces of any type of meat are lowered, allowed to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature and overnight in the refrigerator. Then you can string the meat on skewers, making "layers" of red onion rings, and cook a shish kebab. There is another way: place the semi-finished product in a cauldron and simmer over low heat until fully cooked. You don't need to add any sauce.
  • Okroshka … Chal is cooled, diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1: 1, 5. Cut greens - dill and parsley, as well as boiled eggs and potatoes, fresh cucumbers, radishes. You can add boiled chicken breast. The dish is nutritious and stimulates the appetite lost from the heat.
  • Balkaymak … Agaran, which was removed during the preparation of shubat, is placed in a thick-walled cast-iron pan and placed in an oven preheated to 80 ° C. Leave until the contents of the pan exfoliate, for 2-5 hours, carefully remove the browned top, pouring out the whey, and put it back in the oven, adding honey and a little wheat flour. Ingredient proportions: 0.5 liters of melted cream, 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 2 tbsp. l. honey. The dish will be ready in 2-3 hours. Stir before serving. There is another way to prepare balkaymak, a faster one. Agaran is boiled over low heat until the top layer turns yellow due to the release of oil, add wheat flour and honey - the proportions are the same. Boil for another 10 minutes. Balkaymak is served with flat cakes.
  • Dessert … 4 tablespoons of agaran and 2 of brandy are poured into the blender bowl, 2 tablespoons of honey are added. Before pouring the dessert into a vase, put ice cubes on the bottom.

Drinks with shubat are rarely prepared, as locals value the product for its original taste. But in order to quench thirst more effectively, they reduce the fat content of the chal, diluting it with mineral water. It is also mixed with chopped dill or parsley, or green juice is used.

Kymyran is added to black tea or to a decoction brewed from the bark of fruit plants - apple and quince. In this case, when serving, add a teaspoon of agaran and black pepper to taste in each bowl. Drink hot.

Interesting facts about shubat

Old tour saki for shubat
Old tour saki for shubat

Legends about who first cooked the chal have not survived. In Ethiopia, a drink made from the fresh milk of a camel who drank for the first time after a long journey is considered healing - restoring male strength.

To prepare a fermented milk product, Africans milk only one camel, rather than collecting milk. The condition is met especially carefully if guests are treated. This is done to protect against spoilage. If a guest who has tasted homemade shubat has an "evil eye", then only one animal will get sick, and not the whole herd.

It is interesting that in Turkmen agaran not only means a dairy product, but also a color (similar to the Russian “coffee with milk”) and a breed of fighting pigeons.

The French got acquainted with shubat in 1812, when the army conquered new territories. In Russia, the chal was not popular, and they began to study it only in the 1930s, when the convicts began to be exiled to the Kazakh steppes. Local residents, feeling sorry for the unfortunate, treated them to the national drink, which helped hundreds of people survive.

Shymkent scientists were the first to receive a patent for the production of the drink. Now the consumer is offered a product in the form of powders and tablets. The beneficial properties are fully preserved.

Official research has proven that shubat helps in the treatment of autism. The study was carried out on the territory of Kazakhstan. The children were divided into 2 groups. One drank cow's milk 2.5 cups a day, and the other drank camel milk 3 cups or shubat 1.5 cups a day. 3 times. After this time, a significant improvement in the condition was visually noticed.

Now the championship in the manufacture of fermented milk product is "held" by the inhabitants of the village of Sanaly from South Kazakhstan. The number of camels in this village of 160 households is almost 2000 individuals.

By learning how to cook shubat at home, you can significantly improve your appearance. It is mixed in equal amounts (1 tbsp each) with honey and white cosmetic clay, 9 drops of rose essential oil are added. Apply on the face, leave to dry, rinse with warm water and rub the skin with an ice cube.

Watch a video about the benefits of shubat:

If you managed to get a chal in a store, you should not count on a healing effect. The shelf life of such a drink is 2 months, and it looks like a "real" one only in taste, and even then approximately. Therefore, if you want to appreciate a new taste, you should learn how to make a drink yourself, based on dry raw materials. It can be purchased at pharmacies or health shops.
