Wine diet - rules, menus, reviews

Wine diet - rules, menus, reviews
Wine diet - rules, menus, reviews

The rules and features of the wine diet. Allowed and prohibited foods, menu for 5 days. Real reviews of those who have lost weight.

Wine diet is a diet that helps you get rid of 5-6 extra pounds in a short time. But in general, the numbers are individual, which depends on the characteristics of the body and on how strictly you followed the diet. Doctors, nutritionists, nutritionists, narcologists, therapists are constantly debating the benefits and dangers of wine. It is absurd to go to extremes and say that wine is either good or bad. The best option is to stick to the golden mean. Further, the features and menu of the wine diet for weight loss.

Features and rules of the wine diet

Wine diet for weight loss
Wine diet for weight loss

Compliance with diets usually involves the absence of alcoholic beverages in the diet. This is due to the fact that alcohol is a high-calorie drink and can increase appetite.

But wine is not as high in calories as, for example, store juices. In addition, it contains beneficial substances that improve digestion. Good quality wine should be consumed during the diet.

The wine diet for weight loss is based on the fact that alcohol promotes the elimination of excess fluid. In addition, this is true when the drink is combined with a low-calorie diet. As a result, wine removes water, and smaller portions of food help to cleanse the intestines.

It is also important to note the psychological aspect: the use of a product, which, as a rule, is prohibited during weight loss, subconsciously adjusts to a feeling of freedom. And this, you see, simplifies the ability to withstand food restrictions and leads to the prevention of relapse.

An important advantage of the wine diet is the high speed of getting rid of unnecessary pounds. This type of relief is suitable if you urgently need to lose weight before an important event or photography, when you need to look good. If you do not have time for a quick weight loss, then it is quite possible to use this diet. It is good to use it during the holidays. After all, usually at this time people eat a lot, drink alcohol and gain weight. Refusal from salt normalizes metabolism, prevents excess fluid retention.

But the wine diet has drawbacks - it is low calorie content in combination with alcohol. Therefore, before starting to lose weight, you should consult with your doctor, and only after his permission can you start.

During these dietary days, it is worth taking care of your health. The wine diet lasts for 5 days as standard. In the following, proper nutrition is shown, otherwise, without changing your lifestyle, you will return to your original weight.

Wine diet rules:

  • Drink enough water … Since alcohol has a diuretic effect, it is necessary to compensate for the lost fluid. Regular water, green herbal tea is allowed. Drinking coffee and juices is not recommended.
  • Abandoning salt … It should be removed from the diet so that excess fluid does not linger, as it harms the body. It should be noted that limiting salt intake is worth not only during the wine diet.
  • Eliminate sugar … You should also avoid this product because it does not contain any nutrients, vitamins or minerals. And it gives unnecessary extra, the so-called empty calories.

An important rule of the wine diet for weight loss is the need for strict adherence to the menu.

Allowed and prohibited foods on a wine diet

Allowed foods on a wine diet
Allowed foods on a wine diet

Nutritionists recommend drinking good wine. To do this, it is worth taking branded drinks from trusted manufacturers. The wine should be dry red. You can also drink dry white, but it is forbidden to take sweet and semi-sweet. This is due to the fact that dry wines contain little sugar, and in fact the diet involves limiting its consumption. In addition, red wine contains more of the beneficial substance resveratrol.

Wines such as Cabernet, Merlot, Isabella, Muscat are perfect. The size of one serving should not exceed 200 ml.

Food products can be grilled, baked, boiled. An important condition is the ban on the use of oil. You cannot salt the dishes.

For all 5 days on a wine diet for weight loss, you can eat tomatoes, cucumbers, low-fat cottage cheese or low-fat cheeses. You can also add lean meats (chicken, beef) to your diet. Fish allowed (sea bass, carp, flounder). All kinds of citrus fruits, apples and kiwi are acceptable.

Note! Choose bread from durum wheat.

On a wine diet, you should give up sausages, fatty, fried, smoked food, canned food. After leaving the diet, these products should be consumed in minimal quantities, and it is better to abandon them altogether.

Sugar is prohibited in any form. You can use substitutes. You can not use various types of baked goods, except for bread made from durum wheat.

In general, it is recommended to limit salt in the diet. During the wine diet, food should not be salted at all. Avoiding salt helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Of drinks, only wine and regular water are allowed. Black tea, coffee, juices and mineral water are prohibited.

Wine diet menu

Typically, the wine diet lasts 5 days. The calorie content of the daily diet is no more than 600 kcal.

The wine diet menu for 5 days is provided in the form of a table:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First Hard boiled chicken egg, tomato, orange Cucumber, 200 g of low-fat cheese or cottage cheese without sugar and salt 150 g meat, 200 ml wine
Second Two boiled quail eggs, durum wheat toast, kiwi 200 g cottage cheese, tomato, green apple Glass of wine, 150 g of cheese, cucumber
Third 200 g low-fat cheese, tomato, glass of wine 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, one toast, grapefruit 150 g fish, cucumber, glass of wine
Fourth Boiled chicken egg, cucumber and tomato 200 g cottage cheese, cucumber, kiwi Glass of wine, optionally meat or fish - 150 g
Fifth Cottage cheese - 200 g, cucumber 200 g of meat or fish, one toast, green apple 150 g cheese, a glass of wine

Real Reviews of the Wine Diet

Real Reviews of the Wine Diet
Real Reviews of the Wine Diet

Wine diet for weight loss usually gives good results in 5 days. But if necessary, its duration can be increased to 8 days, if your body can withstand it. Then you will lose even more excess weight. Here are some of the most revealing reviews about the wine diet.

Marina, 25 years old

How nice it is to lose weight on wine! It turned out to be quite a funny experience, it smelled of something French. I especially liked the moment when you can drink some wine and bread. The portions are small, but quickly got used to it. For a week I threw off 5 kg. And they still haven't returned. Most likely, this can be explained by the fact that the stomach has decreased in size. Now there is no need to eat a large amount of food in one sitting. My intestines have cleared, I feel lightness in my stomach. The vessels were also cleared and hemoglobin increased. I am not an alcoholic, there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract either. The wine diet is easily tolerated. It's a shame that you can't practice often.

Oksana, 40 years old

Wine diet for weight loss is a real find. When I read that in 5 days you can get rid of 5 extra pounds, I sat down on it without hesitation. She took food strictly on time. It's easier for me when you make a schedule. I directly rewrote the menu for myself. Let me give you an example of my day: in the morning I ate a boiled chicken egg and a tomato; an hour later she ate a green apple; for lunch - a little low-fat cottage cheese and a cucumber; for dinner there was a highlight of the program - dry red wine. This diet did not bring me any discomfort, it was easily tolerated. Maybe because I like to strictly adhere to instructions. In 5 days I lost 5.5 kg! This one is even slightly better than the average promised result. A great way to tidy yourself up on a tight schedule. I think I will repeat this path before the New Year. I want to look beautiful in a new dress.

Alina, 38 years old

I was interested in the wine diet, reviews of which I have repeatedly read on the Internet. Everything fit. Moreover, it was necessary to get rid of a small amount of kilograms. I did everything as it was written. I love eggs, tomatoes, cheese, cottage cheese. I did not limit myself to citrus fruits, I ate an orange or grapefruit every day. And drinking a little wine every day is even healthy. The main thing is that it is of high quality. Dry red wine is not only low in calories, but also excellent at breaking down fat. Thus, the energy does not go into the reserve, but is consumed. If there is no result in the first days, then do not be discouraged. The body will go into the right rut - that's exactly how it was with me. In addition, moderate consumption of good wine is an excellent prevention of stroke and heart attack. It is important to observe the measure. I lead a sedentary lifestyle, work at the computer. Got rid of 4 kg. Apparently, I overdid it with portion sizes. But still very happy!

Watch the video about the wine diet:

Thanks to the wine diet, metabolism is normalized, the intestines are cleansed, the body loses excess fluid, and the fat layer decreases. Protein-rich foods play an important role in this. This diet can be done on weekends, vacations, or holidays. An important advantage of this approach is that all parts of the body lose weight at the same time and evenly, and not separately, as is the case with other diets. Low-calorie food rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins and nutrients gives excellent results in a short time. On average, weight loss is about 5 kg in 5 days.
