Calorie content, composition and components of oysters. Useful properties of the mollusk, possible contraindications. How to choose the right product, methods of use and preparation.
Oysters are a delicacy with great nutritional value. To enjoy the clam, it is important to choose the right one and correctly prepare it for serving. Further, in detail about the composition of the product and interesting ways to prepare an exquisite treat.
Composition and calorie content of oysters

Pictured fresh oysters
Historians claim that our distant ancestors bred oysters 4000 years ago, in China. Shellfish have been valued and appreciated not only for their special refined taste. The composition of oysters can be called unique. After all, the product contains a lot of useful substances, including high-quality protein, but at the same time it is absolutely dietary.
The calorie content of oysters per 100 g of product is 72 kcal, of which:
- Protein - 9 g;
- Fat - 2 g;
- Carbohydrates - 4.5 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
- Vitamin A - 85 mcg;
- Vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg;
- Vitamin B2 - 0.19 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0.05 mg;
- Vitamin B9 - 10 mcg;
- Vitamin C - 3 mg;
- Vitamin E - 0.9 mg;
- Vitamin PP - 3.5 mg.
Shellfish contain tangible amounts of vitamins A, E and C, which are powerful antioxidants. For this reason, since ancient times, people have been confident in the benefits of oysters not only for health, but also for maintaining beauty and youth.
Minerals per 100 g:
- Potassium - 220 mg;
- Calcium - 60 mg;
- Magnesium - 40 mg;
- Sodium - 90 mg;
- Phosphorus - 140 mg;
- Iron - 6, 2 mg;
- Manganese - 0, 21643 mg;
- Copper - 1576 mcg;
- Selenium - 77 mcg;
- Zinc - 146.62 mcg.
The delicacy is the record holder for the content of copper, selenium and zinc. 100 g of shellfish contain 158, 140 and 139% of the daily dose, respectively.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
- Omega-3 fatty acids - 0.74 g;
- Omega-6 fatty acids - 0.07 g.
There is also a little cholesterol in oysters - 50 mg per 100 g.
Useful properties of oysters

Due to its rich composition, oysters provide irreplaceable support to the body. They nourish tissue cells, since they contain a large amount of protein, enrich them with the most valuable substances, without threatening with extra centimeters. For this reason, already in ancient times they were eaten not only for pleasure, but also for weight loss.
The main beneficial properties of oysters:
- The shellfish helps to strengthen the heart, normalize its rhythm, and regulates water balance. It also supports blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure.
- An exquisite dish for the benefit of the skeletal system. The bones become stronger, the mobility of the joints is restored due to the establishment of metabolism in the tissues.
- The delicacy restores strength, helps to get rid of chronic fatigue. Oysters restore appetite and strengthen the immune system.
- Seafood promotes concentration, improves memory. Also, with regular use, the mood rises, depressive thoughts go away.
- Oysters help maintain blood hemoglobin levels. This is facilitated not only by iron in the composition, but also by sulfur, which plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells.
- Eating shellfish, you can notice how stronger, healthier and more beautiful nails, skin and hair become. This effect is achieved through zinc, which helps cells to grow and form.
- Possessing redox properties, oysters serve as a means of preventing frequent colds and other pathologies.
- Oysters have a rejuvenating effect. They prevent premature aging and even eliminate its first signs due to enhanced nutrition of cells with their active renewal.
Contraindications and harm to oysters

An amazing seafood is not a panacea for all ailments, but an interesting product with its own specifics. Without knowing her, you can even get hurt from oysters.
First of all, like any other seafood, shellfish can cause allergies. Therefore, it should be tasted very carefully for the first time. If there is a tendency to allergic reactions, double vigilance is necessary.
It is better to refuse a delicacy for a while during the period of bearing a baby and while breastfeeding. Since no one can predict how a very specific product will affect the formation of the fetus. When breastfeeding, there is a risk of allergies in a child: breastfeeding mothers in general need to be careful when eating any seafood and fish.
Alas, such a nuisance as oyster poisoning is also possible. Most often it occurs due to the consumption of a poor-quality product.
How to choose the right oysters?

The photo shows how to open an oyster
The most important moment when buying such a product is freshness. It is determined by its appearance. Fresh oysters are distinguished by the following characteristics:
- Tightly closed flaps;
- Monochromatic shade;
- Pleasant pronounced smell of the sea.
There is one simple way to make sure that the oysters offered by the waiter are fresh: sprinkle lemon juice on the clam. If the product is fresh, that is, in fact, the oyster is alive, it will react to the acid - it will move a little. But in good establishments, the delicacy is served to the table with closed sinks.
Note! The seafood is sold by numbering, depending on the size. The more zeros, the larger the oyster.
The most valuable delicacy is shellfish grown in natural conditions. High quality oysters are brought from Norway. It is believed that in the local seas they are saturated with valuable substances, therefore they have a special taste and great nutritional value.
However, on special farms where such mollusks are grown, they try to create all the conditions so that they are in no way inferior to oysters from natural reservoirs. For example, they are specially fed with seaweed. So you can buy oysters not only of natural origin, but also bred by humans. It is only better to trust trusted manufacturers.
How are oysters eaten?

Photos of oysters baked with cheese
Oysters are recognized as a delicacy not only because of their special taste and nutritional value. The shellfish requires special knowledge and skills to eat. It is not enough to find and buy high quality oysters - it is important to understand what to do next with them.
The beginner is lost when he gets his hands on a closed shell. And this is not surprising. There is a whole art to be learned - how to open an oyster at home. First of all, it is worth learning how you can not act. The sink is not hit with a hammer or other heavy object: if it cracks, the product will be unusable. And the point is not even that sharp and hard fragments will get into the tender meat of the mollusk: its taste is irrevocably spoiled.
Professionals use a special tool - an oyster knife. First, it is inserted between the flaps and turned until it clicks. Then they are carried out along the line of connection of the shell valves. There are the muscles of the mollusc, which keep the "house" closed. At home, a small sharp knife is suitable for such manipulations. It's even better if you have a scalpel on hand.
It is very important not to injure yourself when wielding a knife or other tool. By the way, you can cut yourself just on the sharp edges of the shell. Professionals wear special chain mail gloves. But you can wrap a towel around the hand in which the person is holding the sink.
Having opened the "house" of the mollusk, there is no need to turn it over. There is juice inside - it can leak out. Therefore, the treats are carefully laid out on a platter with ice, without spilling the valuable contents.
Moving on to how oysters are eaten, one may wonder how different the ways of using such a delicious treat are. And the first of them is raw. Only an inexperienced taster will think that there is nothing difficult in this.
In fact, this is a whole ritual:
- First, carefully open the sink.
- Further, the body of the oyster is gently pryed with a special fork - it differs in that it has only two prongs.
- After taking out the clam, it is dipped in a sauce or simply sprinkled with lemon juice. Alternatively, you can water the oyster while it is in the sink.
- The delicate contents are absorbed in one gulp without chewing!
- The final stage is a sip of white wine or other drink.
Although this method of consumption is considered a classic, some deviate from it. For example, many believe that oysters are eaten right from the shell. However, professionals have a negative attitude towards this method. If only because in this case the juice is drunk, which may contain microparticles of the shell. Since the body of the mollusk is not chewed, such fragments of the "house" are dangerous for humans. If they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they can cause damage!
Having learned how to open an oyster, some beginners find it interesting to experiment with such a product. After all, it is consumed not only raw. True, it should be understood that after heat treatment, the nutritional value of the delicacy is significantly reduced.
However, connoisseurs of seafood cook it in a variety of ways to get an unforgettable pleasure. And there are also people who simply cannot absorb the contents of the shells raw, but after boiling or baking, they eat the treat with pleasure.
The mollusk is amenable to the following processing:
- Baking in the oven or grill;
- Cooking, including steaming; Frying;
- Pickling;
- Smoking.
When considering how to cook oysters, you should definitely grill them. You can put them directly in unopened shells, and over the fire they will open themselves. If you want to serve a clam with cheese, which goes well with seafood, then the "houses" will have to be opened beforehand. In any case, it is important not to overexpose the delicate dish! 10 minutes is the maximum, and that's for large shells.
Grilled oysters are eaten with creamy garlic or soy sauce.
Frying is a more complicated and painstaking process. Because every mollusk must be removed from the shell. But if you are not too lazy, you can cook very tasty oysters according to the recipe using batter:
- The washed shells are opened, the meat is removed.
- Beat the egg with salt and spices in a separate bowl.
- Each oyster is dipped in a beaten egg and then in bread crumbs.
- The clams are deep-fried for 1-2 minutes until golden brown.
To surprise your family, you can steam oysters by pouring not only water into a saucepan, but also beer and wine. Then the delicacy will be saturated with the aromas of drinks and will acquire an interesting taste.
Soups are also made from this amazing seafood, snacks are made with the addition of sauces. For example, wasabi or tabasco will add a touch of piquancy. It is curious that they do not clog the delicate taste of the oyster at all, although they themselves have very pronounced taste characteristics. Against their background, the mollusk reveals itself in all its glory. However, you can make a softer sauce yourself - based on wine or lemon.
Oyster drinks

Pictured are oyster shooters
The stunning inhabitants of the deep sea came to the table not only as an appetizer for white wine. Special cocktails are made on the basis of the shellfish. They are also called shooters - the main difference lies in the small volume. It does not exceed 40-60 ml. That is, this cocktail is literally one sip, so it is drunk in one gulp.
The open oyster is sent to the stack, and the top is quickly poured with alcohol and other ingredients are added. There are tons of recipes - based on vodka and gin, whiskey and sake.
You can make a shooter from the following components:
- 250 ml tomato juice;
- 80 ml of vodka;
- 1 tbsp Worcester sauce;
- a couple of drops of Tabasco;
- salt pepper.
It is important to chill juice and vodka well before preparing shooters. Then everything happens quickly and easily. Oysters are sent to glasses. Pour a mixture of tomato juice and vodka on top, adding the remaining ingredients to them. The cocktails are ready.
Why oysters are useful - watch the video:

Having learned how to eat oysters correctly, it is important to remember the main thing: they are made for pleasure, not in a hurry. Such a delicacy does not fill the stomach in order to eat. Rather, it is a great treat for a pleasant unhurried dinner in the company of family and friends.