Types of bodybuilders

Types of bodybuilders
Types of bodybuilders

Find out what other athletes will call you in the gym based on your fitness level, fitness level, and appearance. Not only in India there is a division into castes. There is also a gradation in bodybuilding. However, unlike India, every athlete is able to climb this ladder. Today you will be able to find out what types of bodybuilders exist.

Classification of athletes in bodybuilding

Types of athletes
Types of athletes

Untouchable or snowdrops

Typical snowdrop in the hall
Typical snowdrop in the hall

This is the lowest rung of the bodybuilding classification ladder. First of all, this is due to the fact that they do not have much time and most of them will quickly stop attending the gym. They know nothing about training and the untouchables are the most harmless caste in bodybuilding, but they are not very fond of them.



After the untouchables begin to consistently engage in, they go into the caste of drisha. It should be said that this group of visitors to the hall has its own gradation:

  • An ordinary drish - most often he visits the gym with an advanced drish who monitors his training. He can also just wander around the hall and distract everyone from the lesson.
  • Advanced drisch - has been practicing for about six months and has some understanding of training. He knows about the existence of sports nutrition, in particular protein mixtures. Is on the right training path.
  • Drishch, the future winner of Olimpia, lost his way. We are sure that they know everything about bodybuilding and soon they will become champions.
  • Drisch theorist - they have quite a lot of knowledge in the field of bodybuilding, but they remain drisch.
  • A novice athlete's groove is the best type of grooving. They consult with the instructor and work with full dedication in the classroom.
  • No longer drisch - this stage is transitional to the athlete. Most often, this requires about a year of classes.
  • No longer a drish theorist - this category of drish annoys more than others. He can use peptides, but he is afraid of steroids, although he knows everything about rehabilitation therapy after the course.
  • No longer drish, novice chemist - as a rule, these are guys from 16 to 18 years old who have tried steroids for the first time. The cycle ended not very well, and for this reason the desire to study has disappeared.


Fat joke
Fat joke

The most dangerous of all castes. They consider themselves cooler than others and love to bully everyone.


Turning fat into a jock
Turning fat into a jock

A good-natured caste, completely opposite to fat people. With diligent practice, they can become dryches.

Non-athletes with training experience

Common types of people in the hall
Common types of people in the hall

This group of visitors to the hall is loved by everyone, since its representatives are as adequate as possible. As a rule, their work experience is large enough and they work to maintain their shape, without pursuing other large-scale goals.


Fitonyashka is exercising
Fitonyashka is exercising

A very respected caste, as it includes pretty girls. As in everyday life, they delight the eye of the male part of the audience.

Types of athletes competing

Bodybuilders posing at the tournament
Bodybuilders posing at the tournament


Strength Athlete
Strength Athlete

This is the first caste of competitive athletes. All athletes who train strength belong to this group. There is also a classification within the caste.


Bodybuilder posing
Bodybuilder posing

Consists mainly of bodybuilders. Real competing builders are most respected by all. The reasons for this should be clear and so.


Man and woman taking a selfie in the hall
Man and woman taking a selfie in the hall

This category includes persons who can belong to any of the castes. Among them you can find, for example, selfies (they love to take pictures of themselves), Wi-Fi users (the main purpose of visiting the hall is to use free Wi-Fi), etc.

Of course, all this gradation is very arbitrary and playful. A friendly atmosphere always reigns in the halls, although there are visitors who really interfere with studying, distracting with their conversations.

Learn how to tell a natural bodybuilder from a chemist in this video:
