Where bad thoughts come from in the head: psychological and religious reasons. The impact of obsessions on the quality of life and how to get rid of them. General advice, psychological tricks, prayer against bad thoughts. Bad thoughts are thoughts of not the most positive direction, which sometimes get stuck in the head for a long time. They can reflect explicit experiences or subconscious fears, but in any case, they interfere with a normal life. They are difficult to control, they interfere with relaxation even in the most comfortable environment. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.
The Impact of Bad Thoughts on Life

Obsessive bad thoughts in your head can be compared to a worm inside an apple - it is inside, but it is difficult to get it. Only a worm spoils an apple, and negative thoughts spoil health. And mental as well. After all, it has already been proven that our life is what we think. The constant scrolling of anxieties, obsessions tightens the knot of experiences even tighter. If you do not get rid of them, you can feel the full destructive power of negative thinking. It can manifest itself in the following:
- Blocking the future … Doubts in their abilities, distrust of people, the senselessness of what is happening, reflections on the correctness of this or that decision over time occupy almost all mental space. Thus, neither time nor resources are left for concrete actions and plans. In the same way as for people nearby. A person gets stuck in experiences without moving forward.
- Materialization of thoughts … "Cockroaches" in the head give rise to them in life: if you are very afraid of something and constantly think about it, there is every chance of meeting your fear in reality.
- Effects on the nervous system … The nervous system becomes the first victim of gloomy thoughts. She is very sensitive to thought processes with a "-" sign. Moreover, when these processes are in the recirculation system. Therefore, the nerve strings are stretched, and irritation, suspiciousness, irascibility appear.
- Transition to pathology … Lingering bad thoughts can transform and become obsessive over time. Then go into an obsessive state and give impetus to the development of mental illness.
Of course, constant anxiety affects the physiological state of a person. He becomes jerky, nervous. It is difficult for him to focus on anything other than the problem that worries him. He has a decrease in self-esteem, mood, problems with sleep and concentration. Hence the problems both at work and in personal life.
Causes of bad thoughts

Many owners of the mental "gum" think that it comes from nowhere. In fact, every disturbing thought has its roots and its fertile ground.
The main reasons why bad thoughts are in the head:
- Personal qualities … The tendency to worry about any reason and endlessly scroll through possible failures in your head can be a character trait. In this case, a person is engaged in self-digging and looks to the future with pessimism from childhood.
- Negative past … Sometimes a feeling of guilt can be the fuel for obsessive thoughts. It may be a real fault for some act or some kind of mental messages. In a more complex version - imaginary, contrived wine. In any case, she makes you think about her, remember and fear that such a situation will still happen again.
- Self-doubt … Doubts about your abilities and abilities are another powerful source of bad thoughts. For an insecure person, every step, every moment of life is a test. He needs to make decisions, which means thinking. And here the "worms" of doubts and fears creep into the thinking process.
- Dubiousness … Anything can plant anxiety and anxiety in suspicious people in the head. It can be a story from TV or the Internet, a conversation with acquaintances or even an accidentally heard story of strangers, a newspaper article or a news feed. And that's it: it's scary to fly - you can crash, you can't use a mobile phone - you'll get brain cancer, etc.
- Internal contradictions … It happens that bad thoughts creep into your head due to the fact that there is no internal balance. The uncertainty that the action being taken is correct and timely sows doubts in the head. They, in turn, force to sort the situation "on the shelves." This brings out all possible solutions to the problem - both positive and negative. Makes you think about which choice to make. And worry about it.
- Helplessness … Problems that we cannot solve on our own can plant anxiety and fear in the soul and head. That is, situations that you just need to wait out, hoping for the best. And it is the expectation of the result that generates anxiety and makes you nervous more and more, drawing in your head possible (not the most rosy) layouts.
Important! Religion has its own explanations for the causes of bad thoughts. In this case, the source of experiences or obsessions is demons, an unclean force. It is she who puts fears, stupidity and nasty things into her head.
How to get rid of bad thoughts
Since the nature of anxious thoughts is varied, there are also many ways to get rid of them. And this same nature will be the key to choosing the right way. But to begin with, getting rid of bad thoughts is a necessary procedure to improve your life. Then comes the stage of determining the source of anxiety and the method of dealing with it.
General guidelines for getting rid of bad thoughts

There are several universal ways to get rid of bad thoughts of any origin. They will help to independently balance the psyche in mild cases of anxiety, or they will enhance the effect of other methods in more complex ones. The main mechanism here is distraction. For example:
- Sport … Exercise helps not only keep fit and release adrenaline. Regular sports activities relieve the nervous system well. And if you return to good physical shape - it adds self-confidence. Therefore, such unloading in tandem with the awareness of oneself as an attractive person reduces the chances (and time) for experiences.
- Drinking regime and nutrition … Eating and drinking is what gives us the strength and resources to exist. Lack of fluid, hunger, or an unbalanced diet can drain the body. This leads to fatigue. And she creates all the conditions for mentally chewing even minor events or situations. Therefore, drink plenty of water and healthy drinks (fresh juices, fruit drinks, compotes, green tea), try to eat right. But the main thing is to choose the most acceptable, tasty drinks and dishes for you. And don't forget about food antidepressants - chocolate, bananas, raisins, hazelnuts. What is joyful also brings joy.
- Full rest … A good rest and quality sleep are the guarantors that allow us to be in good shape. And that means - to solve problems, enjoy life and leave no room for fear and worries.
- Music … You can drown out bad thoughts with the help of your favorite music. Find your favorite radio wave, your favorite music channel, create a playlist of your favorite songs in your gadget. And as soon as you feel that anxious "worms" begin to creep into consciousness - turn on the music louder or put on headphones. And treat yourself with a positive.
- Hobby … You can distract yourself from overwhelming anxieties and fears with the help of a hobby, a favorite thing. This can be handicrafts, taking care of indoor flowers, reading, etc. Any activity that brings pleasure.
- Present day … Leaving the past behind and appreciating the present is a great way to fill your head with positive thoughts and memories. What has already happened cannot be changed, unlike what is happening now. Therefore, form your positive past today.
Interesting! You can try to drive away stupid thoughts and not in the most pleasant way - dirty work. That is, what you usually do not really like to do. For example, you can do a general cleaning, tidy up the closet, wash the car, etc.
The psychological practice of suppressing bad thoughts

