How to choose lipstick for brunettes

How to choose lipstick for brunettes
How to choose lipstick for brunettes

Which lipstick suits brunettes of different color types, the most popular shades of decorative lip products for women with dark hair, the basic rules for applying makeup using lipsticks of various color palettes. Lipstick for brunettes is a make-up tool that helps to highlight the expressive hair and facial features of a woman. When choosing a lipstick, dark-haired girls should consider eye color, skin color and lip shape.

Which lipstick suits brunettes for eye color?

Lipstick is the finishing touch to any makeup. The wrong color or shade can ruin the whole impression of the image. Therefore, it is important for brunettes to learn how to choose a palette that suits their dark hair, while taking into account their own color type.

Lipstick for brunettes with brown eyes

Lip makeup for brunettes with brown eyes
Lip makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

There is no single right rule for choosing lipstick color for brunettes. Dark-haired women fall into three main categories: pure black hair (charcoal, black), chestnut-colored curls, and light brown locks.

Ladies with a jet black shade of hair, as a rule, have a bright and memorable appearance. The same rich shades of lipsticks will help to emphasize it, so that the face is not "lost" against the background of expressive curls. If you have black hair and brown eyes, then your choice is a rich pink lipstick palette. A ruby hue also works well. And for an evening make-up, it is better to choose a dark red or crimson color.

However, these rules do not apply to women with "warm" skin. For this color type, lipstick with brown and terracotta notes is suitable. Women with dark eyes and brown hair should choose lipsticks with a shade of coral, cherry, ruby. They are well suited to dark pink, as well as dark red. For tanned skin, you can choose a lipstick with a "gold". If you have light brown hair and brown eyes, then for a daytime make-up, choose a lipstick of a light pink tone, as well as the color of coral. For evening makeup, a muted red on the lips, as well as a discreet dark pink are suitable.

Lipstick for brunettes with green eyes

Brunette with green eyes
Brunette with green eyes

Brunettes with green eyes, as a rule, belong to the autumn color type. They have warm olive skin and hair with soft chocolate highlights. For such women, lipsticks of coral, peach, caramel, golden hues are suitable. For evening makeup, you can use scarlet or terracotta lipstick. If your skin is cool and your hair is black, use a cool color scheme to highlight your lips. For example, dark pink, raspberry, ruby shades.

It is advisable to highlight the lips with lipsticks with a matte texture, and even more so without mother-of-pearl. The latter has long gone out of fashion, in addition, it ages any woman.

Lipsticks suitable for brunettes with blue eyes

Lip makeup for brunettes with blue eyes
Lip makeup for brunettes with blue eyes

Brunettes with blue eyes have a bright and distinctive appearance. As a rule, they have light skin of "cold" shades. Saturated lipstick colors are great for them - bright red, fuchsia, raspberry, coral, dark pink.

Evening make-up can be complemented with a lipstick of scarlet color and matte texture, universal for women of this color type. A calmer, muted red can be used during the day. It can be not only lipstick, but also lip gloss of the corresponding shade. If you have brown hair, opt for a lipstick in a golden brown palette. For the evening, you can use a lilac-pink shade.

How to choose lipstick for brunettes with gray eyes

Lip makeup for brunettes with gray eyes
Lip makeup for brunettes with gray eyes

Brunettes with gray eyes and fair skin can choose the "classic of the genre" - scarlet lipstick. For a more discreet make-up, a lilac shade is suitable. Keep in mind that the medium saturation lipstick palette is more versatile and suits most gray-eyed brunettes, regardless of their skin color. But dark and saturated shades are more suitable for dark-skinned brunettes with black hair. It is better for women of this color type to avoid excessively "cold" lipstick colors, which give cyanosis to the skin. It is a light pink with blue, mother-of-pearl. But as for the red palette, here the choice is practically unlimited. Scarlet to plum shades work well.

What lipstick color suits brunettes

Brunettes, as a rule, have a natural bright appearance. Therefore, highlighting the lips with a rich color, they will be able to improve their image, make it even more expressive.

Red lipstick for brunettes

Red lipstick
Red lipstick

Brunettes can safely use the brightest and most saturated shades of the red palette in their makeup. It is important to take into account the rule of low and high contrast: the more the color of your hair contrasts with the skin tone, the more catchy and “deep” the shade of red lipstick can be. Finding the right shade of lipstick can take a long time. "Own" color is in perfect harmony with the shade of the eyes, skin and hair, does not look like a foreign spot on the face. An incorrectly chosen tone of red lipstick can visually make the skin unnecessarily pale, unhealthy. You should choose a lipstick of a red palette, taking into account your own color type:

  • If you have light skin with a cool shade, then a red with a plum tint is ideal.
  • For dark skin and dark eyes, the best choice is various rich shades of red in warm colors.
  • If your skin is olive-toned, go for a wine, cherry, or blood red lipstick.
  • For brunettes with a light tan and warm shade of hair, coral shades of red are well suited, as well as classic scarlet.
  • For women with pale and gray-pink skin, it is better to opt for lipstick in raspberry and red-pink shades. You should not choose carrot, terracotta and other warm lipstick colors.
  • If you are a brunette with freckled skin, then feel free to pick up a red lipstick with a golden undertone.
  • For blue-eyed brunettes, plum shades of red are ideal.
  • Brown and green eyes in brunettes emphasize coral shades of red well.
  • Ruby lipstick is suitable for gray and dark brown, almost black eyes and charcoal hair.

It is worth remembering that red lipstick visually narrows the lips. Therefore, consider their shape and completeness when choosing the texture of the product. Matte lipstick looks great as a complement to daytime and business make-up. But it makes the lips smaller. But the shine is able to give additional volume and "swelling".

There are also a variety of tints, markers and lip balms that are great for young brunettes who naturally have bright lips and just want to highlight them a little. Makeup with red lipstick for brunettes is a classic of the genre for women of almost any color type. In this case, the eyes should be slightly highlighted or remain neutral. Consider an example of a versatile red lipstick makeup for women with dark hair:

  1. Before applying decorative cosmetics, be sure to cleanse the skin and wipe it with a tonic. If necessary, apply a moisturizer, which must be completely absorbed.
  2. In order for the red lipstick to lay down as evenly as possible, you should prepare your lips - carry out a gentle peeling procedure with a brush and a regular cleanser. After that, we lubricate our lips with balm or baby cream.
  3. Apply a leveling base to the skin of the face. If necessary, we carry out the contouring procedure using a dark and light toning agent, making the necessary accents in the right places.
  4. We complete the correction of the skin of the face by applying powder, which will help remove excess shine. If you want to give your skin a radiant effect, use a highlighter. It should be applied to the protruding parts of the face: the upper part of the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, the chin, under the eyebrow.
  5. We use a pale pink or light beige blush.
  6. Correct the shape of the eyebrows - tint them with shadows or a special pencil. We fix the shape with eyebrow gel.
  7. Apply light shadows under the eyebrow or draw a section with a light pencil, carefully shading the borders.
  8. Draw arrows along the upper lash line. We use liquid eyeliner or pencil for this.
  9. Apply mascara in two layers. We comb them with a brush to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  10. Put a light foundation on the lips and lightly powder them. Paint over the lip contour with a soft pencil that matches the shade of lipstick. We paint over the entire surface of the lips with the same tool. This will help prevent the make-up from spreading.
  11. Apply red lipstick using a brush. We move from the middle of the upper lip to the edges. We paint the lower lip in the same way.
  12. After applying the first layer of lipstick, blot the lips with a napkin and apply the second layer in the same way.
  13. If you want to give your lips a matte finish, you can powder them after applying lipstick.

Pink lipstick for brunettes

Pink lipstick
Pink lipstick

Pink lipstick is the only choice for light-skinned brunettes. She harmonizes well with green eyes, as well as light shades of blue and gray. It is recommended to choose a pink lipstick with glitter, since the matte texture looks on the lips of brunettes, as a rule, not expressively enough and dull. Coral shades are suitable for both light and dark skin and hair of various shades of dark. It is believed to be a versatile color for daytime makeup. But brunettes should not abuse too light pink lipsticks. Nude pink shades also look bad on their face. These lipsticks make the lips look dull and expressionless. Lilac-raspberry and hot pink lipstick colors are ideally combined with evening make-up. If you have black hair, then raspberry and ruby lipsticks will help to emphasize the festive look. Almost all brunettes suit juicy pink with a reddish tint. Brunettes should choose pink lipstick, taking into account their own color type. The blush used, as well as the shadows, should be suitable for her tone. If this is a cold palette of pink, then pick up shadows of gray, blue, mint shades. Consider an example of makeup using pink lipstick:

  • We cleanse the skin with milk, tonic or micellar water. Apply a moisturizer if necessary.
  • Apply a make-up base, foundation and treat the face with translucent powder.
  • On the area of the cheeks and cheekbones, apply a blush of a suitable tone under the lipstick. Shade them thoroughly.
  • Draw the line of the eyebrows. It should be clearly delineated with a pencil, eye shadow or eyebrow pomade.
  • On the upper movable eyelid, apply a light nude shade of shadows. The outer corners are shaded with a darker shadow color.
  • We draw a thin black line along the growth of the eyelashes. The tip of the arrow may extend beyond the boundaries of the eye.
  • Apply the foundation on the lips. Put some bronzer under the lower lip and carefully blend the product. This will create a shadow under the lower lip and it will appear more plump.
  • Place some light concealer in the center above the upper lip. This technique also adds visual volume to the lips.
  • Draw the outline with a pencil half a tone darker than the color of the lipstick. You can protrude 1 to 2 millimeters above the natural lips.
  • Apply lipstick with a brush to the entire surface of the lips, starting from the center of the upper one. If necessary, use a paper towel to blot the top layer of the cosmetic product and apply the second.
  • Optionally, a drop of gloss can be applied over the lips.

Brown lipstick shades for brunettes

Brown lipstick
Brown lipstick

Lipsticks with a brown undertone look good on tanned swarthy skin and under brown eyes. That is, a brunette who chooses such a decorative lip remedy should have a warm color type. The brown palette perfectly emphasizes the natural tan and gives more expressiveness to brown eyes. Brown and coffee nude look good under a bright make-up eye. Beige and coffee lipstick, light terracotta is suitable for everyday make-up. The warm brown color scheme also looks good on the lips of brunettes with an olive skin tone and green eyes. You should select velvet shades of orange, brick, caramel, peach, terracotta. This palette can be safely used for day and evening makeup. For the publication, you can choose cosmetics for the lips of a more intense tone. Lipstick of caramel, brick-red, terracotta color is perfect for warm chocolate shade of hair and golden skin.

Do not use brown lipstick for brunettes with black hair, pale skin and light eyes. It will look “heavy” and give the face an earthy tint. Brown lipstick can come in quite different shades that require special eye makeup. As a rule, it looks bright enough on the lips, so the make-up of the eye includes a slight emphasis, nothing more.

Consider a versatile makeup using brown lipstick:

  1. We cleanse the face thoroughly using tonic, micellar water.
  2. We apply a base under the foundation, as well as a light fluid. Do not overload the skin with a dense tone, let it look natural.
  3. Apply loose powder to hide excess shine.
  4. We select the blush to match the lipstick tone. These can be terracotta and peach shades.
  5. We emphasize the line of the eyebrows with a pencil or shadows. It is desirable that they also have a brownish tint.
  6. We select the shades of the brown palette: golden to the inner corner of the eye and darker (terracotta, brick, dark olive, chocolate) to the outer corner. Shade them thoroughly.
  7. Draw a line of arrows along the growth of the eyelashes. Do not overdo it with the "tails" of the arrows, they should only slightly go beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  8. We outline the lips along the contour with a pencil half a tone darker than the selected lipstick. Shading his line.
  9. Apply lipstick with a brush, starting from the upper lip from the center to the corners and edges. We carry out the same operation with the lower lip.
  10. In the center of the lower lip, you can apply and blend a drop of lipstick of a lighter shade. This gives great expressiveness to the lips and seductive volume.

Dark lipstick for brunettes

Dark lipstick
Dark lipstick

Brunettes are lucky - they can practically not limit themselves in choosing dark lipsticks. There are few shades that do not suit them, so there is something to stop their choice. Dark hair and lips practically "do not argue" with each other. It is possible and necessary to make a "dramatic" accent on the lips, especially in evening make-up. Of course, in this case, you should make your eyes less expressive. In this case, the general make-up rules are not canceled. It is best for brunettes to choose a dark lipstick with a matte or creamy texture without bright shine. Such a lipstick will become bright accents in the image anyway, so you should not additionally draw attention to the lips with excess gloss or gloss. Brunettes can safely experiment with all fashionable dark shades of lipsticks - wine, eggplant, plum, cinnamon, dark red. Dark lipsticks include such trendy shades for brunettes as plum and eggplant. These lip colors only require a subtle haze of eyeshadow. It is unacceptable to focus both on the lips and on the eyes in this case, otherwise the makeup will look vulgar.

We apply decorative cosmetics according to the following example instructions:

  • We clean the skin of the face using special products.
  • Apply a make-up base and foundation. We process the surface of the face with a translucent powder.
  • The blush should be in the same color palette as the lipstick you are using. We apply them to the protruding parts of the cheekbones, adjust the shape of the face if necessary.
  • We emphasize the eyebrows, outlining their outline with a pencil, fondant or shadows.
  • Apply translucent shadows with a shimmer or metallic texture to the entire surface of the upper eyelid. They should "wrap" the eye like a light haze. If necessary, slightly pull back the outer corner of the lower eyelid with the same shadows.
  • We outline the contour of the lips with a pencil to match the lipstick.
  • Apply lipstick to the upper lip, then to the lower lip with a brush. If necessary, blot the first layer with a paper towel and apply the second layer of decorative cosmetic.
  • If your lips do not seem plump enough after applying lipstick, add a drop of gloss or lipstick in a lighter tone in the center of the lower lip, but in the same color scheme as the main one you are using.

Fashionable lipstick colors for brunettes in 2017

Lip makeup-2017 for brunettes
Lip makeup-2017 for brunettes

In spring and summer in 2017, brunettes can safely choose natural shades - tea rose, coral, peach, apricot. For hot summer days, use lipstick that is a couple of tones richer than your natural lip shade - you won't go wrong. But for evening make-up in spring and summer, you can safely add "gold" to the lips. The shades of wine berry, marsala, chocolate continue to remain at the peak of popularity. But the plum will be more appropriate on the lips of brunettes in the coming autumn and winter.

If a shade of bright fuchsia suits a brunette in color type, do not hesitate to use it. It is now very much in demand, of course, for a certain clothing and occasion. What lipstick to choose for a brunette - look at the video:

Choosing a lipstick for a brunette is quite simple, if you correctly determine the color type - a combination of hair, eyes and skin color. There are very few lipstick shades that are categorically unsuitable for brunettes. Therefore, feel free to experiment and make your lips more expressive and bright.
