The history of the New Year's holiday from ancient times to the present day. How is it celebrated in Russia and other countries? Interesting facts about the New Year.
Interesting facts about the New Year are events related to the history of the holiday, its traditions and unusual incidents that happened to people on that day. The expectation of the New Year's miracle has been inherent in us since childhood, but why does it arise? It turns out that the idea came up not so long ago. Let's take a look at some interesting facts from history.
Holiday history New Year

When we decorate the Christmas tree on December 31, it seems that this custom, like the holiday itself, has always existed. But the evergreen plant in homes has appeared recently. And the very date of January 1 as New Year came to Russia only in the 18th century.
The history of the New Year is not easy and is associated with interesting facts. The very idea of the holiday is more than 25 thousand years old. Even in ancient Egypt, the arrival of the new year in September was associated with the flooding of the Nile and the appearance of the star Sirius in the heavens (the events usually coincided in time). During this period, sacred mysteries were held, the priests performed ceremonies, asking the gods for a bountiful harvest.
The history of the New Year in Armenia, India, Mesopotamia is associated with the vernal equinox. Spring came on March 21, people started field work. The holiday was held with the aim of asking the gods for a rich harvest.
The ancient Greeks associated New Year with the god of winemaking Dionysus. On June 22, when the longest day of the year came, people dressed up as satyrs, sang Dionysus with processions and songs.
Interesting questions about the New Year are related to the history of the holiday in our land. In pagan Russia, as in other countries where the cult of the Sun was revered, it was celebrated on March 21. With the advent of Christianity, the church postponed the holiday until March 1. In the 15th century, it was moved to September 1 for political reasons. On this day, the New Year was celebrated in Byzantium, with which Russia tried in every possible way to improve relations. September 1 was also considered the day of settlements on debts, collection of taxes.
The idea of celebrating the holiday on January 1 was borrowed from the Romans. On this day, they glorified the two-faced god Janus according to the Julian calendar introduced by Julius Caesar. Subsequently, the calendar he created became known throughout Europe.
The history of the New Year holiday in Russia is closely connected with the name of Peter the Great. Being a lover of everything European, he commanded to celebrate the arrival of the new century in 1700 on January 1, as in Europe. On this day, decorations were hung on trees, pines and firs, and it was ordered to have fun with fireworks until January 7th. From now on, the holiday ceased to be of the nature of a divine service and turned into a secular amusement.
The history of the New Year holiday in Russia states: innovations did not take root in the country immediately. For a long time, ordinary people continued to celebrate September 1. Gradually, the January merrymaking supplanted the worship of the Sun. But the old traditions remained and harmoniously blended into the secular ones.
Even the image of Santa Claus has turned out as a result of transformations of popular beliefs. In Russia, there was a representation: with the onset of cold weather comes the harsh spirit of winter - Morok, Moroz, Morozko, Moroz Ivanovich, Treskun. They called him differently and tried in every possible way to appease him by presenting him with gifts.
With the advent of Christianity, people learned about Saint Nicholas - a good old man who brings gifts to poor children. He became the prototype of Santa Claus in America and England, in Spain he was called Pope Noel: each country had its own variants of the name. At first he was portrayed in a black cloak, but then the artists decided to “dress” the old man in a red fur coat with a fur trim, depicting him with a beard.
The image of the future Santa Claus took root in Russia and merged with the harsh spirit of winter. But now he himself presented gifts to people, and from an evil spirit he turned into a kind old man.
Traditions for the New Year
In different countries, the New Year is celebrated in different ways. We are sometimes a wonder the customs of other peoples associated with the arrival of renewal in nature and human life. But the more interesting and attractive they are.
Traditions for the New Year in Russia

Modern Russian New Year traditions are a bizarre mixture of ancient pagan beliefs and Western Christian influences. We do not think why we carry out these or those ritual actions, and what they mean.
Common traditions in the New Year:
- Decorate the Christmas tree … Without a Christmas tree decorated with balls and garlands, a holiday is unthinkable. The custom came from Western Europe along with the innovations of Peter the Great. But the tradition is deeply rooted. The ancient Celts decorated their homes with branches of mistletoe and other conifers to protect them from evil spirits. In Russia, the Christmas tree was first decorated with sweets, gingerbread, candles, noble people draped the tree with expensive fabrics. Colored balls appeared much later, already in the 19th century.
- Give gifts … Even in ancient times, there was a custom when subjects brought gifts to the ruler on the eve of the New Year. These were voluntary donations. But then the emperors began to demand gifts from people and even wrote down who brought how much. Family traditions for the New Year and today imply presenting gifts, donations in churches, forgiving each other not only monetary, but also moral debts.
- Waiting for gifts from Santa Claus … Only small children today believe in a good old man. But the tradition continues to this day, and parents try to maintain it so that the kids believe in a miracle for as long as possible. People are convinced that Santa Claus arrives in every house on New Year's Eve and puts gifts under the tree.
- Cooking the best dishes for the New Year's table … It is generally accepted that the richer the table, the more prosperous the year will be. The hostesses do not spare food, trying to prepare interesting dishes. Meat roast has become traditional: roast pig, turkey, chicken. The tradition of decorating the New Year's table goes back centuries. Our ancestors put food outside the doorstep, appeasing evil spirits and remembering the departed ancestors. The abundance of dishes on the table symbolized wealth and material well-being for the next year.
- Lighting fires, candles, fireworks … It is not known exactly where this tradition originated. It is believed that our pagan ancestors jumped over the fire, lit fires in order to cleanse the soul and enter a new life renewed. Fire in different cultures is considered a symbol of purification. In China, thousands of sparkling lanterns are released into the air on New Years to scare evil spirits. In Russia, the tradition of lighting fires and fireworks was introduced by Peter the Great under the influence of Europe. The custom has taken root and has survived to this day.
- Carnivals, public Christmas trees … The custom of dressing up in various costumes goes back centuries. Even the ancient Celts believed that on the eve of the New Year, the souls of the dead roam the earth. To protect themselves from them, people dressed up as bizarre creatures, thereby frightening off evil spirits. In Ancient Russia, this was done on the holiday of Kolyada (winter solstice and turn to spring), which lasted from December 25 to January 7. The tradition of New Year's carnivals was born on the basis of pagan disguises and continues to this day.
- The custom of visiting … Our ancestors' winter was one of those few periods of time when they were not busy with field work and could afford to visit relatives and neighbors. Since it was not long from the New Year to the holiday of Kolyada, and then the Nativity of Christ, the ancient tradition of congratulating each other, presenting gifts and treats has become commonplace for the New Year as well.
The more Russian people look closely at other cultures, the more diverse the New Year traditions become. The influence of the East in modern Russia is expressed in the fact that it is customary to correlate each year with a certain animal, color, element according to the Chinese calendar. Feng Shui attributes are increasingly appearing on the Christmas tree as decorations: coins, symbolic animal figures, Chinese lanterns. The Russian soul accepts traditions from all over the planet, if they are good and give hope for family well-being.
Traditions for the New Year in different countries of the world

If you look around, you will notice that in different countries the traditions for the New Year are different. This is due to the historical characteristics of the development of the nation, local beliefs and habits.
Interesting facts about the New Year in different countries:
- Italy … The holiday starts on January 6th. A distinctive feature is the custom of throwing old things out of the windows onto the street. On New Year's Eve, walk carefully under the windows of houses: irons, tools, and appliances often fall on passers-by.
- South Africa … No less exotic traditions exist in African countries. Refrigerators are thrown out of the windows here. For this reason, on the eve of the holiday, entire city blocks are closed so as not to injure passers-by.
- Chile … In many cities of this country, it is customary for the New Year to honor deceased relatives in the cemetery. The tradition originated in the city of Talca, where one family decided to commemorate the deceased on New Year's Eve. Since then, the custom has taken root in many families.
- Romania … The inhabitants of the country believe that animals can talk on New Year's Eve. Farmers go to the barn to listen to the pets. If the animals speak, a difficult year awaits the family. Silence symbolizes well-being.
- Finland … Finns greet the New Year with a hearty meal. From them came the tradition of fortune telling in wax. To find out the future, people pour molten wax into cold water and judge fate based on the patterns obtained.
- England … At midnight the British open the door. They believe: at this moment the old year leaves them, and the new one enters. There is also a custom to exchange greeting cards. Children everywhere put on New Year's performances on the theme of old English legends. A masquerade is paraded through the festive streets, led by His Majesty Disorder.
- Ireland … In this country, the New Year is closer to Christmas in its religious meaning. It is customary to light candles that show the way to Mary and Joseph. Special cookies and pudding are baked for family members. On New Year's Eve, the Irish beat the walls of the dwelling with a loaf of bread: in this way they cleanse the house of evil spirits and attract well-being.
- India … In the New Year, people decorate their homes and their outfits with colorful flowers, light the lights. Gifts are prepared for children on trays. In the morning, the child is closed his eyes and brought to the gifts.
- Cuba … At 12 o'clock at night, residents pour water into glasses and pour the contents out the window. So they wish each other that the coming year will be as clean as water. The clock strikes 11 times at midnight. It is considered: the 12th time the clock is resting.
- Netherlands … Residents of the country try on the eve of the holiday to behave correctly, not to borrow money, to wear new things. It is believed that a person himself determines the future. How he behaves on New Year's, this will be his life. Residents choose the king of the holiday. A bean or a pea is placed in the baked goods. Whoever gets it is appointed king, a queen and retinue are chosen for him.
- Burma … It is very hot here on New Years. The holiday is celebrated with a water festival. It is accepted, when meeting acquaintances, to pour water over them.
- Denmark … Here they protect the forest from poachers. On the eve of the holiday, spruce and pine trees are treated with a chemical composition with amazing properties. In the fresh air, the compound does not give itself away, but in the room it emits an unpleasant odor.
- Austria … On New Year's Eve, residents gather on Cathedral Square in Vienna to hear the Peace Bell at St. Stefan. If you meet a chimney sweep and get dirty, this is a good omen.
- Australia … The country is in the middle of the beach season for the New Year. Santa Claus comes out in a beach suit and entertains residents and tourists on the surf.
- Bulgaria … Residents congratulate each other on January 1, hitting with dogwood sticks. When the clock strikes twelve, the lights go out for 3 minutes: it's time for kissing. It is considered a good omen if someone sneezes at the table.
- Japan … The Japanese New Year begins on January 1st. The inhabitants of the country decorate their homes with straw bunches to ward off evil spirits.
- Brazil … Here the holiday is celebrated on the shore of the ocean. Candles and lanterns are lit on the beach. Women enter the water and throw flower petals into the ocean.
- Vietnam … On New Year's Eve, there is a tradition to release live carp into the water. The Vietnamese believe: a god swims on the back of a fish, who goes to heaven and tells the supreme god about the life of people.
- Greece … The owner smashes grenades against the walls of the house at midnight. If its grains crumble, expect well-being. Going to visit, the Greeks give the owners a stone overgrown with moss. It symbolizes wealth.
- Portugal … A cake with candied fruit and almonds is presented as a New Year's gift. A small surprise is baked into it - a figurine or decoration. Whoever finds it will be lucky.
- Spain … On New Year's Eve, guys and girls are guessing at the soul mate. They write names of the opposite sex on scraps of paper and draw lots. If the custom takes place in front of the church, young people can behave like lovers until the end of Christmas time.
Every country has interesting facts related to New Year's customs. We have collected the most popular and unique ones to show how different the New Year can be.
TOP-30 most interesting facts about the New Year

Interesting historical facts about the New Year holiday allow you to penetrate deeper into the essence of traditions and understand how they originated. Knowledge makes it possible to understand why we need the New Year, and what ideas are associated with it.
Further TOP-30 facts about the New Year:
- Veliky Ustyug is considered the birthplace of Russian Father Frost. However, the fairytale hero has 2 more residences in Russia - Arkhangelsk and Chunozero estate.
- The first Christmas ball was made in Saxony. Here, master glaziers blew Christmas tree decorations.
- The electric garland first appeared as a decoration near the American White House in 1895.
- The authorship of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" belongs to Raisa Kudasheva. The creation appeared in a publication in the magazine "Baby" in 1903. In 1905, the composer Leonid Beckman wrote music for him.
- In 1918-1953, the tree was banned as a Christian symbol of Christmas. In 1935, by decree of Stalin, they began to install a New Year tree, and the five-pointed star replaced the Bethlehem Star.
- In 1947, the first day of the New Year was declared non-working.
- In Russia, it is believed that Grandfather Frost was born on November 18. On this day, winter begins in Veliky Ustyug.
- The Snow Maiden's birthday falls on April 4-5. On that night in 1873, Alexander Ostrovsky completed the play The Snow Maiden. The character became popular in the USSR thanks to the Kremlin trees. The homeland of the Snow Maiden is considered to be with. Shchelykovo in the Kostroma region, where the play was created.
- The first New Year's card was made in England in 1843.
- In the Russian pension fund, Grandfather Frost is listed as a "Veteran of Fairy Labor".
- Gingerbread cookies remain a common type of holiday baking.
- It is believed: if on the eve of the holiday you write your cherished wish on a piece of paper and burn it to the chimes, your wish will come true.
- The popular film "The Irony of Fate" has been shown on television on New Year's Eve for over 35 years in a row.
- The tallest artificial spruce, 76 m, was installed in Brazil.
- In Austria, one of the New Year's characters is the bird of happiness. In this country, game is not served on the table.
- To find out the answer to an important question for the New Year, throw boiled rice on the menu and count the number of grains. Even means yes, odd means no.
- Eskimos of Greenland give each other polar bears carved out of ice.
- Before the New Year, you cannot lend money, otherwise you will be repaying debts yourself for the next year.
- Santa Claus has a wife who personifies winter.
- A snowman with a bucket on his head, a carrot for a nose and a broom in his hand was first molded in the 19th century.
- The largest number of Christmas trees are sold in Denmark.
- Santa Claus began to be invited to homes in the USSR only in 1970.
- Most New Year's cards and gifts are presented in the United States.
- In Europe, the city of Rovaniemi in Lapland is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus. Here is the residence of the fairytale hero.
- In the Middle Ages in Europe, Christmas tree branches were attached to the ceiling.
- In Russia, the Christmas tree was decorated with apples. But when the crop failed, the apples were replaced with balls.
- Emperor Nicholas the First began to install Christmas trees in public places for the first time.
- In many countries, New Year's postage stamps are issued.
- It is believed: a dream seen on New Year's Eve predicts the future.
- The first Kremlin Christmas tree took place in 1954.
Watch a video about traditions for the New Year:

These are not all New Year's facts. But the given number is enough to understand: New Year is one of the mysterious holidays that we love and look forward to.