Dual marriage - a non-standard collective family

Dual marriage - a non-standard collective family
Dual marriage - a non-standard collective family

What is dual marriage, the history of the origin of exogamy. Rules for living in modern mini-communities. Public opinion on dual group unification.

Dual marriage (exogamy) is a type of group marriage and the exact opposite of an individual union. There is no monogamy in such a relationship, so a man and a woman can enter into an intimate relationship with several partners. Therefore, we are not talking about an alliance between two people, but about unconventional couples belonging to two different genus groups. The comparison of a dual marriage with a “Swedish family” is erroneous, because it involves the participation of a large number of people.

Dual exogamy in the ancient world

Exogamy in the ancient world
Exogamy in the ancient world

The voiced question is still poorly understood. According to one hypothesis, the dual group marriage originated in the primitive communal system, when several women, in order to survive, lived with a strong man. According to another version, more widespread and reliable, the union, unusual for a modern person, implied close communication between two genera in order to give birth to healthy children without genetic abnormalities. This is how the first dual herd institution of the family appeared with the following features:

  1. Sexual partner selectivity … Intimate relationships with members of their own family were prohibited. Sexual contacts with a specifically selected other group were encouraged, where it was possible to find a partner.
  2. freedom of choice … This point does not at all contradict the prohibition voiced, because primitive people were not imposed sympathy for the opposite sex, if the matter did not concern a representative of their kind.
  3. A peculiar concept of marriage … The man considered all girls from another group who were of childbearing age to be his wives. Women also had the right to consider as their chosen one any representative of the stronger sex who did not belong to their family.
  4. Lack of concept of paternity … The child always knew who his mother was, but in a dual-group marriage, he had no information about his biological father. This is where the concept of "maternal clan" originated, where everyone could become a dad from another group.
  5. No commitment … In this case, young people from different clans did not have any claims to each other in the future when they entered into sexual intercourse. They remained to live in the collective to which their mother belonged.
  6. Living together in groups … Under the primitive communal system, individual marriage did not exist. Representatives of the same clan hunted together, improved their dwellings and raised children. However, there was a clear distinction between the two existing groups in the collective. The first consisted of young men and more mature men, while the second consisted of women and children. A boy who reached puberty moved into a group with representatives of the stronger sex. The grown-up girl remained in her usual habitat
  7. Ritual meetings … As already mentioned, the marriage groups did not have joint property. Potential partners met at special orgasmic events, where they had fun, and then dispersed in different directions.
  8. A peculiar upbringing of children … As soon as a child was born, he became a full member of the mother's team and his property. All members of the family were involved in his upbringing, but he had nothing to do with his father's community.

Subsequently, the dual group marriage turned into a dual-phratrial union. The essence of this phenomenon was the ability to find a sexual partner not from one, but from several genera.

Interesting! Primitive people, having created a dual group marriage, clearly delineated the personal space of female and male groups. For this purpose, separate huts were built to house these communities. Men and women with children also ate separately.

Features of modern dual marriage

Modern dual marriage
Modern dual marriage

In contrast to the model of clan exogamy among primitive people, modern communities do not prohibit sexual intercourse between members of the same group. This is an alarming sign, because the fact of the birth of children with signs of degeneration in such couples is not excluded.

For a long time, a dual family marriage, if it existed, was not advertised in wide public circles. In the 19th century, such families began to emerge without concealment in the West, which interested psychologists. In Russia, they continued to adhere to the old scheme of creating an individual marriage, considering all innovations in this area to be fornication.

It was in the 19th century in their scientific works that experts began to describe the standard model of a dual-group marriage, which, over time, turned into a communal union. It usually consisted of 2-3 couples who chose the leading two leaders and lived according to its instructions. A kind of tribal commune-colony was created, the members of which were female and male groups.

Do not think that people with primitive thinking were representatives of non-standard collective communities. Basically, urban residents with an average income and higher education adjoined such groups.

When it comes to rural residents, the model of dual marriage has changed. The founder of such a community was a man who could manipulate the minds of people. They obeyed him, and such a commune grew to the presence of a sufficient number of adults. The use of intoxicants in such communities was not prohibited, but encouraged in every possible way.

Important! We are talking about a large family created according to a non-standard scheme, where sexual relations with several partners are permissible. However, officially such a marriage is considered invalid, that is, exogamy is prohibited. The exception is some Asian countries where a man can afford to support several women.