You can clear your head of mental debris with the help of psychological practices: attitudes, techniques, trainings. We have compiled a selection of the most effective methods of brain "cleansing" that you can do yourself, without a specialist.
Psychological ways to get bad thoughts out of your head:
- Calculation … To kill your enemy, you need to know him by sight. To get rid of bad thoughts, you need to figure them out. To do this, you can visit a psychologist, or you can take a piece of paper and write them down with your own hand. Dividing fears into two categories, real and fictional, will help a lot. Then, next to each item, write what you can do to prevent the anxiety from materializing. For example, if you are constantly worried about the iron not turned off or the front door not closed, double check this action before leaving the house.
- Ignoring … Set yourself up to ignore the intrusive mental "parasites" that get into your head and try to ruin your life. Calculate them, identify and blacklist your perceptions, draw a demarcation line. Now, even when they are trying to "call" your consciousness, to cross the border, turn on the ignore mode.
- Adoption … It is impossible to get rid of disturbing thoughts forever. Therefore, one should not tune in to the fact that even with constant work on themselves, they will never return. The attitude towards them is important here: this fear (anxiety, obsessive thought) has nothing to do with reality, so let them return to themselves. Develop a calm attitude towards them - do not be upset, do not analyze, do not be nervous. Do not try to argue with them and look for arguments against - it is common knowledge that it is difficult to win in an argument with your mind. You will only get even more bogged down in worry and anxiety. So relax - if such thoughts are not given importance, then they will leave just as they came.
- Indifference … Remember that emotions are the main food for fear and anxiety. It is the emotional component that widens the eyes of fear and brings anxiety to its peak. Therefore, learn to perceive obsessive "worms" in your head indifferently: if they are not - great, appeared - it is also normal. But be careful in assessing your perception: if you are working on yourself, do not focus on when these absurd thoughts will go away. Don't translate the fight against obsessions into another obsession.
- Confusing … Bad thinking can be interrupted with positive opposition. For example, using the word "but". And as soon as some bad thought begins to bother your mind, fend it off with a positive affirmation. Take a closer look, listen to yourself - any flaw in character or appearance can always be covered with advantages in the same areas. The fire in the eyes covers the wrinkles around them, the cheerful character - the fullness, etc.
- Antivirus … Another psychological technique for getting rid of obsessive thoughts. It is based on the association of the brain with a computer, and bad thoughts with computer viruses. That is, install an “anti-virus program” into your brain computer, which will calculate viral thoughts and immediately delete them.
- Forgiveness … If the mental "parasites" in the head are vindictive or constantly remind of the offensive situation, the solution to the problem will be to forgive the offender. Or yourself if you think your behavior or words are wrong. Forgive me from the bottom of my heart, not just for show. Otherwise, the situation traumatizing the soul will scroll endlessly in memory, and you will come up with new options for your answer to the offender or your behavior. That is, wasting your strength and nerves in vain - on the past, on what has already happened, has already passed.
Prayer Against Bad Thoughts

Religion's answer to the question of what to do if bad thoughts come into your head is unambiguous - to pray. Sincere prayer is recognized as the most powerful weapon against evil and obsessive thoughts. She establishes an energetic connection with the higher divine forces. Thus, they come into conflict with our inner demons.
For your prayer to be as effective as possible, it must be directed in the opposite direction of the instilled obsessive thoughts. For example, if you cannot come to terms with certain circumstances or situations, then the essence of your appeal to God should be precisely humility: "Thy will be done!"
If your problem is discouragement or despair, you need to tame the pride or grumbling, which most often result in such conditions. And turn to the higher powers with gratitude. If the source of bad thoughts is anger or resentment against another person, you need to forgive him yourself and ask for his forgiveness before God.
In any of these cases, the work of evil spirits leads to the opposite result - to good. Therefore, they become unarmed, and their stay with you is useless. And they will leave you. You can cleanse yourself and your thoughts not only with the help of prayer. Church ordinances are a powerful weapon against evil spirits and demons within us. Confession and the sacrament cleanse the soul and give strength to fight evil. To get rid of bad thoughts with the help of prayer, it is not necessary to turn to God only with the known texts of prayer and only in the church. If you are sincere in your address, he will surely hear you, no matter where you turn to him and no matter what words you pray. How to get rid of bad thoughts - watch the video:

When choosing a way to deal with your inner fears, you need to remember that restoring peace of mind requires work. Psychological techniques or prayer are not a one-time pill for obsessive thoughts, but a medicine that needs to be taken for a long time and regularly. Therefore, work on yourself, and the "worms" in your head will lose their influence on your health and the quality of your life.