Grapefruit diet - rules, menus, reviews

Grapefruit diet - rules, menus, reviews
Grapefruit diet - rules, menus, reviews

The principles and features of the grapefruit diet. Allowed and Prohibited Products. Sample menu for 3 days, week and month. The results of the grapefruit diet and real reviews.

The grapefruit diet is a well-known way to lose weight, in which you need to eat grapefruit daily and further reduce the calorie intake of food. Such a change in diet will help to quickly improve the figure, but will only work if the person loves citrus fruits.

The principles of the grapefruit diet

Grapefruit Weight Loss Diet
Grapefruit Weight Loss Diet

The grapefruit weight loss diet allows you to quickly lose weight. The direction of nutrition appeared about 100 years ago. This method has been experienced by many personalities known throughout the world, for example, Margaret Thatcher.

The grapefruit diet has been scientifically proven. In America, studies were carried out, due to which it was found out that calorie restriction along with the consumption of large amounts of citrus actually accelerates the burning of excess body fat.

The main rule of the diet is the daily presence of grapefruit in all meals. This citrus is not at all high in calories: 100 g of fruit contains 35 kcal. In addition, it contains substances necessary for the body and at the same time ensuring the process of losing weight:

  • Inositol … Its other name is vitamin B8. It significantly speeds up the consumption of excess fat.
  • Pectin … It has a positive effect on the digestive tract, speeds up metabolism, fat is burned faster.
  • Organic acids … Improves the absorption of essential nutrients in the intestines. They also potentiate the effect of pectin.
  • Vitamins of groups A, B, C and P. Since the grapefruit diet is based on significant food restrictions, energy shortages can occur. It is vitamins that help to fill the energy deficit and restore strength, not allowing the feeling of hunger to "wake up".

The grapefruit diet is strict. The rules for this type of weight loss are as follows:

  • Grapefruit should be eaten daily, at least three times a day.… The diet consists of 3 main meals, and citrus must be present in each of them. Grapefruit can also be used as a snack.
  • Prevent hunger … The diet significantly restricts the caloric intake of the diet, as a result of which many people are not full during their main meals. In the case when hunger is too worried, you can eat half a citrus, drink yogurt or kefir.
  • Observe water balance … To achieve the desired result, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.
  • Do not peel grapefruit from films … Each citrus slice is enclosed in its own film, which is rather bitter due to the naringenin it contains. However, it is in it that the bulk of all the substances necessary for a given diet are located.
  • Early supper … Last meal no later than 7 pm.
  • Dishes should be cooked or steamed. Fried foods should be completely eliminated.

Benefits of the grapefruit diet:

  • The production of insulin, which is responsible for the accumulation of extra pounds, decreases.
  • Weight is lost quickly and rarely returns to baseline.
  • Helps fight low acidity in the stomach.
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, because improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Good for the nervous system.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Improves the condition of the skin.
  • Strengthens the body's defenses.

Disadvantages of the grapefruit diet:

  • Incompatible with a number of drugs (antibiotics, antiarrhythmic, diuretic, anti-allergic and antidepressants).
  • For many, this calorie restriction is unusual, which leads to a constant feeling of hunger and frequent breakdowns.
  • The diet is quite strict, and therefore it should not be repeated more often than 2 times a year.
  • Nutrient deficiencies inevitably occur.

Contraindications to the grapefruit diet:

  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • The period of breastfeeding or carrying a baby;
  • Individual sensitivity to citrus fruits;
  • Taking medicines (consultation with a specialist is required);
  • Serious problems with tooth enamel.

Read more about the buckwheat diet.

Permitted foods on the grapefruit diet

Permitted foods on the grapefruit diet
Permitted foods on the grapefruit diet

With a grapefruit diet, in addition to the citrus itself, low-calorie foods are allowed. They need to be chosen so as to get the maximum amount of nutrients in a day.

Allowed Grapefruit Diet Foods:

  • Vegetables … Allowed in any amount. Small quantities of potatoes (1 root vegetable per day).
  • Eggs … Chicken and quail are best.
  • Meat … Only low-fat varieties - turkey, chicken, beef or veal.
  • A fish … Low-fat species are recommended (carp, hake, cod, bream, pike perch, blue whiting, carp).
  • Greens … It must be present in salads.
  • Canned food … It is desirable that they be made from lean fish and without the addition of oil, namely in their own juice.
  • Nuts … Only in small quantities (no more than 3-5 pieces per day), with the exception of peanuts.
  • Dairy products … It is better to give preference to fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat.
  • Olive oil … Healthy and low-calorie, especially when compared with creamy and sunflower.
  • Black bread … It is a good alternative to wheat. Croutons and diet bread made from rye flour are allowed.
  • Porridge … Rye, oat and barley are recommended.
  • Fruits … Naturally, you can eat all citrus fruits, as well as apples. The rest of the fruits are high in calories.
  • Green tea … In unlimited quantities, but most importantly - sugar-free.

Prohibited foods on the grapefruit diet

Prohibited foods on the grapefruit diet
Prohibited foods on the grapefruit diet

In order for those extra pounds to really start to go away quickly, many products will have to be completely abandoned. This is due to their high calorie content and water retention.

Prohibited foods with a grapefruit diet:

  • Sugar … It cannot be consumed in any form. Accordingly, all baked goods and most fruits are banned.
  • Salt … It "attracts" the water in the body to itself, as a result of which weight can be reduced much more slowly.
  • Fried foods … Dishes fried or smoked should be excluded. Sunflower and butter are replaced with olive oil.
  • Spices … Any seasonings should be discarded. The exception is red pepper.
  • Fatty meat and fish … They are very high in calories, moreover, they are considered heavy on the stomach.
  • Fruits … They are rich in carbohydrates, which is undesirable for the process of losing weight. All fruits, except citrus and apples, must be removed. It is especially not recommended to eat bananas and grapes.
  • High fat dairy products … They take a long time to digest and contribute to the deposition of extra pounds.
  • Black tea … It provokes excessive hunger, so it is better to replace it with green tea, rosehip infusion, weak coffee.
  • Alcohol … Any alcoholic beverages are harmful and high in calories.

See also the cherry diet menu and rules.

Grapefruit Diet Menu

There are various variations on eating grapefruit for weight loss. When choosing them, the state of health is taken into account, how many kilograms you need to lose. Allocate a grapefruit diet for 3 days, a week or a month. Depending on the preferred option, a set of products is selected.

3 days grapefruit diet menu

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First Boiled fillet, half a grapefruit, coffee Vegetable salad with lemon juice, tea Baked meat, salad with herbs, a glass of rosehip broth
Second Two boiled chicken eggs, half a grapefruit, coffee Cheese platter, half grapefruit, tea Grilled fish, vegetable salad with olive oil, rye bread
Third Oatmeal with raisins or muesli, a handful of nuts, half a grapefruit, yogurt Vegetable soup, half a grapefruit, rye crouton Boiled chicken, half a grapefruit, vegetables, lime tea

Grapefruit diet menu for the week

If you follow the correct diet, you can lose 5-7 kg.

An example of a grapefruit diet menu for 7 days:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday Chicken or turkey fillet (boiled), grapefruit, coffee Vegetable salad with oil, grapefruit Baked chicken meat, vegetable salad, grapefruit
Tuesday Two hard-boiled eggs, grapefruit, coffee Vegetable soup, cottage cheese, grapefruit Boiled fish, vegetable salad, grapefruit, rye bread, a cup of linden tea
Wednesday Muesli with kefir or yogurt, grapefruit, coffee Soup with chicken and vegetables, a cup of green tea, grapefruit Boiled turkey or chicken fillet, half a grapefruit, tomatoes, green tea
Thursday Boiled egg, grapefruit, coffee Boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice, grapefruit Stewed vegetables, grapefruit, 2 rye croutons, lime tea
Friday Fruit salad of apples and grapefruit, coffee Boiled fish, vegetable salad with olive oil, a cup of green tea, grapefruit Oven-baked meat or fish, half a grapefruit, a glass of tomato juice
Saturday Boiled chicken fillet, grapefruit, rye bread, coffee Cottage cheese, vegetable salad, grapefruit, a cup of green tea Boiled fish, grapefruit, tomatoes, a cup of rosehip broth
Sunday Boiled eggs, vegetable salad with butter, grapefruit, coffee Stewed vegetables, grapefruit, rye bread, a glass of green tea Baked meat, grapefruit, cabbage and radish salad with lemon juice, a glass of rosehip broth

The egg-grapefruit diet for a week is quite effective. Its main principle is the same breakfast every day. In the morning, be sure to eat 2 boiled eggs and a grapefruit. The same amount of eggs must be eaten at lunchtime, supplementing them with other permitted foods. The rest of the menu does not differ from the above.

4 weeks grapefruit diet menu

Grapefruit Diet Menu
Grapefruit Diet Menu

In order for the diet to be complete and more extensive, a diet is first drawn up for a week and then repeated. If you wish, you can use the proposed menu for 3 or 7 days and alternate with the food option you like.

It is necessary to observe the diet for 4 weeks. Snacks are allowed between all meals as The monthly grapefruit diet is quite strict and often provokes breakdowns.

Grapefruit Diet Results

Grapefruit Diet Results
Grapefruit Diet Results

The results of the grapefruit diet are truly impressive. If you regularly follow all the recommendations and follow the scheduled meals, you can lose 5-6 extra pounds per week.

If, along with a diet, regularly engage in physical activity, weight loss will occur faster. However, it should be borne in mind that exercise consumes a lot of energy, and this can cause severe weakness due to a calorie deficit.

Real reviews of the grapefruit diet

Reviews of the grapefruit diet
Reviews of the grapefruit diet

Reviews of the grapefruit diet indicate that this is a rather difficult way to endure weight loss, but it fully justifies the efforts made.

Tatiana, 24 years old

I've always loved fruits, especially citrus fruits. Recently I read about the grapefruit diet on the Internet and decided to try this diet on myself. Before that, I tried many ways to lose weight, but could not withstand dietary restrictions. I have been on a diet for 2 weeks already, it took 7.5 kg. After 7 pm I always really want to eat, but I try to drink water or as much as I allow myself to eat half a grapefruit. I am satisfied with the results achieved. I think to continue to lose weight.

Inna, 36 years old

Because of my office work, I lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, in 2 years I gained 12 kg. There is no time for sports, so I decided to turn to a strict but effective grapefruit diet. At first I decided to give it a try and chose the weekly option. Already 4 days have passed, and it took 3 kg. The only downside is that I constantly want to eat, because of this, I did not dare to extend the diet for a month. But I recommend this approach to nutrition to anyone who has the willpower and is able to control himself.

Ksenia, 23 years old

I learned about the grapefruit diet from a friend. At first I decided to try the easiest three-day option. To my surprise, it took 3 kilograms! I really didn't expect it because I was skeptical about the diet at first. I know that it is often impossible to repeat it, but after 2 weeks I will try to extend the dietary food up to 7 days. The main thing is to keep yourself in control and not break down.

Watch the video about the grapefruit diet:

The grapefruit diet is quite difficult to endure, but if you follow all the recommendations, the excess weight literally goes away. To prevent breakdowns, try to drink plenty of water between meals and go to bed as early as possible. The results and reviews of the grapefruit diet are mostly positive.