How to do kettlebell pulls to the chin?

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How to do kettlebell pulls to the chin?
How to do kettlebell pulls to the chin?

Find out how you can train your shoulder muscles and trapezium at home without using special machines and weights. Not all of us have the opportunity to consistently visit the gym, but the desire to keep fit is present. This exercise can be performed at home, for this you need an old Soviet weight.

Kettlebell thrust to the chin is an exercise aimed at working out the deltoid and trapezius muscles.

As for performing an exercise with an emphasis on the trapezius muscle, it is recommended to do it while inhaling. Since this allows the trapezium to be shortened, the ribcage expands. The elbow in this case will be directed slightly forward and up. The neck is pressed down, as it were, and the shoulders are pulled up to the ears. With this technique, the delta works indirectly, the entire load is directed to the trapezius muscle.

The second option for performing kettlebell traction will increase the work of the middle and anterior deltoid muscles. To do this, we take the handle of the weight not in the center, but on the sides. When lifting, we try not to bring the elbow forward or up, but we spread it strictly to the sides in order to place the shoulder parallel to the floor. We try to break the handle, as if to stretch it.

If you stably break the kettlebell, in any of the phases at the lower or upper point, you will feel the continuous tension of the deltoid muscle. It is recommended to perform the exercise slowly.

Chin pull classification

The athlete performs kettlebell pulls to the chin
The athlete performs kettlebell pulls to the chin

There are many variations of this exercise. A classic is execution with a barbell. Moreover, the exercise is performed, both with a straight bar and with a curved bar, the latter, in turn, is more delicate to the wrists. Pay attention to the exercise in the Smith machine. If you include this exercise in your workouts, the accessory muscles will not be involved in the work, the movement will be carried out only due to the contraction of the deltoid muscle.

Mistakes and tips when doing chin pulls

The most common mistake is an overly narrow grip. It turns out that with such a grip, the shoulders will take part only up to the middle of the range of motion, moreover, the entire load will be directed exclusively to the trapezius muscle.

The second mistake is dropping the elbows, probably this nuance is peculiar exclusively to beginners. Since over time, the technique becomes a habit. Remember to keep your elbows up and out to the sides when pulling. Also forget about leaning forward and dropping your shoulders. Moreover, you should not turn this exercise into shrugs, since they are performed to develop completely different muscles.

Now for useful recommendations. It is important to choose a personal working weight for yourself. If the athlete will work with an impressive weight, but at the same time is not physically prepared for such a load, plus he also does not follow the execution technique, this can cause injury. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the severity of the exercise and the selected weight. Make sure that the body does not move during execution. There is no need to swing, since this only makes it easier to perform the exercise, thereby reducing its effectiveness. Remember, if you find it difficult to control your torso, then you have chosen the wrong weight for you. Therefore, we return to the previously described recommendation.

It is not recommended to increase the working weight as quickly as possible in order to reach the maximum mark. Remember that jumping to another weight that you are not prepared for can be a catalyst for injury. Observe the position of the elbows, the optimal position is considered to be upward with dilution on the sides. Try not to move your shoulders during the exercise.

When it comes to reps, it all depends on what you're aiming for. The optimal amount is considered to be from eight to twelve repetitions. If you are determined to get relief, then the number can be increased up to eighteen times. For sets, three to six. It should be noted that most people use this exercise as a warm-up. Because this is a gorgeous exercise that involves almost all the muscles in the body.

For the technique of doing kettlebell pulls to the chin, check out below: