Rambay - fruits of baccorea Motli

Rambay - fruits of baccorea Motli
Rambay - fruits of baccorea Motli

Description of the fruit tree and the peculiarities of its growth. Rambay composition, useful properties. How are fruits eaten? Culinary recipes. Interesting facts about the plant. Also, rambai should not be used for gastritis or stomach ulcers, since the components will negatively affect the mucous membrane and can cause abscesses.

How is baccorea Motley fruit eaten?

Motley bacorea fruit
Motley bacorea fruit

Rambay can be eaten both fresh and stewed. During heat treatment, the fruit does not lose its taste and aroma properties. It is pickled, jams, preserves, gravy, juice, fruit salads, jellies and alcoholic beverages are made. It goes well with meat and is often added to baked goods. The local population uses a special technology to prepare vinegar from rambay.

The leaves and roots of an exotic plant are used to make medicinal tinctures and decoctions.

The fruits are sold in bunches, since in this form they retain their juiciness and fresh appearance longer.

The skin of the fruit is carefully cut with a knife or peeled by hand. Rambay is easily divided into segments, which contain seeds. Local residents do not extract them.

Rambai recipes

Jam from rambai fruit
Jam from rambai fruit

Adding rambay to various dishes will result in their exquisite taste and savory aroma. The fruit is in perfect harmony with ginger, cardamom, orange, cinnamon sticks and vanilla.

Below are the recipes for delicious rambai:

  • Jam … A kilogram of peeled ramby is placed in a saucepan and heated over low heat until it runs out of juice. Then filter the fruit, extract maximum juice and return to the fire. Pour 200 grams of sugar and lemon cut into medium slices (the skin is left, but the seeds are removed). Increase the fire and stir the mixture regularly. When the jam thickens, it is transferred to sterile jars and rolled up.
  • Skewer snack … 70-80 grams of semi-hard cheese (Cheddar, Dorblu, Gouda) is cut into small cubes (about 5 grams each). Rambay is washed, peeled and strung on a skewer. Then comes a leaf of tarragon and a slice of cheese. It is advisable not to pierce it through so that the canapé is stable on the platter. Before serving, the snack is placed in the refrigerator, covered with plastic wrap so that it does not wind up.
  • Jelly and ricotta dessert … Beat half a kilo of ricotta in a blender with 3 tablespoons of liquid honey (you can melt it a little in the microwave). 12 rambai berries are washed, peeled and cut in half. 2 tablespoons of gelatin are soaked in cold water for half an hour. And then heated over low heat until completely dissolved. Then cool and pour most of it into 400 ml of rambay juice. Stir and pour into glasses at an angle. Spread out rambay berries. In the same inclined position, they are placed in the refrigerator until they solidify completely. Meanwhile, the remaining gelatin is mixed with ricotta and then poured into frozen glasses. Placed again in the refrigerator, only in an even position.
  • Fruit pudding … Wash 2 peaches, 200 grams rambay and 300 grams of plums, cut into cubes and remove the seeds. Then the fruits are transferred to a saucepan, add 200 grams of sugar and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes. It is important to stir regularly. Freshly squeezed lemon juice is added and boiled for another 5 minutes. The mixture is then allowed to cool to room temperature. Cover 2 deep plates with cling film so that the edges hang out. Cut off the crust from white lean bread and put a slice on the bottom of the plates and 4 slices on the sides. Spread the fruit mixture on top and cover with 6 more slices. Put oppression on top and place the pudding in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
  • Non-alcoholic gag … Put 100 ml of water on the fire, add 2-4 cinnamon sticks, 6 cloves, 1 nutmeg, 1 orange or tangerine zest. The mixture is brought to a boil, then the heat is reduced and 500 ml of rambay juice and 400 ml of apple juice are added. Sugar is added at its own discretion. The drink is removed from the heat and allowed to brew. Reheat before serving. To decorate glasses, their edges should be dipped in water, and then in a bowl of sugar. The grog is poured and some raisins and almonds are poured into it.
  • Lavash rolls … The oven is heated to 190 degrees. Lavash is cut into squares 10 by 10 cm. Then it is rolled up in cones and fixed with skewers. Place on a baking sheet and dry for about 5 minutes. Wooden skewers are removed. 200 grams of semi-hard cheese is grated on a coarse grater. 100 grams of rambai is washed, skinned and cut in half. 3-4 sprigs of parsley are washed, dried and finely chopped. All ingredients are mixed, pour 130 ml of natural yogurt and pepper to taste. Pita rolls are filled with cooked salad. The dish will decorate any table.
  • Chutney for meat and cheeses … 100 grams of rambai is washed, peeled and cut in half. 3-4 cm of ginger root is finely rubbed. Combine 2 tablespoons of dark honey and 5 tablespoons of wine vinegar in a saucepan and heat over low heat. Then add ginger, bring to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes. Rambay and 5 sprigs of mint are thrown to the rest of the ingredients, mixed and cooked over high heat for 5 minutes. Glove and salt at your own discretion. 1 teaspoon of cornstarch is mixed with 1 tablespoon of water and poured into the chutney. Cook for another minute. Then the sauce is cooled to room temperature and served.
  • Cake … The oven is heated to 200 degrees. 200 grams of rambai is washed and peeled. In a deep bowl, combine 1.5 cups of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt. In a separate container, beat 2 eggs with 200 grams of sugar with a mixer, gradually pouring in 1/3 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of olive oil, 4 tablespoons of melted butter and orange zest. Then all the ingredients are mixed. Rambay is added at the end. The resulting dough is placed in a baking dish. Place in the oven for 20 minutes. You can use a wooden skewer to pierce the dough to check if it's done. Cupcake is served with milk or tea.
  • Lentil salad … 2/3 cup green lentils are poured over with cold water and cooked until tender. In the end, salt at their own discretion, throw in a colander and allow to cool. The oven is heated to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, peel one medium beet and 400 grams of pumpkin, chop into cubes. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, put vegetables, sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix the ingredients and put in the oven for half an hour. The vegetables will become soft. Let them cool to room temperature. Heat a dry frying pan, fry 1/2 cup of hazelnuts until golden brown and then chop coarsely. A glass of rambai is washed, cleaned and divided into segments. Peel 1 medium onion and chop finely. Peel and mince 2 garlic cloves. Heat the frying pan, pour it over with olive oil and fry the garlic for about a minute. Then add 50 grams of spinach and fry for another 3 minutes. For dressing, peel a clove of garlic, grind it with a pinch of salt into a paste. Then add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of mustard. Beat the ingredients into a homogeneous emulsion. Now everything is combined in a large salad bowl, mixed and sprinkled with nuts. This dish is perfect for a picnic or family dinner.

Rambai is often added to traditional dishes of Malacca and Thailand. They are distinguished by their delicate taste and slight sourness.

Interesting facts about Rambi

Rambay fruits grow
Rambay fruits grow

Rambay is used in landscape design. Its branches look decorative and create a dense shade in the parks.

Rambi wood is of poor quality. But it is actively used in the manufacture of drugs that relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes. Also, ropes, baskets, bags and sacks are made from fibers. The bark powder is used as a tannin. It can be mixed with the roots of Malabar melastoma to produce a dark red dye.

Rambay is very similar in appearance to langsat. However, these fruits belong to different families and have completely different flavor characteristics.

Rambi has an autotrophic way of eating. It consumes inorganic compounds and, thanks to solar energy, synthesizes carbohydrates from them.

Watch the video about rambay:

Since the fruits are little stored, their export is limited, and the fruit does not leave Southeast Asia. It can only be tasted in local markets.