Find out the beneficial properties of aloe vera and the peculiarities of its use in home cosmetology for facial skin care. Probably, in every house there is such a houseplant as an agave or a tree-like aloe. But the most popular is a type of flower called aloe vera. It has characteristic external features from a simple aloe - another form of leaves that grow in a rosette. The main characteristics of aloe vera are healing and medicinal properties, which is why it is widely used today in pharmacology and cosmetology.
The benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera has a lot of useful properties, therefore it is widely used as the main component for the preparation of cosmetic care products. This herb is considered versatile as it is ideal for all skin types. Aloe vera has an excellent moisturizing effect, slows down the aging process, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and can be used for skin care at any age.
Aloe vera contains many beneficial substances:
- Allanin has a moisturizing and regenerating effect. Moisture is retained inside the cells, facilitates the penetration of other beneficial substances into the deeper layers of the epidermis. The process of restoring the structure of the skin is accelerated several times.
- Polysaccharides have the ability to reflect the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
- Vitamins C, E, B, beta-carotene. These substances have a special effect on the skin and play the role of natural antioxidants, reliably protect cells from the oxidation process.
- Salicylic acid quickly eliminates the inflammation that appears in the acne area.
- Fibroblasts activate the process of collagen and elastin production in the skin, thereby smoothing existing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones.
Features of using aloe vera

For facial skin care, not only the pulp can be used, but also fresh aloe vera juice. However, it must be squeezed out very carefully so as not to lose nutrients during processing.
It is recommended to use only mature and fleshy leaves of the plant, which contain a lot of juice. It is important that the tip of the leaf is slightly dry. They are almost always located in the lower part of the plant. After the leaf is cut, it must be processed for the next three hours. The fact is that aloe has the ability to very quickly lose nutrients.
For facial skin care, prepare aloe vera juice as follows:
- All cut leaves must be thoroughly washed, then chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder.
- The resulting slurry is poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 3.
- Then the container with the mixture is covered with plastic wrap, after which it is placed in a cool and dark place for two hours. Thanks to such conditions, there is a stimulating effect on the production of biological substances that have a direct effect on the restoration of the skin.
- Next, you need to carefully squeeze the resulting mass. For this purpose, the gruel is transferred into clean gauze, pre-folded in several layers and squeezed out.
- Unused juice can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than two weeks.
Aloe vera for facial skin care

Aloe vera is added to a variety of face masks and tonics, as well as refreshing creams and skin cleansers. Subject to the systematic use of aloe, a positive result will be noticeable in the near future.
Aloe Vera is ideal for all skin types and has the following effects:
- dry skin is moisturized, saturated with valuable nutrients;
- the healing process of the damaged skin is accelerated;
- effective prevention of the first signs of aging and aging of the skin is effective, the number of deep wrinkles is reduced;
- the problem of acne is eliminated;
- various types of skin rashes and their consequences are removed.
Aloe Vera Facial Lotion

Easy to make homemade lotion with the addition of aloe juice helps to eliminate the feeling of discomfort caused by increased dry skin and helps to rejuvenate the epidermis. Auxiliary components can also be added to the lotion - for example, essential oils, fresh fruit juice, decoctions of medicinal herbs, etc.
Taking into account the skin type, the composition of the homemade lotion will be determined:
- To care for oily skin, if you have a tendency to acne, you need to take fresh aloe juice and mix with vodka or rubbing alcohol. Ingredients are taken in a 4: 1 ratio.
- Owners of sensitive skin are advised to add a small amount of tea rose and plantain decoction to the lotion, as well as fresh lemon juice.
- For women, after 40 years, it is useful to make a homemade lotion according to the following recipe - chopped aloe leaves are taken and poured with settled cool water. Then the mixture is boiled for about 5 minutes over low heat. Once the lotion has cooled, they need to lubricate their face twice a day.
- To restore the epidermis, the pulp of aloe vera leaves is taken and mixed with ascorbic acid, vitamin E is added. As a result, a gel mass is obtained, which is diluted with a small amount of mineral water and used to treat the skin of the face.
- To prepare a homemade lotion that will have a refreshing and tonic effect, you need to mix a decoction of chamomile with aloe juice, and then heat it a little over minimal heat. The resulting mixture should cool, after which a couple of drops of peppermint ether and a solution of vitamin E are injected. You can store the finished lotion in the refrigerator and use it only chilled.
Aloe Vera Masks

For daily skin care, you can make masks with the addition of aloe juice and pulp. The composition of the product of these components should be no more than 50%. Home remedies are more effective than store-bought masks, and the process of preparing them does not take much time.
For a nourishing mask you need to take:
- 2 tbsp. l. pure and fresh aloe juice;
- 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.
All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face and neck. Wash off the product after 30 minutes with water at room temperature.
To prepare this mask, you can use a type of vegetable oil that is suitable for a specific skin type. In some cases, butter is used.
For a fruit mask, you need to take:
- 2 tsp fatty sour cream;
- 1 tbsp. l. fresh fruit pulp;
- 2 tsp fresh aloe juice or 1 tbsp. l. pulp of the leaves of the plant.
All components are mixed, after which the resulting composition is applied to cleansed face skin and left for about 25 minutes.
To care for normal skin types, you can use avocado, apricot, persimmon, melon. If the mask is being prepared for oily skin, it is best to take peach, orange, apple, kiwi, grapes.
To get a mask of a rich composition, it is best to use thick sour cream. Such a composition helps to improve complexion, perfectly tones and nourishes the skin.
For oily skin, the following mask is suitable:
- 3–3, 5 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice;
- 3–3, 5 p. l. radish;
- 3–3, 5 tbsp. l. cooled broth of sage.
First you need to prepare a decoction - 1 tbsp. l. raw material is poured? Art. boiling water, then the mixture is boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes.
A medium-sized radish is taken and peeled, then crushed on a fine grater. You can also use a blender.
The cooled and filtered broth is mixed in a glass container, radish gruel and fresh aloe juice are added. The mixture is left for about 10 minutes to infuse the product, after which the mass is applied to the previously cleansed skin.
After 20 minutes, you need to wash yourself with cool mineral water, but not carbonated.
This mask will help to narrow enlarged pores, has a brightening and toning effect, removes ugly redness and inflammation.
For a milk mask you need to take:
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream or 2 tbsp. l. milk;
- 2 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice.
First you need to beat the egg yolk, then mix it with aloe juice, add cream (milk). All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask is applied to the previously cleansed skin and evenly distributed in a thin layer. After half an hour, you need to wash with cool water.
Regular use of this mask will help restore a healthy complexion, the skin becomes smooth, soft and velvety.
For a cleansing mask you need to take:
- 2 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice;
- 5 tbsp. l. water (warm);
- ? Art. l. flour (oatmeal);
- 1 tsp glycerin;
- 1 tsp liquid honey.
Use a coffee grinder to grind a small amount of oatmeal to make flour. Glycerin is dissolved separately in half the volume of water used.
As soon as the glycerin is completely dissolved, it is necessary to gradually add other components. If the finished mask is too thick, you can add a little water. The composition is applied to the face and washed off with cool water and lemon juice.
For another cleansing mask recipe, you need to take:
- ? Art. l. kefir;
- 1-1, 5 tbsp. l. raw potatoes;
- 2 tbsp. l. fresh aloe juice.
Raw potatoes are peeled and crushed, mixed with aloe vera nipple. Then a little kefir is added to the mixture and all components are thoroughly mixed.
This mask is recommended for the care of oily skin, as it helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has a cleansing and brightening effect.
To combat wrinkles

To get rid of the signs of aging, it is recommended to wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in fresh aloe juice every day. You can also apply compresses on problem areas. These procedures can be irritating, so at first aloe juice should be diluted with a little water.
After taking a morning shower, it is recommended to apply a mixture of natural yogurt (you can replace it with rustic sour cream) and aloe juice on your face. The mask is left on for 15 minutes, then you need to wash and apply makeup. You can also chop aloe leaves, mix with water, and freeze. Every day, wipe your face and décolleté with ice cubes. This procedure has a tonic effect and removes the appearance of the first wrinkles.
Fresh aloe juice has a lot of positive qualities and helps to quickly eliminate signs of aging. Also, aloe helps to get rid of acne, acne and other types of rashes. To do this, you need to regularly carry out cosmetic procedures using this tool - masks, compresses, lotions, rubbing, etc.
The recipe for an aloe-based anti-wrinkle eye mask in this video: