Caroling, generous, sowing: how is it right and when?

Caroling, generous, sowing: how is it right and when?
Caroling, generous, sowing: how is it right and when?

When is it right and how to carol, generously and sow? Traditions, customs and rituals. Popular carols and chants. The tradition of carols, generosity and sowing came to us from antiquity, from the time of the pagans. This is one of the favorite activities and entertainment for both adults and children. Carollers, generosity, sowers go to visit: to relatives, friends, godfathers, neighbors. It's fun, interesting, you can collect some money and goodies. But before performing the rituals, you should figure out how to do it correctly, when to go caroling, generous and sowing.

When to carol, give generosity and sow?

Many people get confused when it is necessary to carol, generously and sow. So:

  • Carols on the evening of January 6th.
  • Generous on the evening of January 13th.
  • Sowed at dawn on January 14th.

Many people mistakenly think that Christmas caroling is okay. However, on the morning of January 7, they celebrate birth, i.e. sing Christmas songs and wish you a Merry Christmas.

How to carol, generously and sow correctly?

Having dealt with the dates of the festive rituals, we will find out what is the difference between them, how to properly carry out and perform them.

Caroling (evening of January 6)

How to carol properly
How to carol properly

You can start caroling when the first star appears in the sky. At this time, a festive dinner begins, and those who wish go to congratulate with carols on the birth of Christ. Traditionally, carols in the village go from house to house, not bypassing anyone. But in a big city it is enough to bypass the neighbors' apartments. Having entered the house of the owners, you need to ask permission to carol. If they refused, leave, silently and without offense. Of course, you cannot refuse, because it is considered a sin.

In the old days, a group of carols consisted of 3 people, where the main caroling star was chosen. He walked in front of everyone and carried a star in his hands, which symbolizes the birth of the baby Jesus Christ. For the stars, they choose a person with a loud voice and well-versed in carols. The bell-ringer followed him and carried a large bell, with which he announced by ringing that the carolers were coming. The third person is a mekhonosha. He carried a brightly colored sack decorated with embroidered or painted stars, sun and moon. The owners put sweets and treats into it. Since you cannot take gifts from the hands of the owners.

Carols are slowly and drawn out singing, and at the end they read congratulations and bow to the owners of the house. Today, they receive a monetary reward for the carol, but earlier they were presented with sweets, apples, nuts … In any case, it is worth remembering that every family considers it an honor that the carolers came to them to wish them Merry Christmas, and did not bypass them.

Popular carols in Russian and Ukrainian:

Today an Angel came down to us And sang: “Christ was born!” We came to glorify Christ, And to congratulate you on the holiday. Here we go, shepherds, All our sins are forgiven. We are driving our way home, we glorify Christ God.

*** I sleep with carols for you, God give you the harvest, Generous fields, small gardens, Zirku in the sky on Svyatvechir For the grown-ups and the little ones. My lunar carol, Uves light from the Rizdvoy vitaє.

Generous (evening of January 13)

How to generously
How to generously

Shchedrivki are performed on the evening of Old New Year's Eve, January 13. Their characteristic difference from carols is the chorus "Generous evening, good evening, good people for the whole evening!" The ancestors believed that Malanka-Voda comes with Vasily-Luna on the Generous Evening, to stay and bring prosperity and good luck to the owners for the coming year.

On the morning of January 13, the hostesses prepare a festive dinner of 12 non-fasting dishes. An obligatory meal is ritual generous kutia. They also bake pancakes, pies, make roast and homemade sausage, make dumplings with cheese and cottage cheese. These dishes are bestowed on generosity (January 13) and sowers (January 14).

Generos go around their homes from evening to midnight, come after the invitation of the owners. Mostly girls are generous, but bachelor groups also go. All the guys dress in masks, and one of them in a woman's outfit. The men's group is nicknamed "Melanka", and the mummer as a woman "Melanka". Generous people read good wishes to the owners, wishing a rich harvest, offspring of livestock, a good swarm of bees, well-being, health, happiness and prosperity. They amuse with dances, songs and comic scenes. The ancestors believed in every word and the magical function of the generos.

Sow or sow (morning of January 14)

How to sow correctly
How to sow correctly

Early in the morning of January 14, when dawn begins, the youth go home and sow. According to popular beliefs, on January 14, a man, both a child and an adult, should be the first to enter the house - this will bring prosperity and happiness. Girls will not bring happiness, so traditionally only guys are sowing.

Men fill cloth bags or mittens with grain: wheat, barley, rye, rice. Usually they start sowing from their own home, for which the parents presented the guys with sweets and money. Arriving at the house, the sowers must ask the owners for permission to carry out the ceremony. Usually there are never any failures, because the sower is always a welcome guest. Entering the house, they greet the New Year, sow grain in the apartment and sprinkle the owners. This action is accompanied by the words: “We sow, we sow, we sow, Happy New Year! Even though the Old New Year is still good! The owners invited them to the table, treated them to pies, presented them with apples and bagels. And at will, the most generous thanksgiving was money. The grain that was sown is considered a talisman, so it is not swept out until sunset.

Popular sowing plants in Russian and Ukrainian languages:

We sow, we wind, we sow, Happy New Year to you! Fortunately, good health, for the New Year, So that you have a better birth than last year! Hemp to the ceiling, and flax to the knee, So that you, the owners, do not have a headache ! Be healthy with New Year and with Vasily! Give, God!


This, this, I am, I don’t miss your hut, I’m going to the hut with a new rock, I’m going to tell you: I wish you all health, if you’re all ready for the porridge, You won’t be happy from them. And we have a pittance from pivmіkha!


I sow, sow Oats, rye, Divine Graces! On a steep curd to the Shepherd a pie!


We sow, we sow, we sow, Happy New Year, Open the chests, Get out the piglets. Give a thousand, give five, do not regret twenty-five. If you are rich, give half your salary.


We sow, we win, we sow, Happy New Year. Happiness will be your mountain, The harvest is big. You give birth to oats, To grow by two meters. Give birth to your wheat, And peas, and lentils. So that there are a lot of guests in the house for a whole year! There is always a pie on the table. Lungs-lungs are dear to you!

At the end of the article, we note that, even without knowing the correct conduct of the ritual, learn beautiful songs and poems, make suitable costumes. Residents of the houses will feel your kind energy and will generously endow you. After all, the most important thing in carols, generosity and sowing is not the gifts received, but a good mood and the realization that you are preserving deep ancient traditions.

Watch the video how to carol and generos correctly: