Composition and nutritional value of kurunga. Useful properties and the possibility of using in the presence of diseases. Recipes for dishes and drinks with a fermented milk product and interesting facts about it.
Kurunga is an effervescent fermented milk drink, a national dish of Buryat cuisine. It is made by fermentation from cow's milk with the addition of a multi-component starter culture. The structure is homogeneous, the color is white, the consistency is liquid, the taste is sour with a wine aftertaste. The main difference from other fermented milk drinks is a long shelf life, regardless of storage conditions. The medicinal properties of the product are so pronounced that the leaven was prepared in dry form and now it can be purchased at the pharmacy and made a "mixture" at home.
How is kurunga prepared?

Most of all, the drink resembles kumis, but unlike it, it does not cause alcohol intoxication, since it is considered ready only after the complete fermentation process. To obtain a liquefied small flaky clot, a dried sourdough with a rather complex complex of bacteria and yeast is used.
It includes:
- Torula milk yeast, which ferments lactose (milk sugar) and participates in the fermentation process - 11%;
- Lactic acid bacteria - 72% of the Bulgarian bacillus (Bact. Bulgaricum and case) and 7-8% of the Bact bacteria. Lactis asidi (Zeichmann), lactic acid streptococci and bifidobacteria - 10%.
You can try to cook kurunga like kumis or katyk, pouring in the remains of an old drink. Buryat families resorted to this method, but also dried the leaven. This made the raw materials easier to store.
Preparing the base for a fermented milk product is a lengthy process. After long-term storage, the thickened drink is defended until stratification into a curdled curd and whey. The liquid is drained, and the dense part is placed in an almost sealed condition so that foreign bacteria do not get into it, and dried.
The main "secret" is the symbiotic relationship of microflora. Yeast develops in lactic acid, supporting the vital activity of the bacteria that form it. The constituent elements do not suppress each other's vital functions. The joint development of acetic acid cultures and acidophilus rods stimulates the development of natural antibiotics - lacticide and acidophilus.
Kurunga recipes are passed down by Buryats from generation to generation, and all the rest of the ferment can be purchased at the pharmacy, where it is sold under the name "EM-Kurunga" in the form of tablets or powder.
Drink preparation process:
- A dose of dry starter culture (2 g) is poured into a glass container, which can be tightly closed. Then it is poured with pasteurized milk (when cooking kurunga at home, milk is boiled). Close with a tight lid and shake. Leave for a day in a dark place, shaking occasionally. For the even distribution of microorganisms, the Buryats carried a container (leather bag) with them at all times.
- Pour the thickened liquid into a liter jar and add milk. After stratification into components - serum and curd - leave for another day.
- Casting to drink, stir and then add milk over 2-4 weeks.
Next, they begin to prepare a new drink. You can reuse the tablets or allow the liquid to thicken and use it as a starter.
To get a tasty and healthy fermented milk product, you need to maintain a stable temperature in the room at 19-24 ° С, optimally - 20-22 ° С. When heated above 25 ° C, the drink will be too sour and not effervescent, and when cooled, it will resemble sour mash.
The qualitative composition of the microflora is constant, however, the quantitative ratio when fermented at home with an undried product can change, which affects the taste.
Composition and calorie content of kurunga

Nutritional information and composition - based on fresh beverage. With prolonged storage, the consistency changes, it becomes thick and viscous. Thanks to the acetic acid bacteria, milk proteins are decomposed, the amount of vitamin B12 increases and the antibacterial activity increases.
The calorie content of kurunga is 60 kcal per 100 g, of which:
- Protein - 9 g;
- Fat - 2 g;
- Carbohydrates - 7 g;
- Water - 88 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
- Vitamin A - 22 mcg;
- Beta Carotene - 0.01 mg;
- Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.04 mg;
- Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.15 mg;
- Vitamin B4, choline - 23.6 mg;
- Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.38 mg;
- Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.05 mg;
- Vitamin B9, folate - 5 mcg;
- Vitamin B12, cobalamin - 0.4 μg;
- Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 1.3 mg;
- Vitamin D, calciferol - 0.05 μg;
- Vitamin H, biotin - 3.2 μg;
- Vitamin PP - 0.8 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
- Potassium, K - 146 mg;
- Calcium, Ca - 120 mg;
- Magnesium, Mg - 14 mg;
- Sodium, Na - 50 mg;
- Sulfur, S - 29 mg;
- Phosphorus, P - 90 mg;
- Chlorine, Cl - 110 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
- Iron, Fe - 0.1 mg;
- Iodine, I - 9 mcg;
- Cobalt, Co - 0.8 μg;
- Manganese, Mn - 0.006 mg;
- Copper, Cu - 12 μg;
- Molybdenum, Mo - 5 μg;
- Selenium, Se - 2 μg;
- Fluorine, F - 20 μg;
- Chromium, Cr - 2 μg;
- Zinc, Zn - 0.4 mg.
Cholesterol per 100 g - 9 mg.
By the number of types of useful microflora in kurunga, it can be considered the "champion" among all fermented milk drinks:
- Acetic acid bacteria - reduce the acidity of the environment;
- Acidophilus sticks - stimulate the production of lacticide and acidophilus, which disinfect toxins and accelerate excretion from the body;
- Lactic acid streptococci and staphylococci - inhibit the activity of harmful microflora;
- Proteolytic enzymes - accelerate the absorption of proteins.
Change in the composition of kurunga during storage of the drink,%:
Age | Protein | Fats | Lactose | Casein | Alcohol | Ash | Vitamin C |
1 day | - | 3, 8 | 1, 84 | 1, 66 | 0, 93 | 0, 82 | 0, 0019 |
2 days | 4, 3 | 3, 6 | 0, 96 | 2, 08 | 1, 27 | - | 0, 0022 |
3 days | 3, 9 | 3, 4 | 0, 25 | 2, 26 | 0, 87 | 0, 85 | 0, 0024 |
4 days | - | 3, 2 | 0, 15 | 2, 66 | 0, 53 | - | 0, 0017 |
Minor changes in taste and composition are due to the quality of the original raw materials. Buryats used homemade cow's milk, which was pre-strained and boiled, so there was no significant difference between the product made in different families.
Useful properties of kurunga

Shamans used the drink to treat a variety of diseases.
Benefits of Kurunga:
- Stops dysbiosis, not only creating ideal conditions for the development of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but also populates the small, and more importantly, the large intestine. The complex of cultures of microorganisms is destroyed by digestive juices only partially.
- It accelerates the cure for diseases of the respiratory organs, suppresses the vital activity of Koch's bacillus, which causes a terrible disease - tuberculosis.
- It has an antioxidant effect, isolates free radicals circulating in physiological fluids.
- It shortens the rehabilitation process after the treatment of cancer with radio and radiation therapy, helps to recover after prolonged use of antibiotics.
- Improves the work of the body's defenses, prevents infection with SARS during the season of epidemics.
- Increases tone, eliminates chronic fatigue, normalizes memory functions.
- Normalizes metabolic processes at all levels.
- Stabilizes the condition after exhausting physical and emotional stress.
- Prevents osteoporosis and osteochondrosis.
- Stimulates appetite. A weekly course of treatment for anemia and dystrophy caused by malnutrition completely restores the condition.
But these are not all the beneficial properties of kurunga. It is enough to drink 1 glass a day to reduce the load on the digestive organs, stabilize bowel movements and eliminate putrefactive processes in the intestines. Daily use prevents the development of pancreatitis, the deposition of calculi in the gallbladder and ducts, kidney stones, the development of gout, chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
It is allowed to drink kurunga and those who suffer from partial intolerance to milk protein. In this case, it is enough to slightly change the cooking process: add honey water (1 tablespoon per 120 g) and leave for 2-3 days. In this case, lactose and casein are almost completely transformed, and no digestive disturbances arise.
Home-made kurunga can be introduced into the diet of pregnant women and babies from the age of 6 months. There are no restrictions on lactation and for the elderly.
Contraindications and harm of kurunga

Do not be alarmed if acquaintance with a new taste ends with diarrhea. This does not mean that you need to refuse a fermented milk drink. If you introduce into the diet in small portions - first a few tablespoons a day, then a quarter of a glass, and then in half, increasing portions every 3 days - digestion will be restored. In case of diabetes mellitus, the possibility of use should be discussed with the attending physician.
Harm from kurunga can occur only with individual intolerance. In all other cases, there are no prohibitions for health improvement.
A relative contraindication is obesity. The drink itself is low in calories, but since it significantly improves appetite, the portions will instinctively increase, and the frequency of meals will increase.
Research has been done. When consuming 2 glasses of kurunga per day, despite intense physical activity, on average, the subject's weight gain was 4 kg per month. People themselves did not notice how they switched to more high-calorie meals in order to drown out the feeling of hunger.
Kurunga food and drink recipes

The fermented milk product is not only drunk by itself, but also used as an ingredient for various dishes. It is used to knead dough, marinate meat in it or harvest vegetables for the winter.
Kurunga recipes:
- Sauerkraut … Late variety cabbage, 3 kg, is chopped, placed in a container, mixed with berries (cranberries, lingonberries), beets, carrots and spices (dried dill, caraway seeds, bay leaves). You can do it all together or at your choice. Additional products in general should be no more than 400 g. Pour in 2 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, pour in a fermented milk drink that has stood for at least 3 days and diluted in half with water. Leave for fermentation for 24-48 hours. The contents are stirred periodically to release the gas. Then, excess liquid is removed from the container with cabbage (until it is poured out), the contents are compacted and removed to a cool place under oppression. After a day, it may be necessary to add fluid and increase the oppression. You can store cabbage until next summer.
- Yogurt … For starter, use homemade kurunga or prepared from powder. In all cases, insist for at least 5-7 days for thickening to occur. Then 1 liter of pasteurized milk is heated, the prepared starter culture is poured - 250 ml, 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and 1 tbsp. l. vanilla powder. The mixture is mixed well so that the sugar is completely dissolved, poured into molds and placed in a well-heated yogurt maker for 1-2 hours or in a wide thermos with water heated to 70 ° C. Liquid should not get inside the mold. Then, for the same time, the jars are removed to the refrigerator. The finished product has a dense consistency. Slight separation of serum is allowed.
- Curd and cheese … The drink is brought to a boil and acidified with lemon juice. The separated clot is suspended so that the serum is glass. Eaten with sugar and sour cream. If you completely squeeze out the whey, wrap it in cheesecloth and put it under oppression, you can get homemade sour cheese. You only need to eat it within 24 hours.
Kurunga drinks:
- Mead … The whey remaining after the preparation of the cottage cheese, 1 glass, is mixed with 3 liters of water and 3 tbsp.l. honey. Leave to ferment at room temperature, adding another 15 g of honey per day. After 96 hours, filter and put in the refrigerator. Used for medicinal purposes and to quench thirst.
- Kvass … Borodino bread, 5 pieces of 50-80 g each, dried, poured into a 3 liter jar, add a handful of raisins, sugar - 3 tbsp. l., on the tip of a knife yeast and 2 tbsp. l. thick kurungi. Pour in water heated to 70 ° C, close the neck with gauze and leave to ferment. After 3 days, it is filtered, bottled, corked and allowed to ripen in the refrigerator for a day. The drink on the dried sourdough turns out to be more tasty - add 2 tablets. In this case, the amount of yeast is increased to 1 tsp.
When dry sourdough is added to moonshine or homemade liqueurs and infusions, toxins formed from fusel oils are neutralized. Proportions - 20 g of powder per 10 liters of drink.
Interesting facts about kurunga

The history of the fermented milk product began in the 13th century A. D. The dry leaven was found in the folds of the clothes of Genghis Khan's warriors. At the slightest opportunity, the powder was shaken in water or milk, just chewed between meals. This explains the absence of epidemics in a huge army, despite the constant presence in extreme conditions and disregard of all hygienic rules.
The conquered peoples learned how to make kurunga and widely used it for medicinal purposes until the 50s of the twentieth century. At this time, antibiotics appeared. However, Mongols, Tuvans, Buryats and Kalmyks still prefer a fermented milk drink and try to serve it at every meal.
Strengthening the healing properties is achieved by mixing with herbal infusions. For example, in the treatment of tuberculosis, a complex collection is used: 1 part of sage, 2 parts of chamomile flowers, leaves of coltsfoot and lingonberry, birch buds, 5 parts of calendula flowers. Herbal raw materials are mixed, 1 tbsp. l. poured into a gauze bag, insist in kurung for 24 hours. Take half a glass of the drink a day before meals.
Under laboratory conditions at room temperature, the fermented milk product was preserved without loss of quality and useful properties for 2 years. True, the dishes were completely sealed. It is impossible to achieve such a "record" at home, but in order to prevent sourness and not to pour out a valuable drink when an unpleasant taste appears, it is enough to regularly wash the lid and pour it into a clean dish.
What is kurunga - look at the video:

If you introduce a fermented milk product into the diet on a regular basis, you can forget about health problems and slow down age-related changes.