Anise milk: benefits, recipes, preparation

Anise milk: benefits, recipes, preparation
Anise milk: benefits, recipes, preparation

What is anise milk and how to make it? What are the useful components included in its composition? The benefits of the product for the body and possible contraindications. Recipes with a drink. In fact, the benefits of the drink can be described indefinitely, because anise milk contains three components that are most useful for the body - anise seeds, cardamom and honey. It should be borne in mind that by choosing the right milk as a basis, you can increase the already numerous useful properties of the product. So, if you think about your health, feel free to introduce anise milk into the habit and the result will not be long in coming.

Contraindications and harm of aniseed milk

Disease of the cardiovascular system
Disease of the cardiovascular system

However, it is still not worth thoughtlessly introducing the drink into the diet - unfortunately, like any other product, it has contraindications, so not everyone can experience the beneficial effect of aniseed milk on themselves. Just like the list of useful properties, the list of contraindications for a drink consists of contraindications of its constituent components. Since all of them - anise, cardamom, and honey - contain in their composition a huge amount of biological substances, for people with certain health problems, they are contraindicated in view of an unpredictable reaction.

First of all, people need to be wary of the harm of aniseed milk:

  • Suffering from diseases of the digestive system … For chronic gastrointestinal ailments and / or acute serious illnesses, such as a stomach or duodenal ulcer, it is better not to try anise drink, since spices can irritate the mucous membranes and aggravate the situation.
  • With diseases of the cardiovascular system … In this case, the tonic effect of the drink can play a cruel joke, provoking arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, etc.
  • Allergy prone … Since honey belongs to allergenic products, for the same reason it is better not to consume the drink for vulnerable categories of the population - pregnant women, young children, the elderly.

It should be noted, however, that each specific situation requires special consideration. Perhaps you are suffering from such an ailment of the digestive system, in which anise milk is not only not contraindicated, but, on the contrary, is recommended as an auxiliary therapy. One way or another, if you have this or that disease, even if not mentioned above, you need to check with your doctor whether you can use aniseed milk or not.

Note! The dosage is very important. It is necessary to introduce the product into the diet gradually: start with a couple of tablespoons a day, and then increase it, but it is better not to exceed the amount of 100-200 ml. Drinking abuse, even in healthy people, can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, dizziness, migraines and other unpleasant symptoms.

How to make anise milk?

Anise seeds for making anise milk
Anise seeds for making anise milk

We will not be surprised if you find ready-made anise milk in one of the health food stores, but we would not recommend buying it, since the manufacturer will most likely use preservatives and other harmful substances. If you want to get the most out of the drink, prepare it yourself at home, especially since it's not difficult at all.

Follow this simple recipe for aniseed milk to prepare:

  1. Grind anise seeds (1 teaspoon) and a box of cardamom (1 piece) in a mortar.
  2. Heat any milk (200 ml) in a saucepan, add spices and honey to taste, but do not be zealous, we are still preparing a healthy drink, not a dessert.
  3. When the milk boils, start whisking it continuously, after a couple of minutes, turn off the heat and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

That's all, it remains to strain the drink, and you can drink it or add it to certain dishes.

One way or another, it is better to use anise milk right away, if it remains, pour it into a container with a tight-fitting lid and store it in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Aniseed Milk Recipes

Oatmeal with aniseed milk
Oatmeal with aniseed milk

Anise milk, in general, is customary to drink as an independent drink, however, if its taste seems too spicy and / or specific to you, and you do not want to miss out on its benefits, you can add it to one or another dish.

Try experimenting with these recipes:

  • Oatmeal with aniseed milk … Boil anise drink (200 ml), add oatmeal (3 tablespoons) and cook according to package directions. Five minutes before cooking, add an apple (1 small), grated on a coarse grater, a handful of raisins. Serve the porridge with chopped walnuts.
  • Banana smoothie with dates … Soak 3-5 dates in hot water. Pour milk (100 ml) into a blender, add a banana (1 piece) - you can break it with your hands, as well as chopped dates. Whisk the cocktail for 30-50 seconds until a delicate creamy texture is obtained. Drink immediately when done.
  • Italian aniseed cookies … Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, soften the butter (250 grams) beforehand. Whisk sugar (180 grams) with eggs (2 pieces), add anise milk (50 ml). Then add baking powder (3 teaspoons) and gradually add flour (3 cups). Line a baking sheet with baking paper, brush it with vegetable oil and use a teaspoon to place small portions of the dough about 4-6 cm apart. Bake the cookies for about 10 minutes, cool in the oven and serve with powdered sugar tea.

Based on these basic recipes, you will be able to find your own optimal combinations, taking into account your taste preferences. You can supplement with a drink any porridge, any smoothie, and, in fact, any baked goods with milk - the taste will become more interesting, and the dish itself will greatly benefit.

Interesting facts about aniseed milk

Jug of aniseed milk
Jug of aniseed milk

Anise milk is good for helping to cope with insomnia: drink half a glass of warm drink at night, and you can fall asleep quickly and calmly. For the same reason, drinking it during the day and in cases where it is important to maintain concentration, you need only cold.

Also, this milk can be an excellent "winter" drink, as it has a pronounced warming effect. It is especially good to drink it "from the cold" to avoid colds.

Anise is one of the most ancient cultures. Mentions of him, moreover, as a medicinal natural remedy, are found already in the works of Hippocrates and Theofast. It is also known that the Romans, after plentiful feasts, always ate aniseed pies to restore digestion.

It is known that the anise smell is attractive not only for people, animals are very fond of it, and therefore various anise "baits" are used when training dogs, in mousetraps and for other similar purposes.

Watch the video about anise milk:

Anise milk is a unique product. Its composition necessarily includes three very useful products - anise seeds, cardamom and honey, the healing properties of which were known in antiquity. You can enhance the benefits of the drink by choosing one or another milk as a base. With regular use of the product, you will probably notice positive changes in well-being. However, it should be noted that before introducing it into the diet, you need to read the section on contraindications. As for the rules of use, it is best to drink the drink in its pure form, but if the pure taste seems too specific to you, use anise milk to prepare various dishes.
