Stagnation in weight gain: 4 effective recommendations

Stagnation in weight gain: 4 effective recommendations
Stagnation in weight gain: 4 effective recommendations

How to break through your progress in mass gain and guaranteed progress in increasing strength indicators? 100% recommendation from iron sports pros. When there are problems with muscle growth, namely with stagnation, many athletes begin to look for alternative solutions to this problem. Of course, preference is given to those methods that seem to be the most logical and reasonable. But often only counterproductive techniques can help in such a situation. Today, you will learn 4 effective tips for overcoming stagnant mass gain, as well as some of the most common causes of plateaus.

How to overcome muscle stasis?

The athlete in the hall sits with dumbbells in his hands
The athlete in the hall sits with dumbbells in his hands

Reduce training volume

The diagram of the dependence of progress on volume
The diagram of the dependence of progress on volume

The myth that the more you train, the more results you will achieve, is firmly entrenched in the minds of bodybuilders. Most athletes understand this by increasing the volume of training. The term "training volume" should be understood as the amount of work that was performed by the muscles in one session. Calculating this indicator is quite simple and for this you only need to multiply the number of repetitions and sets, as well as the working of all the shells.

Several studies have shown that increasing training volume in the long term can be very beneficial. However, it should be remembered that the body's reaction to this action also depends on other factors, for example, the duration of rest, the quality of the diet, etc. In other words, it is impossible to increase the volume indefinitely, since there is a certain limit.

Scientists have found that high training volume is often the main cause of overtraining in athletes. With a strong increase in volume, the body can respond by reducing the production of the male hormone and increase the secretion of cortisol.

Reduce the working weight of the shells

Athlete exercising among dumbbells
Athlete exercising among dumbbells

Previously, experts and the athletes themselves were confident that good results can be achieved only by working with large weights of equipment. However, recent research has shaken confidence in this issue. There is a lot of evidence that during training with less weight, more muscle fibers are involved in the work, and the rate of muscle growth does not decrease.

In some experiments, it has been found that working with a weight of 30 percent of the maximum can achieve the same results as training with a weight of 90 percent of the maximum. Scientists speculate that this may be due to an increase in the time the muscles are under stress. We also note that the use of lighter working weights inhibits the work of the ligamentous-articular apparatus much less.

Use cheating

The athlete performs a barbell press while standing
The athlete performs a barbell press while standing

Cheating in bodybuilding is the use of momentum to lift a projectile. If you use cheating very often or incorrectly from a technical point of view, then you will significantly increase the risk of injury. But with the skillful use of this training method, you can increase the load on the muscles and thereby create a greater incentive for muscle growth.

Apply cardio

People train on a stepper
People train on a stepper

The role of cardio training is greatly underestimated in bodybuilding. Many athletes are sure that aerobic exercise only contributes to the destruction of muscles. However, cardio endurance will not be superfluous for people who do intense strength training.

While there is a widespread belief in muscle cardio that cardio is harmful to muscles, there are studies that link cardio endurance and the body's response to strength training. Replenishment of the supply of creatine phosphate is associated not only with recovery, but also with the oxygen debt of the body. Also, some experiments clearly show that cardio endurance allows you to accelerate the process of removing lactic acid from muscle tissue.

Of course, you shouldn't use cardio on a daily basis. However, with the right dosage of aerobic exercise, you can accelerate recovery and stimulate muscle growth. In bodybuilding, it is customary to use non-shock cardio (exercise bike or walking) with moderate to low intensity. Also, do not use cardio for more than half an hour or more than three times a week.

The main causes of muscle stasis

Beginner athlete with drawn muscles
Beginner athlete with drawn muscles

Insufficient load

Athlete running
Athlete running

This is the most common cause of plateaus. The body adapts over time to any stress and you need to progress. This principle is fundamental in bodybuilding. Sometimes athletes, when a plateau appears, change the training program, while leaving the load unchanged. It is clear that this does not give anything at all. You need to keep a training diary to help you progress. No matter how great your memory is, you will not be able to memorize all the numbers.

Not enough time to rest

Girl after workout with towel
Girl after workout with towel

It is also a very common cause of muscle congestion. Some athletes train very often, and their bodies simply do not have time to recover. Fatigue gradually builds up and the result is overtraining and muscle growth stops. You must get enough rest for the body to recover.

Long rest

Jogging on the beach
Jogging on the beach

The situation is directly opposite to the previous one and it occurs much less frequently. If you rest a lot between classes, then the muscles have time not only to increase in volume, but also to return to the previous level of development. During training, the muscles are destroyed, which are then eliminated by the body. This is followed by the supercompensation stage, when the muscle tissue grows. It is during this period that you need to conduct the next lesson.

Genetic limitations

Athlete and DNA strands
Athlete and DNA strands

Today it is fashionable to talk about genetics in bodybuilding, although this factor is also of great importance. The closer you are to your genetic border, the less muscle growth becomes. Many athletes at this point resort to using AAS, however, genetics can be overcome using the periodization method.

How to overcome stagnation in mass gain, see this video: