Persimmon velvet

Persimmon velvet
Persimmon velvet

Description of velvet persimmon and features of its fruits. Useful and harmful properties of the fruit, contraindications to its use, methods of preparing salads, side dishes, desserts with it. Important! This fruit is ideal for a snack in between meals as it quickly satisfies hunger and keeps you feeling full for a long time.

Contraindications to the use of velvet persimmon

Diabetes mellitus as a contraindication to mabolo
Diabetes mellitus as a contraindication to mabolo

When consumed in large quantities, this fruit is quite capable of causing an allergic reaction, manifested in redness, itching and inflammation of the skin.

But this is not the worst thing, it is very difficult for the stomach, even a healthy one. Given this, eating mabolo for breakfast without other ingredients on an empty stomach, and even more so raw, is highly discouraged. If this rule is violated, it will be possible for the appearance of sharp abdominal pains, nausea, heartburn. Of course, the situation will not come to poisoning, but the sensations will not be the most pleasant.

We note the following contraindications to velvet persimmon:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract … Do not "lean" on the fruit with gastritis and colitis in the acute stage, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia. This can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes of these organs and sharp pain in the right and left hypochondrium.
  • Allergy to orange and yellow fruits … If it occurs on oranges, lemons, grapefruits, then, most likely, it will manifest itself here as a red rash all over the body. Most of all, you should be attentive to children under 12 years old, who are especially prone to this.
  • Diabetes … This disease is an absolute contraindication to the use of persimmons, since they contain too many easily digestible carbohydrates in the form of sugars. For this reason, the level of glucose in the blood can jump sharply, which in certain situations leads to loss of consciousness or even coma. The latter case concerns mainly those who have been suffering from type 1 diabetes for many years.

If you do not want to spend most of the next or this day in the restroom, you should not eat persimmons at the same time as milk or cold water - there should be a difference of at least 2-3 hours between them.

Recipes for dishes with velvet persimmon

Baked velvet persimmon
Baked velvet persimmon

This fruit is very sweet and astringent, so you won't eat a lot of it. In raw form, no more than 1-2 fruits can be harvested at a time. Therefore, it is better to combine it with other ingredients - apples, pomegranates, sweet tomatoes, canned corn, chicken liver, smoked fish, cheese. Basically, persimmon is used in the preparation of various salads and desserts, but it is also quite suitable for soups and side dishes. Here's what and how you can do with this fruit:

  1. Salad … Wash one persimmon, peel and cut into cubes. Now peel the apples (2 pcs.), Trim them into strips and mix with the pomegranate seeds (1 tablespoon). Season the mass with unsweetened honey, add a little salt and add walnuts (2 tablespoons). Stir the mixture and let it rest in the refrigerator for several hours.
  2. Stuffed persimmon … Rinse and boil chicken liver (300 g) in salted water, then grind it in a meat grinder or grater. Fry one onion, chopped as small as possible, combine it with grated garlic (2 cloves), salt to taste, melted butter (2 tablespoons), sugar (2 pinches). Now add grated Parmesan cheese (70 g), nectarine juice (3 tablespoons) and orange juice (2 tablespoons) to the mass. Sprinkle this mixture with black pepper and turmeric (one pinch each). Next, wash the persimmon, cut off its upper part, remove the seeds from the inside and put the mass prepared in advance in the cavity made up to the very top. Pour sour cream over it, sprinkle with hard cheese and bake in the oven for 20 minutes, until it is covered with a nice crust.
  3. Smoothie … Wash, peel and chop the persimmons (2 pcs.). Do the same with orange (1 pc.), Sweet apple (2 pcs.) And banana (1 pc.). Add honey (1 tsp), vanillin (pinch) and ice cream (2 tbsp) to the mass. Whisk the mixture with a blender and let it cool in the freezer for 10 minutes. As a result, you should get a homogeneous smoothie without lumps, drink it through a cocktail straw.
  4. Baked persimmon in sauce … Wash 5 pcs. these fruits and leave them to drain. Then prepare this mixture: mix three egg whites with lemon juice (2 tablespoons), a pinch of vanillin, sugar (120 g) and sour cream (200 ml). Beat this mass well, moisten persimmon in it, put it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, and send it to the oven for 15-25 minutes. During this time, it should be well saturated with the sauce, become soft and juicy, covered with a golden brown crust.
  5. Tart … Wash and cut 5 persimmons into thin slices. Fry it in a skillet in butter. 2-3 minutes before turning off, add here unrefined cane sugar (2 tablespoons), cottage cheese grated through a sieve (3 tablespoons) and the zest of one lemon. Then, when the mass has cooled, add sifted flour (about 200 g) into it and replace the dough. Roll it into a layer no more than 2 cm high and leave in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. At this time, prepare the lubricant - beat the egg white (2 pcs.) With powdered sugar (80 g). Lubricate the cake with it and send it to the oven for 30 minutes. Ready-made baked goods can be eaten with jam, condensed milk or honey.
  6. Roll … Defrost and roll out the yeast-free, puff pastry into a thin layer up to 0.2 cm high. Next, prepare the filling: grind the cottage cheese (200 g) and mix it with chopped parsley (3 sprigs), dill (5 sprigs), garlic (3 cloves), salt and black pepper to taste. Then wash, peel and seed and crush the velvet persimmon with a fork (3 pcs.). After that, add it to the rest of the ingredients, stir the mass and brush the already rolled dough with it. Then roll it into a roll, transfer it to a baking sheet drizzled with oil, brush with egg white and send to the oven for 20-30 minutes. Season the finished product with melted butter and sprinkle with crushed peanuts.

Important! The peel of this fruit is not very tasty, it is tough and rough, therefore, almost all recipes with velvet persimmon require its removal.

Interesting facts about velvet persimmon

How does velvet persimmon grow
How does velvet persimmon grow

This fruit is ideal for drying, for this purpose it is washed, pitted, divided into several parts and laid out in the oven on a baking sheet. At the minimum temperature, the slices are kept for 5 hours every day for three days. The oven door at this time should be open so that the persimmon does not burn.

Another option is to expose the fruit to the sun for the same amount of time. By the way, so that they do not darken, they only need to be cut with a stainless steel knife. Ready-made drying should not be used to prepare compotes, they are not very tasty.

Velvet persimmon is rarely seen on sale, but if it is, it is mostly only in winter. It is completely unprofitable for sellers to buy it in the summer because of the rapid deterioration of goods under the influence of high temperatures. With this in mind, many distributors are tricky when ordering an unripe fruit. For successful storage, it needs an air temperature of no more than 10 ° C and a humidity of 80%.

Those who decide to buy not fully ripe fruits should hold them for about 12 hours in a window or in warm water before use. It is also a good way to eliminate their viscosity. For this purpose, the fruits can still be sent to the freezer for 2-3 days, after which they have been defrosted.

Watch a video about velvet persimmon:

Velvet persimmon is a rather exotic fruit for Europe. In Asia, Africa, South America and on the islands with a subtropical climate, they have long been accustomed to it, and it is not surprising, because it is indeed a very unusual and tasty fruit. He will help to change the sequence of "apple-banana-orange" and enjoy something new, unknown.