The article describes the process of installing metal-plastic pipes with your own hands using threaded fittings. When connecting and connecting metal-plastic pipes using special fittings, there is no need to cut a thread, and the installation process itself will take a little time.
It is necessary to remember about careful handling of pipes during installation work, as well as compliance with all stages of technology. In most cases, a hidden laying of the pipeline is carried out, which does not allow depressurization. There are fittings (shaped parts) for metal-plastic pipes in the building materials market.
Pay attention to the quality of the threads when installing the fitting. A defect in a thread section (stripped thread) is allowed if its total length is not more than 10% of the entire thread length. The ends of the fittings should be perpendicular to the axis of the product and have an even shape. The threads must be free of burrs. The type of fittings depends on the way they are connected. There are compression fittings and threaded (screw) fittings.
Using threaded fittings, their connection can be achieved using the pressure that is created when the nut is tightened on the open expansion ring. A special gasket is used to ensure a tight connection between the fitting and the ferrule.

Fastening the fitting
Cut a piece of the pipe to the required length with special scissors.
Do not use any other tools, as there is a possibility of damage to the protective layer of the product. In the event of an uneven cut with such tools, the problem of an unreliable connection will arise.
Use O-rings on the fitting for a good seal. To prevent damage to the ring during installation work, the pipe is expanded with a calibrator. To connect the metal-plastic pipe and the fitting, nuts and a clamping clamp are used.
First, the nut with the clamping collar is put on the pipe. Before installing a metal-plastic pipe, it is necessary to remove sharp edges along its inner edges using a special device or other tools. This is done so that during installation work, the inner edges of the pipe do not break the sealing rubber bands, which will lead to depressurization and leakage. Sharp pipe edges can be sharpened with a metal drill or round file. To give pipes a perfectly round shape after partial deformation as a result of cutting, a special tool is used - a calibrator. With the help of a calibrator, the end of the pipe is flared and put on the fitting of the fitting.
The clamping collar is returned after a tight alignment with the fitting squeegee. The fitting nut is then returned and tightened. Tighten the nut carefully until a crackling sound appears.
If it is necessary to bend the reinforced-plastic pipe at a right angle, use a special spring that will allow you to squeeze the pipe at the bend point. Special clips will help to mount the reinforced-plastic pipe to the surface.
The clips are available in different sizes to suit different pipe sizes. The clips can be fixed using screws, self-tapping screws, dowels or nails.