Careful with your athletic thoughts, they come true. Learn how to motivate your psychology to reach the maximum limits in muscle mass. If you look closely at the training process of the overwhelming majority of gym visitors, they all are of the opinion that each muscle group should be pumped only once within seven days. In their opinion, this is exactly how much the body needs to recover. At the same time, the size of muscle groups, the level of training of an athlete, and his pharmacological support are not taken into account.
And, of course, you should remember about nutrition and training programs. Most athletes eat completely wrong, and their training is trivial. And in doing so, they are counting on progress. It's time to fix these mistakes.
How to train properly in bodybuilding: recommendations for beginners

To begin with, one muscle should train at least twice a week. In addition, it is necessary for each of them to use one multi-joint movement that can use the muscle as much as possible. The more muscles are involved in the work, the stronger the nerve impulses will be and the brain will include more fibers. Also, in order for the maximum number of fibers to participate in the work, it is necessary to train in an explosive style. Experienced athletes may be advised to perform an isolated multi-rep mode after a basic movement. Now let's talk about how to properly train the main muscle groups.

Most athletes use a wide stance when performing squats and most often do not fall very low. With this method of performing the exercise, it is very difficult to qualitatively pump the teardrop-shaped muscle located above the knee joint. Also, with a wide stance on the quadriceps, there is a small load. To use this muscle to the maximum, it is necessary to use a narrow stance.
However, there are also disadvantages here, namely, the load on the lumbar region increases and you have to reduce the working weight. Considering all of the above, the way out of this situation can be to perform narrow squats in the Smith machine, choosing a comfortable position. Athletes with knee problems should replace squats with leg presses with a narrow stance.
It must also be said that it takes less time to restore the hamstrings compared to the quadriceps and for this reason they should be trained more often. An excellent option would be to breed training these muscles on different days. Often, athletes perform 20 repetitions for training the muscles of the lower leg, but it will be enough to do from 6 to 8. You must remember that muscle growth is not affected by the number of repetitions, but by the time they are under load. If they are loaded for 15–40 seconds, they will grow.

When working on this muscle group, it makes sense to separate the classes on different days by the width and thickness of the back. To make it wider, you should do more reps, and to increase the thickness, accordingly, less. Also, given the size of this group, you should do five or six exercises. In addition, it is necessary to remember about the lower section of the broadest muscles, for which the best movements are barbell and dumbbell rows in an inclined position to the belt.
For most athletes, the biggest challenge is working on the upper back. This is due not only to the rather poor responsiveness of the muscles to training, but also to their location. It is very difficult to feel the contraction of these muscles. For work on the upper back, it makes sense to do dumbbell rows on a bench with a reverse incline.
Tilt the bench to a 30 or 45 degree angle, but sit in the opposite direction. It is also important that the leg, usually on the ground, is on a raised platform. Rows are performed not towards the belt, but towards the head. Since the design of the bench was not designed for such a movement, it will take time to find a comfortable position.

Since the bench press is very popular, many athletes have serious problems with the development of chest muscles. Most often, the upper chest is well pumped and the bottom is somewhat weaker. From the point of view of aesthetics, it looks just awful.
To avoid this, you can advise at the beginning of the training, to do exercises for the inner chest and upper, and then work on the lower, so that the muscles develop harmoniously.
A few words should be said about push-ups on the uneven bars. This is a rather specific exercise, since there are two ways to perform it (on the chest and triceps), and you can also use different angles of inclination of the body, the depth of movement downward, the position of the elbow joints. It should be performed depending on your individual characteristics, focusing on the muscles lagging behind in development.

The abdominal muscles are no different from others and the same principles are used in their training. For this reason, there is no point in doing 50 or more reps. It is enough to perform from 6 to 12 repetitions and cubes will appear on your stomach. Also, if you have problems with belly fat, then abdominal training will not give you anything. First you need to get rid of the fat so that the cubes are visible.

This topic is of interest to all bodybuilders. Everyone wants to have powerful arms, but it is important to remember that it is very difficult to achieve this without pumped legs. Scientists have proven that the more strength your leg muscles have, the more firmly you can stand on the ground. This affects the strength of nerve impulses, thereby forcing the brain to include as many fibers as possible.
It is also necessary to use multi-joint movements to develop the muscles of the arms. In relation to the biceps, these can be pull-ups with a narrow grip, as well as bench presses in a lying position with a reverse grip. The most effective for the development of triceps are push-ups on the uneven bars and bench press with a narrow grip.
This video from Evan Centopani and his gym partners will help you tune your sports thoughts in the right way: