The composition and calorie content are orange. The benefits and harms of a hybrid of orange and grapefruit for the body. Culinary recipes with citrus, interesting facts about it. Also, the orange fruit and peel are rich in vitamins PP and A, sodium, zinc, copper and selenium.
Useful properties of chironia citrus

Despite the fact that citrus fruits can be found in Russian stores all year round, they are especially relevant in the autumn-winter period. Firstly, this is the period of their maturation, and secondly, they are a real weapon in the fight against acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. At the same time, there is no need for a special medical use of citrus, it is enough to enjoy it for gastronomic purposes, and the positive healing effect will not be long in coming.
With regular use of the fruit, the following benefits of orange appear:
- Digestion normalization … Freshly squeezed juice before meals improves appetite, and then normalizes digestion, helping the production of enzymes to dissolve fats. It is especially good to use it at feasts when it is planned to consume a large number of dishes and fatty foods. Helps to start the production of enzymes, digest food, prevent overeating. It is indicated for people with low or zero acidity as a remedy that can raise its level.
- Prevention of strokes and heart attacks … An invaluable feature of citrus is the ability to dissolve cholesterol, preventing it from settling on the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques. The proliferation of plaques leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, which in turn can cause the development of a stroke or heart attack. Orangelo can prevent this, as well as become an alternative to expensive prophylactic drugs - statins.
- Improving the functioning of the nervous system … The beneficial substances that make up the chironia will help normalize the nervous system, cope with insomnia, numbness of the limbs, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness.
- Prevention of viral diseases and influenza … Orange has a fairly high content of phytoncides. This is exactly the component thanks to which citrus fruits help fight ARVI, acute respiratory infections and influenza in the off-season and winter. They kill pathogens, creating an invisible shield between us and disease. Antimicrobial components neutralize many types of protozoa, bacteria and fungi. In addition to colds, they are destructive for the causative agents of whooping cough, tuberculosis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus.
- Reproductive support … An orange and grapefruit hybrid is a very powerful remedy for those looking to experience the joy of parenthood. The components of the product accelerate metabolism, promote cell division, their rapid growth and development, rapid fertilization, full development of the fetus and easy resolution from pregnancy. Eating citrus fruits frequently in the months before pregnancy will help build up substances that make gestation easier and childbirth less painful.
- Anticonvulsant effect … To cope with the unpleasant conditions caused by cramps, magnesium, which is contained in citrus in a sufficiently large amount, will help. It enhances its action potassium and calcium, also included in the orange.
- Slimming … It is believed that grapefruit is the number one citrus in the fight against obesity. Fortunately, he passed on this characteristic of his to the chironye. Components such as naringin and pectin, which lower blood cholesterol levels, trigger metabolic processes and fight excess weight at the cellular level. A noticeable decrease in body weight is noted after a couple of weeks of regular consumption of citrus in food.
- Elevating the mood … Along with chocolate, citrus fruits are considered good mood foods. Orangelo will take care of the formation of the "happiness hormone" in the body, which will improve mood and help cope with depression.
Contraindications and harm of chironia

When talking about a particular product and its introduction into the diet, it is important to remind that it is important to have a sense of proportion when consumed. Of course, this also applies to chironya. Citrus fruits have a positive effect on the body only when they are not overused. Otherwise, orangeylo harm may appear.
Contraindications to the fruit are as follows:
- Stomach and duodenal ulcer … Raw citrus juice and pulp are able to irritate the damaged mucosa, aggravating the course of the disease, provoking its transition from remission to acute. This does not apply to eating orange peel and products with it that have undergone heat treatment.
- Increased acidity of the stomach … The ability of citrus fruits to increase acidity in tandem with an increased natural indicator of the body can do a disservice and cause the development of gastritis, and then ulcerative colitis.
- Contraceptive pill use … Drinking orange, like other citrus fruits, can reduce the effectiveness of birth control contraceptives. If you take them as a preventive measure for female diseases or to establish a menstrual cycle, this is one thing, but if you protect yourself in this way from unwanted pregnancy, you need to be on the alert. It is better to limit the consumption of chironia 6-8 hours before taking the medication.
- Taking medications to lower blood pressure … Hypertensive patients should know that with high blood pressure, medications should not be used together with orange. This will slow down the breakdown of the drugs, which will delay the onset of the desired effect. At very high pressure, this can cause a hypertensive crisis and even a stroke.
- Childhood … A possible allergic reaction is the reason for limiting the introduction of orange in the child's menu. In addition, citrus juice can affect your baby's gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, up to 3 years old, it is better, in principle, to exclude this product from the diet, and then give it under strict control.
Also, you cannot eat citrus fruits with pills designed to fight erectile dysfunction, some antibiotics, immunosuppressants, pain relievers, anticancer drugs, etc.
How to eat orange

Chironya is a versatile product. It can be used completely waste-free, because not only the pulp, but also the peel of the citrus is edible - both raw and ready-made. Another feature is the ability to prepare freshly squeezed juice from the fruit.
As you know, many manufacturers label oranges and grapefruits, indicating on the packaging, for which the product is suitable - for consumption in its raw form or for juice. If you are interested in how orange is eaten, then it can be used both ways. Its juiciness and excellent taste make it possible to enjoy it in all versions.
Interestingly, you can add a hybrid of orange and grapefruit to any dish - meat, side dishes, desserts, drinks, alcohol. There are hundreds of recipes with orange, in which even the simplest products will sparkle with new gastronomic notes when citrus is added to them. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them below.
Chiron recipes

The two main areas in which citrus fruits are used in cooking are the preparation of meats and desserts.
Here are some of the orangeylo recipes that reveal the fruit's great taste:
- Pork with chiron … Take 1.5 kg of pork neck. Rinse the whole piece well, shake it off, pat dry with paper towels and place on a baking sheet lined with several layers of baking foil. In a mortar, grind 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds, coriander and black peppercorns, 1 tablespoon of paprika, 4 pcs. cloves, a sprig of thyme and 2 teaspoons of salt. Chop the garlic finely. Take two orangels, remove the zest, squeeze out the juice. Combine the zest and juice with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. Add spices to the marinade, spread the meat on all sides. Wrap in foil, tighten with thread to shape the boiled pork, leave to marinate for an hour at room temperature or overnight in the refrigerator. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C and bake the meat for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for another hour. Serve chilled or chilled boiled pork.
- Bird with citrus … For this dish, you need a medium-sized chicken or duck. Chicken is suitable for lovers of low-calorie dishes, duck - for those who like fatter. Rinse the bird well, shake it off and dry it. Rub with a mixture of salt and pepper, leave at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Then take two orangels, remove the zest and rub the chicken or duck inside and out with it. Disassemble the citrus pulp into slices, stuff the bird with it. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Place it in a shallow saucepan, back down, pour half a glass of water into it, and generously surround with citrus wedges. Bake until golden brown and crispy on the poultry, a little over an hour.
- Delicate pie … Take 2 orange peels, remove the zest (it will go into the dough), peel the remnants of the peel, disassemble into slices without films. Using a mixer, beat 3 chicken eggs and 1 cup sugar until fluffy. Slowly and gently, so that the foam does not settle, add 1 cup of sifted wheat flour in several steps. Add zest and pulp and mix gently again. Lay out tightly in a split mold, lined with parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C until tender. The approximate baking time is 30 minutes, but depending on the characteristics of the oven, it can vary from 20 to 40, so keep an eye on the cake. Do not take the finished cake out of the mold for 15-20 minutes. Then remove, let cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
- Curd dessert … Pour 4 teaspoons of gelatin with 100 ml of cold water, stir, leave to swell. Grind 3 orange zest without white pulp, boil for 10 minutes in a little water. Take 300 g of cottage cheese, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar or honey to it and a glass of fresh chironia. Beat the mixture with a blender until the grainy structure of the curd collapses. Whip 250 ml heavy cream until frothy. Enter it into the curd. Put the chilled zest in this mass. Pour the gelatin dissolved in a water bath, barely warm, into the cottage cheese. Peel the orange peel, cut into circles. Take the mold, line the oiled parchment, place the orange circles on the bottom and sides. Pour the curd-gelatin mass and refrigerate overnight.
- Candied peel … If you still have orange crusts, do not rush to throw them away, but prepare an exquisite delicacy. To do this, cut the peel into equal strips, fill with water to lightly cover, cook for 20 minutes. Drain the water, repeat the digestion twice. Prepare a syrup by mixing 1 cup sugar with 1.5 cups water and 1 tablespoon butter. Put the crusts in it, cook until they completely absorb the syrup - about 1.5-2 hours. Throw in a colander to stack the syrup (you can use it instead of jam). And now there are two options for serving - roll in still wet candied fruits in sugar or dip in dark chocolate melted in a water bath.
Orangelo drinks not only taste great, but are also full of nutrients:
- Spicy fresh … Freshly squeezed juices retain all the beneficial properties of citrus fruits. Fans of healthy and tasty drinks will certainly appreciate this serving option. Take 2-3 ripe fruits, squeeze the juice out of them using a press, manual or electric juicer. Add a pinch of cinnamon and a scoop of ice cream to it. Stir and drink immediately. If desired, citrus juices can be combined with apple and carrot juices.
- Refreshing drink … Take 2 juicy green apples, cut into slices with peels, but remove the tail and bones. Chop 2 celery stalks into cubes. Cut 2 cucumbers into half rings. Peel and cut the lemon into rings. Do the same with two orangels, but leave the rind here. Chop a bunch of dill and parsley finely. Combine the ingredients in a large container and fill them with 2 liters of cold purified water (you can use mineral water, but still better). Let it brew for an hour at room temperature and overnight in the refrigerator.
- Liqueur with orange … The recipe is good because you can make a drink at any time of the year, since chirony is on store shelves all year round. It will not turn out as cloying as with an orange, and not bitter as with grapefruit. Take 1.5-2 kg of fruit. Scald with boiling water, rinse under running water. This will remove the wax and other ingredients that process citrus fruits for longer storage. Wipe the fruit dry. Carefully remove the zest without touching the white layer, otherwise it will taste bitter. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp, pour into an opaque container, close tightly and refrigerate. Pour the zest with 1 liter of vodka, pour into a hermetically sealed container, put in a dark place for a day. During this time, shake the liquid 5-6 times. After a day, take the juice, add boiled water to it to make 1 liter of liquid. Put it on fire, add 1 kg of sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes, removing the white foam. Remove from heat, cool, combine with vodka infusion. Close hermetically, let it brew for 7 days, shaking twice a day. Strain the finished liquor through cheesecloth, serve chilled.
Interesting facts about orange

Some consider the chiron a variety of the Sicilian orange. However, this judgment is fundamentally wrong. The Sicilian "cousin" is a variety of orange, not a hybrid of several varieties. An orange-reddish tint of the pulp was obtained from grapefruit, and the "bloody orange" - because of the specific climate and natural features in the places of growth, namely the large temperature difference between day and night and the specific soil near Mount Etna.
Elsewhere, the Sicilian orange has a slightly different taste and color of the pulp, while chironia has the same taste, wherever it grows - even in Puerto Rico, even in Russia.
Yes, citrus can be grown in our country as well. True, we can do this only at home. Orangelo is cultivated as an indoor citrus plant. It does not require any specific care, it readily blooms and bears fruit. Of course, you should not hope for serious harvests, but an adult tree can please the owners with a dozen fruits per season. And in addition, you will get a real home decoration and protection from infections, because not only are phytoncides in the pulp and zest, they are actively secreted from citrus leaves.
If you do not want to burden yourself with floriculture, it does not matter. Orangelo can be found in Russian supermarkets. Be sure to try citrus. You will enjoy the wonderful taste, because it is sweet as an orange and as refreshing as a grapefruit. Well, after this article, you should have no doubts that this is a real storehouse of vitamins that brings great benefits to the body.