Rollinia mucous or biriba

Rollinia mucous or biriba
Rollinia mucous or biriba

What is mucous rollinia, why is it in demand by the consumer. The benefits and harms of introducing an exotic fruit into the diet. How biribu is eaten and what can be prepared from it. The ability to grow a plant at home. With the help of rollinia, you can replenish the supply of B vitamins. These compounds are involved in recovery processes, are responsible for visual function and the functioning of the nervous system, normalize blood pressure and control the activity of the hematopoietic system.

It should be noted the high content of amino acids necessary for stable life:

  • Lysine with a pronounced antiviral and antioxidant effect.
  • Methionine prevents the development of depression, has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the elimination of heavy metals from the body.
  • Threonine normalizes liver function and stimulates the production of glycine and serotonin.
  • Tryptophan prevents mental crises, the appearance of depression.

Rollinia mucosa is popular with Aboriginal people and locals alike. It helps the former to survive, they collect it at the places of growth, and the latter, with its help, switch to a healthy lifestyle, to vegetarianism. With the introduction of biriba into the diet, it is absolutely painless for the body to give up meat.

Useful properties of mucous rollinia

What does the birib fruit look like?
What does the birib fruit look like?

Locals use biribu for food and medicinal purposes.

The benefits of mucosal rollinia:

  1. Increases tone and enhances immune defense;
  2. Prevents the development of scurvy and anemia;
  3. Stops the development of osteoporosis, improves the quality of the skin and accelerates the growth of hair and nails;
  4. Stimulates the production of red blood cells and improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  5. Stops enterocolitis, stops chronic non-infectious diarrhea;
  6. Helps to recover after high psycho-emotional and physical stress.

The balanced composition of nutrients in this product makes rollinia mucosa a must-have for vegans.

An infusion is made from the leaves of the plant, which has a pronounced anthelmintic effect.

Contraindications and harm to biriba

Obesity in a girl
Obesity in a girl

Rollinia often causes allergic reactions, so it is carefully introduced into the menu of children under 5 years old and pregnant women are advised to completely stop using it. Contraindications to the use of biriba:

  • Constipation tendency;
  • Allergy to citrus fruits and individual intolerance;
  • Obesity of 2-3 degrees.

Biriba is not only a high-calorie product, but also easily digestible. The harm from mucosal rollinia is manifested not only in the formation of a fatty layer. Dangerous and one-time overeating. There are intestinal spasms, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, edema may appear.

When eating biriba fruits, the seeds must be spat out. They are toxic, and if chewed, all the symptoms of intoxication will appear: vomiting, headache, high fever.

You cannot eat unripe fruits. If the recommendation is disregarded, stomatitis or erosion of the esophagus, peptic ulcer disease may occur. Even if you try a small bite, an unpleasant soreness will be felt in the mouth for a long time.

How to eat rollinia mucosa

How to eat biriba pulp
How to eat biriba pulp

If you have already come across pineapple, then it is very easy to understand how biribu is eaten. So that the first "meeting" with the fragrant pulp does not cause disappointment, you need to learn how to choose the fruits carefully.

Heavy "berries" weigh from 2 to 4 kg, and when they are removed and laid out, the lower part begins to deteriorate under its own weight - the thorns begin to turn black. Therefore, you should not try to preserve the fetus for longer than 5-6 days. After the entire rind is blackened, the pulp remains sweet and edible, and then fermentation begins.

To enjoy biriba, the ripe yellow fruit must be washed under running water, rubbing the peel with a sponge, and then simply cut in half and eat with a spoon, like a watermelon.

There are other ways as well. Cut off the thorns and cut the "berry" into thick slices together with the peel, or peel the peel and put the pieces of rollinia mucosa into a plate. They eat with special skewers.

The best combination of biriba flavor is with vanilla ice cream.

Recipes with mucous rollinia

Jelly with biriba and cinnamon
Jelly with biriba and cinnamon

Jam from mucous pulp is not very successful, but jelly - you will lick your fingers. The fruits are used to make fruit nectar, added to milkshakes, and tinctures are made.

Biriba recipes:

  1. Confiture … It must be borne in mind that it is not worth weighing the whole fruit, but the pulp of the already peeled biriba after removing the seeds. Almost 1/4 of the total weight of the fruit comes from a firm knobby rind. The fruit is washed, peeled, cut into small pieces of 1, 5-2 cm, and the seeds are removed. Cutting should be carried out over the container so as not to lose a drop of aromatic sweet juice. Grind the pulp with a blender and mix with sugar. It is desirable that its weight be 2 times less than the rollinia pulp. The container is put on a slow fire, the rest of the juice is poured in and everything is boiled until thickened. Separately dilute "Zhelfix" and pour into a saucepan 15 minutes before the end of cooking. If it is too sweet, use lemon juice to acidify. In the case when brought to a boil, set aside, and so several times, lemon juice and gelling agent are introduced at the last stage. With a gradual method of cooking, the jam turns out to be more transparent. Do not use agar-agar for thickening, the consistency will be too hard, "resinous".
  2. Jelly … Juice is squeezed out of biriba, 700 g, a glass is poured and gelatin is poured into it, about 25 g. It is more convenient to squeeze juice in a juicer, although you can simply squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. When the gelatin swells, they put it to warm up. The remaining juice is added, everything is heated, but make sure that the drink does not boil. Approximately 250-300 g of rollinia are processed into puree. Lay it out on the bowls, fill it with juice with gelatin, put it in the refrigerator. For flavor, you can add cinnamon or honey. Sugar is not required, the fruit is already too sweet.

If biribu is used as a substitute for meat dishes, it should be eaten raw. When heated, the beneficial properties are not preserved.

Rollinia pulp goes better with cold drinks. Recipes:

  • Tincture … Although the seeds will not dissolve in the mash, it is best to select them in advance. There is no need to be afraid of damaging the pulp, it will still have to be processed into mashed potatoes. The slightly spoiled fruit, which has already begun to ferment, is cut into pieces, trying to remove all the seeds, and placed in a three-liter jar. Pour in ordinary vodka at the rate of 0.5 kg of pulp per 1 liter of vodka. Put it in the pantry and let it brew at room temperature. Do not shake. After 2 weeks, everything is filtered, the pulp can be squeezed out to get more liquid. Further, it all depends on the planned application. If this is the option "for guests", then at this stage add flavor enhancers: sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon or something else, to taste, and leave to stand for another 7 days. After the final readiness, filter everything through a cotton-gauze filter. But you can drink it right away. If defended 2-3 times, adding a taste improver, you can bring the biriba tincture to the quality of a liqueur. Rosemary can be used as a flavor enhancer.
  • Cocktail with orange … Put in a cocktail glass in turn: ice, 2-3 rollinia pulp cubes, a slice of orange without films and fibers, a slice of strawberry guava. You can put sugar in the finished cocktail, sprinkle with lemon zest and grated chocolate.
  • Milkshake … In a cocktail blender put 500 ml of ice cream, better than vanilla, and a glass of milk, add 1/8 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. When you have achieved a homogeneous consistency, pour into a tall glass and lay out several pieces of fruit. If the drink is prepared for teenagers, seeds are first removed from the biriba and ice cream and fruits are mixed in a blender together.

It should be borne in mind that drinks with mucous biriba do not quench thirst, they are too sweet.

Interesting facts about mucous rollinia

What do the fruits of mucosal rollinia look like?
What do the fruits of mucosal rollinia look like?

American aborigines make berimbau from the branches of the plant. This is a calabash percussion instrument with a string stretched on a verga. Verga cannot be made without rollinia.

With the help of powder from the dried seeds of the plant, you can get rid of all types of lice. The substance in dry form is rubbed into the scalp for 3-4 hours, wrapped in cellophane and insulated, and then thoroughly washed off. The course of treatment is 10 days, the frequency of use is 1 time per 48 hours. The powder helps to remove other parasites: domestic ants, fleas, bedbugs.

The mucous rollinia can be grown at home on a windowsill, it is only necessary to make a suitable substrate from a mixture of sand and loam. You cannot cook it yourself, you need to purchase it in flower shops. The apartment will have to provide "tropical" conditions - high humidity and air temperature from 20 to 30 ° C. The plant propagates by seeds or cuttings, the germination rate is high. The most inconvenient thing is that it will be impossible to open the window, the biriba is afraid of drafts.

It is enough to feed it 2 times a year with ordinary mineral fertilizers. Rollinia should be allowed to rest for at least a month, creating “winter conditions” for her - a temperature of 10-15 ° C and increased dryness.

As it grows, the plant is transplanted into larger flowerpots, replacing the topsoil with loam. There is no need to add sand. The crown is formed as it grows. Too many lower branches are not removed, otherwise flowering will not occur next year.

But it is impossible to get fruits at home. The flowers are pollinated by a beetle from the family Chrysomelidae. But even under natural conditions, ovaries appear on 1/3 of all pollinated flowers.

Despite the fact that the exotic fruit has a limited shelf life, in large European cities you can order it online and enjoy the juicy pulp. True, the price will be "sky-high", since the goods are delivered by air. But travelers are not always given the opportunity to try mucous rollinia. Growing is limited, which, accordingly, affects the cost.

Watch a video about biribu: