Buckwheat in the microwave

Buckwheat in the microwave
Buckwheat in the microwave

For a full breakfast, porridge is the most ideal option. For example, a great recipe is buckwheat in the microwave, which is very easy to cook, in just 15 minutes.

Ready buckwheat in the microwave
Ready buckwheat in the microwave

Buckwheat is a very healthy cereal. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the human body. Methods and methods of cooking buckwheat porridge, I think, we can confidently say that every housewife knows. However, not everyone knows a great option for cooking buckwheat in the microwave. Cooking it using modern technology is not at all difficult. Today you will learn a basic recipe that you can improvise with further.

However, in spite of the fact that the cereal is cooked quite simply. Yet this uncomplicated recipe has its own subtleties and cooking secrets. Then the buckwheat porridge will be tasty, aromatic and crumbly!

  • Be sure to sort out the groats to remove the pebbles. If they get caught on the teeth, they can damage the enamel.
  • Buckwheat should not be interfered with during cooking.
  • In order for the porridge to reach the desired consistency, the dishes with it must be wrapped in a warm towel and left warm.
  • Keep in mind that at the end of cooking, the cereal will double in volume. Therefore, select the correct size of cookware.
  • It is better to pour the grains with cold water. So the porridge will cook faster.

Considering all these subtleties, even a novice chef can handle the preparation of this dish. The result is the perfect meal for a full breakfast. In addition, by using such porridge, you can get rid of excess weight in a minimum amount of time.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 82, 1 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Buckwheat - 100 g
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp or to taste
  • Drinking water - 200 ml

How to quickly cook buckwheat in the microwave:

The groats are sorted out and washed
The groats are sorted out and washed

1. Pour the groats on a flat surface and sort through the stones and dirt. Then pour into a fine sieve and rinse under running water to glass all the dirty water.

Groats are poured into a bowl and salt is added
Groats are poured into a bowl and salt is added

2. Transfer the cereals to a microwave-safe plate or convenient utensil. Add salt.

The groats are filled with drinking water
The groats are filled with drinking water

3. Fill the buckwheat with cold water. Its volume should be twice as large as buckwheat. For example, for one glass of cereal, two glasses of water. Also, porridge can be cooked not only in water, but in milk or broth.

The plate is covered with a lid and sent to the microwave
The plate is covered with a lid and sent to the microwave

4. Cover the cereal with a lid, saucer, or other convenient utensil and place in the microwave.

Ready porridge
Ready porridge

5. Turn on the microwave device at maximum power and cook the cereals after boiling until they are fully cooked: increase in size, softness and crumbly. The entire cooking process will take no more than 15 minutes at a power of 850 kW.

Oil is added to the porridge
Oil is added to the porridge

6. Put butter in porridge, stir and serve. This porridge is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner with any side dish.

Tip: if you want the cereal to be more crumbly and aromatic, then warm it up in a preheated pan before cooking.

See also a video recipe on how to cook buckwheat in the microwave.
