Rose petals are beneficial for health and help maintain beauty and youth. Learn how to use this product for health and beauty purposes. Rose petals have a lot of useful properties that have not been fully studied to date. Provided they are used correctly, it is possible to carry out an effective health-improving course for the whole organism and prolong youth.
The rose is an ornamental plant that is generally used for beauty and decoration. But this beautiful flower can have other uses as well.
The healing properties of the rose

For many centuries, the rose has been used as an effective medicinal plant, later it began to be widely used in cooking, and today it has found its place in cosmetology.
You can make delicious jam or rose water from rose leaves. Also, this plant is used to obtain essential oil, which has a lot of useful properties and can become an irreplaceable assistant in the struggle for beauty.
Rose is considered a medicinal plant due to the content of valuable active substances - approximately 1-18% of various types of sugars (fructose, sucrose and glucose), 4% of pectin substances, including organic acids, tannins and phenolic acids. This flower contains a large amount of vitamins B, PP, and pantothenic acid.
Due to the content of essential oil, mucous substances, tannin and glycosides, rose petals have literally magical powers. The essential oil is extracted from only two types of plants - French and Damascus roses.
Rose essential oil is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery, and is also used for medicinal purposes. Damask rose has one rather popular variety - the Kazalyk rose, which is grown in Bulgaria.
Rose oil has a pleasant light yellow hue, has a rather thick consistency, fragrant and slightly harsh aroma. It turns out as a result of distillation of plant petals with water vapor. To produce this product, a lot of raw materials are used - for example, about 3 tons of petals are consumed to form 1 liter of oil.
During the process of distillation or evaporation, water is formed, which is called pink. Today this product is widely used in cosmetology and is one of the main components for eau de parfum. It can be used in folk medicine as well as in cooking. Rose oil has many positive qualities, which include the following:
- even severe spasms are quickly removed;
- various inflammatory processes are eliminated;
- can be used to relieve pain attacks;
- helps with allergic reactions;
- resists various harmful microorganisms;
- has a choleretic effect;
- promotes mild vasodilation;
- has a sedative and calming effect.
Rose oil is often used in the treatment of various dental ailments, especially gum problems.
Essential oil from rose petals has the ability to stop bleeding, quickly removes signs of allergies, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and helps in the fight against helminths.
This remedy can be taken orally. In this case, it has a laxative effect, while it is allowed to use it even during pregnancy, with nervous disorders, hay fever and hemorrhaging.
You can also use whole rose petals for lotions. It has a positive effect on ocular inflammations. You can brew the petals of the plant and use the resulting infusion to gargle.
How to collect rose petals?

Today you can buy already harvested and dried rose petals, but do not rush to buy. The fact is that such raw materials can be collected in violation of the rules, therefore, useful properties are lost.
It is important that the collection of rose petals takes place only in clear weather, provided there is no precipitation. This procedure is carried out in the morning until lunchtime. You should not stretch the pleasure, you need to work quickly, otherwise there is a risk of losing the beneficial qualities of the plant. If the rose petals are harvested in the afternoon, the raw material will lose about 30% of the essential oil.
After the completion of the collection procedure, all the petals are laid out in the fresh air in the shade, where drying will take place. You can carry out this procedure indoors, but only if it is well ventilated. After all the petals are dry, they are stored in a tin and completely dry container, with a tightly closed lid.
Rules for storing rose petals

It is very important to follow the basic rules for storing raw materials, since it is on this that its useful qualities depend, which can be significantly reduced if you do not adhere to a few simple recommendations.
If rose petals will be used to scent a room, you can store them in salt. All raw materials are filled with a large amount of salt and transferred to a decorative glass container with a lid. You must wait exactly 4 days. After the specified time, slightly opening the container, you can feel the incredible aroma of roses, which will fill the room.
If you wish, you can make your own wax decorative rose petals. In this case, one simple candle is taken and melted. One petal is dipped in liquid wax, then they must be left for a while to freeze. The finished decoration is recommended to be used as a scented decoration.
You can also dry whole roses yourself. To this end, they are tied and hung down with buds, then left for a week in a dark room. After 7 days, the petals will become completely dry, after which they can be carefully torn off.
Rose petals in cosmetology

Today, rose petals are quite widely used in cosmetology, helping to cope with various problems. You can make home remedies yourself if you know a few simple rules.
Rose petal tonic
Ideal for all skin types, it is most beneficial for dry and sensitive skin. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes aging skin.
To prepare such a tonic, 2-3 tbsp is taken. l. pre-chopped rose petals and poured 200 g of boiling water. The container is covered with a towel and the solution is left for about 20-25 minutes to infuse well. Then the tonic is filtered and left to cool completely and can be used.
A cotton pad is moistened with tonic and the skin is wiped, or the product is poured into a spray bottle and the face is irrigated 2 times during the day. This procedure is recommended in hot weather.
Facial cleansing lotion
To make such a remedy taken? Art. raw materials and filled with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid and left for a day, then the lotion is filtered and 1 tbsp is added. l. glycerin. Everything mixes well and the product can be used to wash the face and care for the skin in the décolleté area.
Anti-wrinkle product
An amazing result is obtained by the following remedy, which should be used in the form of compresses. A glass of boiling water is poured into 2 tbsp. l. rose petals. As soon as the solution becomes warm, it is filtered. In the broth, cotton pads or gauze napkin are moistened, and applied to problem areas.
Refreshing lotion
The same number of rose petals is poured in one glass of vodka, the container is covered with a lid and left for exactly 10 days. Then 2 tsp is added to the infusion. boiled and chilled water. The finished product can be used.
Ice cubes
A decoction is made from rose petals, filtered and poured into ice molds. With ready-made cubes, you need to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté every day.
Lotion for dry skin
Rose water is diluted with a little milk. In the resulting composition, cotton pads are moistened and every day, before going to bed, the skin of the face is wiped, and the décolleté area can also be treated.
Lotion with honey
First you need to make rose water and rose infusion, after which they are mixed, 1 tbsp is introduced. l. fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp. liquid honey. Instead of lemon juice, you can use 50% alcohol.
Regular use of the ready-made lotion perfectly tones the skin, gives the face freshness, and removes traces of fatigue. Can be used to care for all skin types. You can store the finished lotion in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in a dark place, but not for too long.
Rose Petal Tonic
It is taken in equal amounts of 2 tbsp. l. rose petals and jasmine flowers, 400 g of boiling water is poured. The tool is infused for at least 5 hours, after which it is filtered and injected with 2 ampoules of vitamin B1 and 2 tbsp. l. floral cologne. This toner is recommended for dry and sensitive skin.
Toner for normal skin types
Take 2 tbsp. l. rose petals and 1 tbsp. boiling water. The broth is infused until it becomes warm, then 1 tbsp is added. vodka, 1 tsp. glycerin. The finished product can be used to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté, or to wash.
Lotion to combat enlarged pores
A tincture of rose petals is being prepared. 60 g of tincture is mixed with 30 g of fresh lemon juice, 30 g of cucumber juice is added, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 15 g of vodka. This product should be used regularly to narrow the pores.
Lotion for oily skin
4 tbsp. rose petals are poured with 500 g of vinegar. The product is poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and left for 3 weeks. After the specified period, the infusion is filtered, diluted with 500 g of boiled water and can be used. This lotion perfectly tones and removes ugly oily sheen.
Anti-rosacea tonic
An infusion of rose petals is made in a ratio of 1:20. In the finished tonic, a napkin is moistened and applied as a compress, after 20 minutes you need to wash. This procedure must be carried out at least 2 times during the day. The full course of treatment for rosacea is 20 sessions.
Nourishing mask for different skin types
First, pink flour is made - pink petals are ground in a blender. Take 1 tsp. the resulting flour is mixed with 0.5 tsp. sour cream (low-fat), 1 tsp. egg white. All components are mixed and the mixture is left for 5 minutes to infuse. The composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, washed off after 30 minutes.
Rose petals can become valuable and irreplaceable helpers in the struggle for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. It is recommended to add them to masks, tonics and lotions. If you don't have time to prepare complex cosmetics, you can use ice cubes made from rose water. Most importantly, no matter which tool was chosen, to obtain the desired result, it must be used regularly.
Learn more about the benefits of rose petals in this video: