Find out Ryan Reynolds's workout routine. He reveals the secret training technique for gaining muscle mass. All actors constantly keep themselves in good physical shape and everyone knows this. But often they need to additionally prepare for the filming of the film, gaining muscle mass and burning fat. So let's say, Ryan had to gain about ten kilos of muscle mass to participate in the film "Blade 3", and the percentage of subcutaneous fat deposits had to be reduced from 11 to 3.
However, these results are not themselves worthy of respect, but the length of time it took Ryan to do this - five months! Of course, this did not go unnoticed by the public and many wanted to know how he did it. Reynolds made no secret of this and told reporters about his nutrition and training programs. Let's take a look at Ryan Reynolds' bodybuilding training and get to know his nutritional program during this period.
Ryan Reynolds' nutrition

According to the actor, while gaining weight, he ate every two or three hours so that he would never be hungry. In addition, he drank large amounts of water, and his food portions were small. It should also be said that Ryan did not limit his carbohydrate intake in order to maintain a high energy potential in the body. He is sure that weight gain is simply impossible without a sufficient amount of carbohydrates.
Here's what his menu looked like during the mass recruitment period:
- Breakfast - oatmeal with applesauce, scrambled eggs (2 whites and 0.5 yolks), a slice of avocado with a spoonful of almond oil.
- Morning snack - one protein bar.
- Lunch - salad with tuna or chicken.
- Afternoon snack - apple and almonds, one protein bar, or protein shake.
- Dinner - brown rice, fish or chicken, vegetables.
- Evening snack - protein shake.
Ryan Reynolds workout

The actor studied six times during the week, and each lesson lasted two or three hours. The training began with a warm-up and twisting, and after that work with weights began. While gaining mass, Reynolds excluded all types of cardio loads from the training program. Each session was dedicated to work on one muscle group: shoulder girdle, chest, abs, arms, back and legs. Each movement was performed from 8 to 12 repetitions.
Most of Reynolds' fans are most interested in the abdominal training method. The development of the lower abdominal muscles, which is commonly called the "Adonis belt", is considered to be the most difficult. We will now tell you how Reynolds managed to achieve such amazing results.
- Upper press. The most popular movement for developing this part of the body is twisting. Very often, it is the top cubes of athletes that are better developed, since twisting is performed very often. Twisting with a load, as well as twisting while standing on a block, are also very effective. It is very important to do all of these movements with additional weights for maximum results.
- Lower press. This part of the abdominal muscles is considered a soma difficult to develop. The last two cubes always appear on the body. To effectively work the lower abdomen, it is very important to learn how to feel the contraction of these muscles. The best movements are a ball twist, a one-arm bridge, a prone hip lift, and a fixed-leg twist. It is very important to do each repetition of these exercises slowly.
- Side press. It is the lateral and lower abdominal muscles that form the "Adonis belt". It is very difficult to achieve positive results by working on it. For beginners, the best lateral crunch exercises are side crunches and ball pivots. Only after mastering them can one move on to more complex movements.
- Internal muscles of the abdomen. In order for the stomach to be flat, it is necessary to develop the internal muscles. It will also be very useful for strengthening the lower back, which, when performing many movements, experiences serious stress. The best and, in fact, the only movement for their development is reverse hyperextension.
Each of the indicated muscle groups of the press should be trained in a separate lesson. For this, do two movements of three or four sets each. The number of repetitions in a set is from 12 to 17. If you want to get the most out of working on the press, then you need to train it before the start of the main training, as long as you have enough energy.
Exercises used by Reynolds for the press

Now let's talk about the technique for performing all the exercises that allowed Ryan to achieve excellent results.
- Twisting on the block in a standing position. Stand straight in front of the block, holding the handles above your head. Working only with the muscles of the press, begin to round your back, as if trying to touch your chin to the chest. In the lower position of the trajectory, keep a five-second pause and return to the starting position.
- Weighted twisting. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Place the additional weight on your chest. Tightening the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to tear the shoulders off the ground, fixing this position for 5 seconds.
- Raising the hips while lying down. Lie on your back and lift your legs up, straightening your knee joints. As a result, a right angle should form between the torso and legs. Inhaling, lift your buttocks and suck in your stomach. You need to stretch as high as possible.
- Twisting with the ball. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, and bend your knees while holding the ball. Start moving the ball in different directions without touching the floor with your feet.
- Side crunches. Sit on your right side, resting on the forearm of your right hand. In this case, the legs should be straight. Lift your knees and ankles off the ground without lifting your pelvis. Move to the other side.
- Turns with the ball. Sit on your knees with your ankles pressed against your buttocks. The ball must be behind the back. Turn to the ball and, taking it in your hands, turn in the opposite direction. Lower the ball to the ground and return to the starting position.
- One-arm bridge. Take a lying position, with your arms at the level of your shoulder joints, and your legs at the width of your hips. Raise your left leg and right arm at the same time. In the upper position of the trajectory, keep a five-second pause, and return to the starting position.
- Twists with fixed legs. Bend your legs at the knees and hips, fixing the toes of your legs. The palms should be in front of you. Begin to slowly lean back. It is very important that your back always remains straight and your legs stay on the ground.
- Reverse hyperextension. Leaning over, you need to stretch your arms forward. Begin to rise slowly until the whole body is stretched out in a straight line. There is also another variation on this movement. At the moment of lifting up, you need to alternately turn the body to the right and left.
For more on Ryan Reynolds and his workout, watch this video: