How to choose the right thermal underwear and wear?

How to choose the right thermal underwear and wear?
How to choose the right thermal underwear and wear?

What is thermal underwear, what is it and what is it made of. Tips for choosing and wearing it, caring for the thing. The advantages and disadvantages of these products. Thermal underwear is an incredibly useful thing for those who want to lead an active lifestyle with comfort and without the risk of catching a cold at any time of the year, especially in winter. It is chosen by people of completely different ages, both men and women.

What is thermal underwear?

Thermal underwear for women
Thermal underwear for women

Thermal underwear is a special underwear for excluding heat loss and removal of moisture from the body. It replaces several layers of ordinary clothes, preventing a person from sweating and freezing in the cold season. But, depending on the type, it can be used in other seasons - summer, spring, autumn. This will protect against the negative effects of UV rays, rain and wind.

The principle of thermal underwear is to allow moisture to pass through itself, which prevents sweat from accumulating on the skin. At the same time, it remains completely dry, unlike ordinary T-shirts, T-shirts, etc. The main functions of such things are evaporating, transporting and absorbing. We can say that the fabrics from which it is made are filled with air, which creates a thick protective layer.

The product usually consists of two layers: an inner one that tightly adheres to the skin and provides moisture removal, and an outer one that is responsible for conserving heat. The first is most often created from synthetic fabric, and the second from natural in combination with artificial. Thermal underwear is primarily necessary for climbers, cyclists, runners, yachtsmen, snowboarders, hunters and fishermen. It is also indispensable for those who often ski or simply adore spending time in the mountains during the colder months. It is also a suitable option for residents of regions with harsh winters, for example, the Far North and equivalent areas.

These linens are sold under a variety of labels. For winter sports, the product marked as "Silk" or "Medium" … It is not designed for long-term use, so it will be a poor choice for climbers, rock climbers, etc. "Polar weight" or "Heavy", in it you can comfortably sleep in a tent without fear of freezing.

Thermal underwear is designed for both men and women, there are options for children. It is produced mainly in black, sometimes white, blue, gray, red, beige.

On sale there are special T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, turtlenecks, leggings, panties, bras, socks. Thermal underwear also sometimes includes special jackets, hats and gloves. In about 70% of all cases, they are all seamless and hypoallergenic, which minimizes the risk of discomfort when wearing. The cheapest are socks and gloves, which, depending on the manufacturer of thermal underwear, cost about 400 rubles. Leggings and sweaters are considered more expensive, the price here starts from 1000 rubles. You will have to pay even more for a jacket, the cost of which exceeds 2,500 rubles. Shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts and underpants cost almost the same amount - about 1,000 rubles. The most expensive are synthetics with merino wool.

Benefits of thermal underwear

Thermal underwear set for men
Thermal underwear set for men

An indisputable advantage is the ability to use it in absolutely any conditions. Depending on the type of product, it can be worn in summer and winter, autumn and spring. There are options for both male and female adults and children of different ages. Moreover, strictly fixed sizes are provided, which allow you to choose a product exclusively for yourself.

Let's name the pluses of thermal underwear:

  • No allergies … Such clothing does not irritate the skin, since sweat does not accumulate inside and no seams chafe the body. Therefore, you can wear it even if the dermis is very sensitive or there are any dermatological diseases. For the same reason, it is suitable for children of completely different ages.
  • Doesn't cause discomfort … Despite its synthetic origin, the product is pleasant for the skin, it does not absorb moisture, but brings it out. Therefore, regardless of the season, a person always remains dry.
  • The convenience of use … Such underwear does not weigh very much and does not hinder movement. Its tight fit to the body does not interfere with walking, cycling, running, etc. It is also important that you can wear any other clothes over it, except for skirts. Due to its smoothness, it is not visible from under jackets, trousers, overalls. A nice bonus - you can wash a thing once a week if you wear it regularly.
  • Strong thermal insulation properties … Thermal underwear does not warm, but only keeps the heat generated naturally. As a result, its temperature always remains at an acceptable level. This effect is provided by the hollow fibers that make up the fabric, such as Meryl Nexteen, Termolite and Softprim.
  • High level of protection against wind and moisture … The fabric is not blown through and does not allow rain or snow to pass through. This eliminates the risk of hypothermia and the development of colds, skin rashes and itching.
  • Availability … Such a product is sold in any travel or sports store that operates both online and offline. Moreover, the clothes are offered in completely different sizes.
  • Neutralizing sweat odor … Basically, this applies only to wool products that are capable of self-cleaning. Thus, the activity of bacteria is suppressed and the skin is reliably protected from allergies. Taking this into account, it becomes clear that there is no need to wash the laundry every day, thanks to which it will last long enough.

Disadvantages of thermal underwear

How to care for thermal underwear
How to care for thermal underwear

The first difficulties arise when choosing it, since it should be tried on exclusively on a naked body. To this should be added a rather complicated size chart, which must be guided by when buying. For men, it is one, for women - another, and for children it may even be the third. The minimum waist in the case of thermal underwear for an adult is 64 cm. The problem is that the parameters of many girls do not coincide with this indicator, not even reaching 60 cm. In such situations, you need to either be content with a loose fit of clothes to the body, or turn to baby products …

Studying the disadvantages, do not overlook the following disadvantages of thermal underwear:

  1. High price … Compared to ordinary socks, gloves, jackets, pants, these products cost 2-3 times more. Therefore, not everyone can afford to buy the entire set, while using only one item is ineffective.
  2. Unaesthetic appearance … If in winter you can safely put on sweatpants, an ordinary sweater or jacket on this underwear, then in the summer you will have to go in for sports only in one T-shirt and leggings. For some, they may look out of fashion and ugly. It happens that girls who wear them are ashamed of their image because of the strong tightness of the buttocks, chest, and waist. Considering this, in this form it is hardly possible to make, for example, a walk around the city.
  3. Difficulties in leaving … Clothes can be machine washed, but only on a delicate cycle. In general, it is better to do it with your hands, so that it does not stretch, shed or "shrink". In this case, you should not use bleaches, stain removers and powders with chlorine. Difficulties are also created by the limitation on the water temperature of 30 ° C. In order to avoid damage to the structure of the products, even the best thermal underwear should not be ironed.
  4. Non-universality … For cycling and running you need one set of underwear, for skiing - another, for winter hiking, fishing and hunting - a third. All this is not very convenient and requires serious financial investments.

Features of the choice of thermal underwear

Thermal Underwear Guahoo
Thermal Underwear Guahoo

It is made from synthetic (polyester and polypropylene), natural (cotton, wool) and blended materials. For winter, the first option is suitable, which is easy to care for and a lower price. It is intended mainly for people involved in active sports - jogging, triathlon, snowboarding, bobsleigh, etc. It is comfortable when a person is on the move.

If we talk about clothes made of merino wool, then it will be an excellent choice for long walks in the cold or outings in the mountains. Products made from it are also suitable for passive people who are not involved in active sports. In them, you can safely be outdoors at temperatures down to -10 ° C without outerwear. Thus, it is possible to save on insulation. The most versatile are models made from natural materials and synthetics, since they perfectly retain heat and repel moisture. The ratio of the two fabrics should be in proportions of about 30 to 70%, in any case, artificial components always prevail.

Both those and other things can be with internal or external seams, the most convenient, of course, is the second option.

It is necessary to distinguish 3 types of thermal underwear:

  • Moisture repellent … It is necessary for practicing water sports and any other active sports, leading to strong sweating. We are talking about cycling, rowing, skateboarding, skiing, mountaineering. Most often it is made from synthetic fabric (polypropylene or polyester), which dries very quickly.
  • Keeping warm … Usually, in addition to this, such models also protect from the wind. Therefore, they will be relevant for those who spend a lot of time outdoors, for example, for fishermen and hunters. It is also a great option for walking outside in subzero temperatures. Basically, merino wool, silk and cotton are used for their sewing.
  • Mixed … As the name implies, these products combine both water-repellent and heat-retaining functions. Given their versatility, it comes as no surprise that they have the highest price tag. In such clothes, you can walk on the street, and go to the mountains, and run. But for the summer, it is not the most reliable, since here the most important thing is to resist moisture, and not protection from the cold.

Very often, you can see different marks on thermal underwear that determine its purpose. The Cool inscription means that the product can be worn in any weather, regardless of the season. If the packaging says "Allergic", it means that this version contains special protective fibers that prevent itching of the skin. The “Warm” marking states that the item is designed to be worn at rather low temperatures, from 0 ° C to -25 ° C, without additional insulation. Regardless of the type of thermal underwear, it must be elastic, that is, literally repeat the skin relief. You should not buy it one size larger or smaller, because if the clothes do not fit closely to the body, you will not be able to get the desired warming effect. Her pressure on the skin is also not good because of the severe discomfort. The rating of the most famous manufacturers of thermal underwear includes X-Bionic, Guahoo, Marmot, Red Fox. Those looking for items made from quality materials that are comfortable to wear and at the same time can withstand up to -35 ° C should pay attention to Nord City thermal underwear. Such products are the best option, because the content of cotton and polyester in them is strictly balanced (50% each). They do not allow hypothermia or overheating of the body and are completely safe.

For those who are not going to wash their clothes at least once a week, it is better to choose one that is impregnated with special antibacterial compounds, this is especially convenient for hiking trips.

How to wear thermal underwear correctly

How to wear thermal underwear
How to wear thermal underwear

It is recommended to wear it on special panties and a bra (if we are talking about girls). When using normal underwear, moisture will accumulate inside, which will cause severe discomfort and create a hazardous health situation.

There should be no tights, standard T-shirts or T-shirts under the thermal underwear. It is also necessary that it completely adheres to the body, but does not squeeze it. It is necessary to wear leggings and jackets with thermal insulation properties only for going out, since it is correct to wear thermal underwear only at temperatures below 0 ° C. In rooms, even unheated ones, it usually does not go below + 10 ° C.

It is worth not forgetting that you should not walk in the same set for more than a week, after which it must be washed.

On top of pants, tights and a T-shirt, you can put on an ordinary sweater, pants, jacket. This will allow you not to freeze and not get sick in the cold season.

At the same time, it is not recommended to wrap yourself in more than three layers, this will create an extra load on the body. Ideally, the bottom layer wicks moisture away from it, the middle layer brings it out, and the top layer protects it from the wind.

Such things are perfectly complemented by wardrobe items made of fleece and membrane fabric. How to choose thermal underwear - watch the video:

Before choosing thermal underwear, you need to carefully study what it is made of, what it is intended for, who is suitable for it, and which companies offer the highest quality products. Only in this way, after the purchase, you will not have to regret your decision and you will be able to enjoy the comfort while playing sports.
