How to get rid of wrinkles?

How to get rid of wrinkles?
How to get rid of wrinkles?

Every woman dreams of having smooth, beautiful and well-groomed skin. Find out how to get rid of wrinkles, what means to use for this purpose. Modern cosmetology has made a major breakthrough. Today, to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, you can use a variety of creams, oils, gels, serums and masks. But even such a variety of cosmetics does not always make it possible to completely get rid of wrinkles, because this is a rather difficult task.

Benefit is not only expensive cosmetics and advertised creams, but also time-tested folk methods. After all, elite cosmetic masks and lotions will be useful only if they are used for a long time. If you stop applying cream to problem areas, wrinkles will reappear very quickly, and they will be much more noticeable than before. But the same cannot be said about the relatively cheap, but more effective folk remedies. Home cosmetics are of great benefit as they contain only completely natural ingredients.

The causes of wrinkles

The girl touches the face
The girl touches the face

Before choosing a method that will help get rid of wrinkles, you need to know about the factors that provoke their appearance:

  1. Poor nutrition. It is the kind of food that is used that is reflected on the face and has a direct effect on the condition of the skin - wrinkles, pimples, acne, circles under the eyes, edema appear. To maintain the beauty and health of your skin, you need to try to maintain the correct drinking balance, regularly consume fresh fruits and vegetables and eat a balanced diet.
  2. The negative influence of the sun. Ultraviolet light has the ability to greatly age the skin, primarily in the eye area, since here it is very thin, delicate and sensitive. If you do not wear sunglasses in sunny weather, very quickly small wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes, which can also be called "crow's feet", because you have to constantly squint. To avoid this problem, you must always protect your skin - for example, wear sunglasses, use a variety of creams and lotions.
  3. Constant lack of sleep. It is sleep that is the best medicine, while it is simply necessary to maintain the beauty of the skin. Therefore, the less a person sleeps, the worse he will look. If a person does not get enough sleep or is tired, ugly circles, wrinkles and puffy eyelids appear under the eyes.
  4. Severe stress. It is on the face that the recently transferred stress is reflected, as a result of which ugly wrinkles begin to appear early. That is why in order to maintain beauty, youth and health, you need to try to avoid stressful situations.

Masks against wrinkles under the eyes

Dotted eye mask
Dotted eye mask

Thanks to a wide variety of recipes, every woman will be able to choose the perfect anti-aging mask for herself:

  • Bread mask. Regular use of this product will help to quickly get rid of wrinkles in the eye area and smooth the skin. To prepare such a mask, you will need to take a crumb of white bread, water and vegetable oil. First, the butter is heated in a water bath, after which a slice of bread is soaked in it and placed on the eyes. After 15 minutes, rinse off the remaining oil with warm water.
  • Banana mask. To prepare the mask, you need to take the pulp of a ripe banana and chop with a fork until you get a fruit puree. Then the gruel is applied to cleansed skin and left for 25–35 minutes, washed off with warm water, but without using additional detergent.
  • Honey mask. Take egg yolk, liquid honey (1/2 tsp.l.), water and oatmeal (1 tsp.). Honey, oatmeal and yolk are mixed, the resulting composition is whipped with a fork or whisk. The finished mass is applied to the eye area, after 10 minutes you need to wash with warm water.
  • Curd mask. This remedy is one of the most effective in the fight against wrinkles. It is necessary to mix cottage cheese (1 tbsp), vegetable or olive oil (1 tsp) and liquid honey (1 tsp). The resulting composition is applied to the area under the eyes and left for 10–20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes?

Applying cucumbers to the eye area
Applying cucumbers to the eye area

Even at a young age, girls are often faced with such a nuisance as fine wrinkles around the eyes, which are also called "crow's feet". At first, small dashes appear, but if the appropriate measures are not taken in time, they soon become much more noticeable. It is the appearance of wrinkles that is a sign of the onset of skin aging. With proper care, this moment can be postponed, but for this you need to regularly and correctly nourish and moisturize the skin.

Anti-wrinkle eye oils

Apricot oil
Apricot oil

If ugly wrinkles appear near the eyes, in order to quickly get rid of them, it is recommended to use the following types of oils:

  • apricot;
  • castor;
  • peach;
  • olive;
  • almond.

Pure natural oil can be an excellent substitute for modern cosmetic cream. If pronounced deep wrinkles appear, the oils should be applied every day, preferably before bed, so that the product can be well absorbed.

It is important to remember that before using this or that oil, it is imperative to conduct a sensitivity test for each ingredient - a drop of oil is applied to the skin in the elbow bend area and you need to wait about 15 minutes. If during this time there is no irritation, redness, tingling or itching, you can use the funds.

It is very simple to use oils and, provided they are regularly applied to the skin, in a relatively short period of time, you can achieve amazing results. For the oil to help get rid of wrinkles, you need to use it as follows:

  • the selected oil is heated in a steam bath;
  • a small amount of the product is applied to the problem area;
  • oil is hammered into the skin with light patting movements, with special attention to wrinkles;
  • after 15-18 minutes, a clean napkin removes the remnants of the oil, which did not have time to be absorbed, since it is unnecessary;
  • such a cosmetic procedure should be carried out several hours before bedtime, otherwise you can get unpleasant consequences - ugly bags under the eyes will appear.

To quickly get rid of wrinkles, it is recommended to use a mix of several types of oils. The resulting composition can be stored for some time in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator. To remove wrinkles, you can use the following formulations:

  • 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter, 2 tsp. sea buckthorn oil, 5 drops of vitamin E;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peach oil, 2 drops of lemon oil, 3 drops of essential oil;
  • 3 drops of cypress oil, 3 drops of orange oil, 1 tbsp. l. almond oil, 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. rosehip oil, 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil.

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles?

Forehead wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles

To remove mimic wrinkles on the forehead, you can use the services of a beautician or use modern care products. But homemade masks are also beneficial, for the preparation of which only natural ingredients will be used.

  1. Regularly performing simple facial exercises helps to quickly remove ugly folds on the forehead, the formation of which occurs as a result of increased facial activity.
  2. It is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the face. To do this, it is useful to do simple exercises - for example, the eyebrows are raised and the skin on the forehead is held with the pads of the fingers.
  3. You need to try to get rid of the habit of constantly wrinkling your forehead. In the most severe cases, at home, you can apply a patch to your forehead.
  4. For forehead skin care, special masks should be used regularly.
  5. Simple compresses are beneficial - for example, with grapefruit juice and rice flour, chopped fresh cucumber, raw potatoes, mint broth, etc.
  6. It is necessary to regularly moisturize the skin on the forehead using special creams.

How to get rid of wrinkles around the mouth?

The girl smiles
The girl smiles

Massages, a variety of face masks, exercises and Botox injections can be used to remove wrinkles around the mouth. Of course, it will be very difficult to remove wrinkles, so it is recommended to use the following tips to prevent them from appearing:

  • During the day, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of clean water. It is sufficient fluid intake that helps to naturally remove harmful toxins from the body, and skin cells are saturated with the necessary amount of moisture, thereby acquiring a fresh look. However, it is important to adhere to one main rule - you can only use fresh water, and not tea or carbonated drinks, since they do not bring benefits to the body.
  • It is recommended to apply cucumber slices to problem areas where the first signs of wrinkles begin to appear. This compress is left on the skin for about 10 minutes. A frozen cucumber slice brings benefits for the skin - a fresh cucumber slice is placed in the freezer for a while, then applied to the problem area. You can also grind a fresh cucumber and apply the resulting mass to the face - this procedure tightens the skin and returns it a fresh look.
  • In the fight against wrinkles, grapes become an indispensable assistant. You need to take a grape berry and freeze it, then cut it into two halves and wipe your face, with special attention to problem areas. You can also lie down and place the grape wedges around your mouth for 20 minutes.
  • Before going to bed, make-up is necessarily washed off, as well as dust and dirt that have accumulated on the skin for the whole day and a moisturizer is applied.
  • It will help to get rid of wrinkles and fresh pineapple juice, in which a cotton pad is moistened and applied to problem areas. After 15 minutes, the compress must be removed and washed with warm water.
  • Cosmetologists advise using avocado compress on a regular basis. The pulp of the fruit is grated and then applied to problem areas. This procedure provides excellent nutrition and hydration to the skin of the face.
  • In just 7 days, coconut oil will help to quickly remove deep wrinkles, which must be regularly rubbed into problem areas.

Frequent stressful situations, discouragement and depression contribute to the formation of premature wrinkles. Regular and proper skin care will help prevent wrinkling. To this end, it is useful to use not only modern cosmetics, but also equally effective folk methods (masks, compresses, lotions, etc.).

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes in just 5 minutes a day, see here:
