Garlic sauce is both a salad dressing, a marinade for meat, and a stand-alone sauce for any product. This is an indispensable food that will help out in many situations.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
- Useful Tips
The variety of garlic sauces is huge now. They are all prepared in different ways and with different products. Some of these recipes are already available on the site. You can easily find them using the search bar. All varieties of garlic sauces are usually very simple to prepare: you just need to mix all the ingredients in one bowl. More complex options require certain skills, such as being able to work with a pestle or beating the yolks until smooth to get the consistency of mayonnaise. The main thing is that you can make all the options for garlic sauces in your kitchen yourself, and if you change some of the ingredients, then the sauce will not get bored for a long time.
This sauce recipe is good because it is not as high in calories than its counterparts. It is based on low-fat yogurt and sour cream with a minimum fat content (15%). If you want to lose a few extra pounds by summer, while you cannot deny yourself the usual food, then this sauce will help combine both of your desires. This yoghurt sauce will not affect the waist in any way, while adding an additional touch of piquant taste to the dishes. And an additional plus - making the sauce is extremely easy. You can buy yoghurt for the recipe at any supermarket, or make your own in a yoghurt maker. Well, if you are not afraid of extra pounds, then you can safely replace yogurt with mayonnaise or cream.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 305 kcal.
- Servings - 500 ml
- Cooking time - 10 minutes

- Sour cream 15% - 250 ml
- Garlic - 3-4 cloves
- Low fat yogurt - 250 ml
- Green onions - bunch
- Dill - bunch
Step-by-step recipe for making yogurt garlic sauce:

1. Pour the yogurt into a deep container.

2. Pour sour cream into it.

3. Peel the garlic and pass through a press or grind in a mortar.

4. Greens (dill and green onions), wash and dry well with a paper towel. Then chop finely with a sharp knife and add to the food.

5. Stir well, taste and add a little salt as needed.
Useful tips for making yoghurt-garlic sauce:
- Since dairy products are used for the preparation of the sauce, they must be chilled. in a warm room, the sauce may turn sour.
- Store the prepared sauce only in the refrigerator in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid.
- Its shelf life is not long - 3 days. Of course, it can be stored longer, but the taste will no longer be the same.
- Use sauce for salads, shawarma, marinate meat and fish, season soups and borscht, serve with barbecue and fish steak.
See also the video recipe on how to make white shawarma sauce. Recipe from the chef Ilya Lazerson.