Popular materials for waterproofing pools and their properties, technology for creating a protective shell, reasons for the need to protect structures of artificial reservoirs from moisture. Swimming pool waterproofing is a system of measures aimed at guaranteeing the normal operation of a tank for any purpose. The process of water protection is reduced to creating a shell outside and inside the tank in order to ensure the smooth operation of the structure. There are a lot of isolation methods, we will consider the most popular options.
Why do you need waterproofing of the pool

Pool waterproofing is essential to improve the reliability of the entire structure. A correctly performed procedure will eliminate the problems associated with leaks and restoration work.
Functions of the waterproofing coating:
- If you do not take any measures, moisture will penetrate through the pores in the concrete into the partition, reach the metal reinforcement and cause it to corrode. Over time, the strength of the monolithic partition deteriorates. Violation of the integrity can lead to deformation of the base and cracking.
- Moisture that has penetrated into the structure freezes in winter, expands and destroys the partition from the inside, causing cracks and peeling of the plaster.
- Mold and fungus appear in a constantly wet wall, which adversely affect the human body.
- The outer containment does not allow groundwater to come into contact with the pool walls. These are the requirements of building codes, according to which any structures should not be moistened by aggressive groundwater.
- The water in the artificial container is usually warm, with disinfectant additives that turn it into a hazardous liquid that adversely affects many materials.
- The coating makes it easier to clean the container. It is easier to clean a treated bowl than a concrete one.
- The protective layer improves the appearance of the pool and does not require decoration.
The choice of material for waterproofing the pool

For reliable waterproofing of the pool, the materials must form an elastic, durable shell on the surface. Professionals recommend choosing products that have the ability to form a monolithic layer. Currently, to solve such problems, there is a large selection of tools that differ in composition and operational properties:
- PVC film … Using a membrane for waterproofing is considered an economical way to rework a reservoir. In this way, already built pools are protected. The film covers the surface of any material. It is available in three types: unreinforced - the cheapest option, used to cover prefabricated structures. It is not particularly durable. Reinforced - consists of two panels, between which there is a mesh. Usually installed on concrete or coffered bases. The material is able to withstand the high pressure of water poured into the pool. Anti-slip - covers the walls of children's containers. Films are available with various additives that add additional qualities to the coating. For example, the introduction of acrylic prevents the appearance of vegetation. The advantages of this method include the ability to waterproof the pool with your own hands and the good tolerance of chemical additives that are added to the water.
- Liquid rubber … The most popular method for covering containers from the outside and from the inside. The agent is sprayed with the help of special devices. The material fills all the pores and capillaries layer by layer and solidifies, forming a monolithic shell without seams, pleasant to the touch. The substance can be applied to a wet surface, in frost, while after polymerization it will not flake off. Liquid rubber is often used as a base for ceramic tiles, but it is allowed to leave it without a decorative coating. The method is easy to implement and inexpensive.
- Liquid glass … It is mainly used during the construction phase of the pool. The material is added to concrete or applied to the surface, thus gluing the structure. The composition of the substance includes potassium and sodium, as well as cement. When the components hit the walls, crystals are formed that have waterproofing properties. The mixture fills all pores and cracks, eliminating all moisture penetration paths into the wall. Possesses high adhesion to all building materials. The composition has proven itself well for protecting the base from groundwater. The coating prevents the appearance of fungus on the walls of the container. However, it is impossible to perform such an operation without special equipment.
- Polyurethane mastics … The product is made on a cement base with the addition of modified polymers. After application, a durable elastic seamless casing with a thickness of 2-5 mm is formed on the surface. Adheres well to any material. Can be used without a decorative layer. The mastic is versatile and is often used for exterior and interior coatings. Usually fits at the stage of bowl formation. Of the minuses, we can note the difficulty of attaching decorative tiles to it.
Swimming pool waterproofing technology
The creation of the containment is carried out in several stages, which must be carried out very carefully. Before waterproofing the pool, it is necessary to seriously prepare the surface, and then apply the material to it according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is not recommended to deviate from the recommended technology. Below are the most popular ways to form a containment shell on the pool walls.
Swimming pool waterproofing with PVC film

PVC linen is mainly used for protecting finished bowls and for repairing them. The membrane is used only in rectangular structures, with strong and rigid sides. The procedure is allowed to be carried out at a temperature of + 15-25 degrees. The temperature limitation is due to the fact that the material is easily stretched.
The work is carried out in the following sequence:
- Clean debris from the pool walls.
- Check the flatness of the vertical and horizontal walls. If there are irregularities of more than 2 mm on a horizontal surface and 3 mm on a vertical surface, putty the problem areas using a special cloth. The installation of the nonwoven fabric and the installation of the film must be carried out on the same day to avoid the formation of a mildew-friendly environment.
- Check that there are no folds and overlaps that lead to unevenness on the panel.
- Wrap all auxiliary structures and elements of the pool in Teflon.
- Align all surface defects with a cement screed so that the membrane does not follow the contours of the defective area.
- Cover the walls with a non-woven fabric that will create an interlayer between the membrane and the base. It is necessary to prevent the film from wearing out on a rigid base. For containers located inside the building, geotextiles can be used. Secure it with stainless and plastic flanges and self-tapping screws. It is allowed to glue the gasket to the surface.
- Spread the canvas and start laying it from the middle of the floor, evenly distributing it in different directions. For the procedure, involve as many assistants as possible.
- The pool waterproofing film has 4 vertical welds at the corners of the tank. First, spread the cloth from the long sides of the pool in the direction of the corners, after that you can move on to the short ones. After laying, check that the corners of the film match the corners of the bowl. Make sure the membrane covers the top of the container.
- Move all rough waves to the top of the bowl and smooth out.
- Remove lingering folds using special technologies.
- After alignment, fix the membrane in the corners. To increase reliability, coat the corners with silicone.
- Check again that there are no wrinkles on the walls.
- Fill the pool 3 cm with water and smooth out the film again from the middle to the edges.
- Add water up to 30 cm and spread the membrane over the surfaces under which the gasket is located.
- Fix the product to the walls with special aluminum clamps. Cut off excess pieces of insulator.
Swimming pool waterproofing with liquid rubber

In swimming pools, it is convenient to use sprayed liquid rubber, which forms a very durable shell, and the procedure itself takes little time. Less commonly, the material is applied by staining. Pool waterproofing with liquid rubber is produced by spraying using a special device, for example, RX-27. To get a good result, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the device in advance and learn how to handle it. The procedure is performed in the following sequence:
- Empty the debris from the bowl. Vacuum the walls and base of the container.
- Clean surfaces from greasy stains and foreign deposits. To achieve the desired result, spray the walls with a water jet. After the procedure, wait for the bowl to dry and continue preparing the base.
- Cover the walls with primer. During the procedure, small particles that remain after the previous operation will be removed from the surface. The formulation in the form of a waterproof gel penetrates deep into concrete and fills deep pores. The better the priming, the stronger the liquid rubber will hold.
- Spray the waterproofing agent onto the bowl. Hold the nozzle at a distance of 40 cm from the wall perpendicular to the surface.
During operation, the components are mixed, and after hitting the walls, they freeze very quickly, forming a protective shell. Full polymerization occurs within 72 hours at 50% air humidity. The hardening process is accompanied by the release of moisture, which appears on the coating in the form of drops. After the washcoat has dried, check the pool for leaks.
Waterproofing with liquid glass of the pool

There are two ways to create a moisture-protective shell based on water glass - by applying it to the surface in a pure form or adding it to a cement mortar. When using liquid glass, work is performed in the following sequence:
- Prepare the substrate for coating. To do this, thoroughly clean the walls from dust and dirt, and then rinse the structure with a strong jet of water. After such procedures, all wall defects will be better visible. If large cracks are found, seal them with a sand-cement mortar. Further operations for waterproofing the pool with liquid glass can only be carried out after the surface has completely dried.
- Degrease the walls with special compounds.
- Cover the bowl with antiseptics to prevent mold and mildew from growing.
- Dilute liquid glass with water in a 1: 2 ratio. This concentration allows you to use only 300 g of the substance for the treatment of 1 sq. m walls.
- Use a brush to apply. It is recommended to cover the bowl in several layers, carefully smearing all areas.
When adding liquid glass to concrete, waterproofing is performed as follows:
- Prepare a concrete or cement mortar from dry components.
- Add liquid glass at the rate of 1 part of the substance to 10 dry parts of dry cement mixture.
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
- Apply the solution to the walls of the bowl.
Swimming pool waterproofing with polyurethane mastics

Pool mastics for waterproofing are sold dry, usually in 25 kg bags. To prepare a working mixture, mix the product with water in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer. To do this, use a drill with an attachment. After the procedure, no lumps should remain in the solution. The mastic hardens quickly, so prepare it in portions that can be consumed within 30 minutes. Re-adding liquid to the thickened solution is not allowed.
Swimming pool waterproofing with this composition is performed in the following sequence:
- Remove dust and dirt from the wall.
- Knock down plaster and concrete build-up.
- Make sure there are no oil stains on the surface. Treat them with solvents or mechanically if necessary.
- Go over the wall with a wire brush or a drill with a nozzle.
- If the bowl has a smooth surface, cover the walls with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, then rinse thoroughly with water.
- All procedures are designed to open the pores that the mixture must fill. Apply the solution with a brush or brush in two layers. First, spread the product with horizontal strokes, and after 2-3 hours with vertical strokes. With internal revision, the protective shell should be 3.5-5 mm thick, with external - 2-3 mm.
How to waterproof a pool - watch the video:

Wall waterproofing is a very important stage of construction, because the result of all work depends on it. Modern options for protecting the walls of pools are devoid of the disadvantages of traditional ones, but for this it is necessary to strictly follow the technology of laying the material and take the task seriously.