Even in non-traditional relationships, there are laws of cohabitation in the same territory. In modern dual-group marriage, they are also recorded:

  1. Free choice of partner … Heterosexuals can find any member of the opposite sex for a long or short-term relationship, and the desire for bisexuals to experiment is not prohibited. The question is somewhat different about representatives of non-traditional minorities who are not able to reproduce offspring. In a dual group marriage, such couples are not welcome, because childbearing is considered its basis.
  2. Prohibition of intimate relationships on the side … In this case, we are talking about the desire to find a partner not from the members of the formed group. This illusion of loyalty is clearly respected and not discussed by any member of the community.
  3. Joining the group of a new member with a general decision … It is difficult, but possible, to enter the forbidden territory for a stranger. In a dual-group marriage, outsiders are not welcome, but there are still exceptions. If at the general council a unanimous decision is made to accept a newcomer to a large family, then the issue is subsequently removed from the agenda.

See also the basic principles of free marriage.

Public opinion about dual marriage

Dual marriage in the modern world
Dual marriage in the modern world

People love to gossip about someone else's personal life and sometimes absolutely cannot stop when the conversation comes to a non-standard love relationship with “peppercorns”. In this case, we are not talking about hypocrisy, but about elementary curiosity and a desire to understand things that are not accepted in modern society.

Opponents of dual exogamy do not hide their contempt for non-standard models of family building. They reinforce their disapproval with the following conclusions:

  1. Jealousy … It is possible that a person-owner will appear among the members of a friendly team without complexes. Having fallen in love for real, he will not want to share his soul mate with anyone. As a result, jealousy can not only create many problems for the person himself, but also end up in a bloody drama.
  2. Zombie … Opponents of the dual-clan collective marriage consider the creation of family mini-communes the work of experienced manipulators. By instilling a non-standard model of building relationships with the opposite sex, they thereby endanger a person's desire to be close to one partner and self-actualize in life.
  3. Common children … Paternity is difficult to establish if the norm in such organizations is for a woman to have intimate relationships with several men. Members of one large non-standard family are not worried about this fact, which cannot be said about public opinion.
  4. Possibility of incest … On a genetic level, these jokes with nature usually end badly. Previously, marriages between cousins were encouraged in every possible way, which ultimately resulted in the degeneration of entire family clans. At the very formation of dual marriage, it was forbidden to have sexual relations with representatives of the same genus, which cannot be guaranteed in modern mini-communes.
  5. Universal censure … It is difficult to find a person who does not care about non-standard relationships between members of the opposite sex. It is quite difficult to live under the yoke of public condemnation if we are not talking about groups of people who have retired from civilization with its unshakable moral foundations.
  6. Lack of legal status … Official registration at the registry office is not able to save the marriage of two people with different worldviews. However, she gives the spouses a guarantee that their rights will be legally protected. A dual marriage in legal terms does not provide any opportunity to declare any claims against your partner at a certain point in time.
  7. Departure from the original model of generic exogamy … Dual marriage, as it developed, fulfilled its main function and contributed to the humanization of Neanderthals. With the presence of individual marriage in modern society, which prohibits incest by law, the need for dual-group relations has disappeared. In addition, the newly created model of the collective-commune bears little resemblance to its original version.

The aforementioned arguments, with all their scarcity, have a serious background. The arguments of frivolous people about the polygamy of human nature quite often hide their sexual promiscuity and inability to bear responsibility for their soul mate.

The optimists who have a positive attitude towards families-communities and communal marriage, most often it is necessary to refer directly to their members. They argue their choice as follows:

  1. In crowded but not mad … No matter how ridiculous it may sound, some people still develop a primal fear of survival in a not always friendly society. A dual-group marriage for them is an opportunity to hide from the harsh reality in a community of like-minded people. If one of its representatives does not work in the community, then he can safely count on financial support from the rest of the participants in the unusual family project.
  2. The limitations of monogamous marriage … Supporters of non-standard relationships consider an alliance with one person an atavism and a fresh need to be like everyone else. It is better for them to become part of one big family, where you will certainly not remain alone. Such bravado often hides the fear of being left alone with one's own thoughts, which is difficult to do in a huge team.
  3. The opportunity to experiment … The multiple change of sexual partners, which is not condemned by a large family, is a huge temptation for morally unstable people. In an individual marriage, betrayal leads to divorce, and in this case, you can self-actualize in amorous affairs endlessly.
  4. Simplifying parenting … Adherents of such organizations believe that the child will be better in any case if several couples follow him. At the same time, they are sure that it does not matter at all who the parents of the baby or teenager are.

Dual marriage is an obsolete factor and topic, which cannot be unambiguously discussed. Anyone has the right to plan their personal life as they see fit. However, it is worth looking into the future in order to analyze in advance the causes of exogamy and the consequences of bold experiments in this field.
