Crafts from natural material

Crafts from natural material
Crafts from natural material

Ideas for kindergarten teachers and parents. Seniors will get acquainted with how to make crafts from natural material, and will be able to teach this to children. Natural materials provide tremendous opportunities for creativity. It is especially useful for children to do such needlework. In the process of creativity, they develop imagination, thinking, they acquire new skills.

Crafts from cones

Check out the ideas presented. Then it will be easy for you to explain to your child how to make a hedgehog, lamb, rooster and other funny toys from cones.

Crafts from cones
Crafts from cones

To make a cockerel, you will need:

  • two bumps;
  • plasticine;
  • 2 acorns;
  • 2 small twigs;
  • PVA;
  • awl.

Of course, children cannot work with a sharp tool, so make an awl through the hole in the acorns yourself, insert a short twig here that will become the legs of the bird. Secure them with PVA glue. And let the child connect two cones with plasticine, this will be the head and body of the cock.

He will sculpt his comb and beard from red or orange plasticine. The baby will also attach the legs of the bird to the right place using this plastic mass, the beak will be made from yellow plasticine.

Pine cone and acorn rooster
Pine cone and acorn rooster

In much the same way, you can make a lamb from a cone, but it must be unopened. You will also need 5 acorns, remove the "cap" from four, leave it on the fifth. An animal's head is made from this acorn. Let the child sculpt and attach to it the eyes of a lamb from plasticine, consisting of squirrel and a black pupil, draw a mouth with a felt-tip pen.

Her ears are made of two halves of a pistachio nut shell, attached to plasticine. With the help of it, you need to attach four legs of acorns to the cone. That's how quickly a lamb is mastering.

Lamb from cones and acorns
Lamb from cones and acorns

Crafts from cones can be different. This charming Lesovik is made from the same material. Note that the bump is positioned upward with a sharp edge. An acorn with a cap is glued to this neck, and 2 halves of a pistachio nut are glued to the bottom, attach small branches instead of hands. The child will make facial features from plasticine.

Pine cones and acorns
Pine cones and acorns

A hedgehog made of cones is also quite simple to master. From light plasticine, you need to mold his sharp muzzle, ears. Let the child stick the head of this animal to the bump, and also attach paws made of light plasticine to it. He rolls 3 balls out of the dark one - two smaller ones are the eyes, and the large one is the tip of the nose.

Hedgehogs from cones
Hedgehogs from cones

It is interesting and useful not only for children, but also for adults to make such crafts using natural materials for creativity. They can make a beautiful ball out of cones. It requires the following materials:

  • foam ball;
  • hot glue;
  • sequins;
  • decorative pin;
  • ribbon.

Use hot glue to attach the buds to the ball. Thread a pin through the ribbon, pin it to the base so that the craft can be hung. Cover the ball of bumps with spray glitter. When they dry up, you can present such a craft or hang it on the wall or on a Christmas tree.

Ball of cones
Ball of cones

How to decorate a flower pot and a house with natural material?

This question is not difficult to answer if you use all the same natural materials. See how ordinary dry branches can decorate a planter. In addition to them, you will need:

  • secateurs;
  • glue;
  • the pot itself;
  • varnish for wood.

Divide the branch with three pruning shears. Using this tool or using a knife, cut the branches into 1 cm thick fragments. First glue the large circles to the pot, place the middle ones between them, fill the gaps with small ones. It remains to paint the planter with varnish, let it dry and put the plant inside. Anyone will look amazing in such dishes.

Decorating a flowerpot with dry branches
Decorating a flowerpot with dry branches

Dry tree branches will give you many other creative ideas. See how interesting these natural materials can be applied.

Panel made of dry branches
Panel made of dry branches

In the first case, branches of almost the same thickness were used. They need to be grouped by texture, glued together in the form of such squares, and then varnished. But do not throw away fine particles either, since these natural materials will help create a second panel. A concentrated salt solution is made for it, the branches are lowered there for 20 minutes, then they need to be taken out and dried, and then glued to the frame.

You can paint the branches white, when they dry up, put them in a vase. The result is a delicate, elegant and calm composition.

Ekibana from dry twigs
Ekibana from dry twigs

The next picture made of natural material is also noteworthy. It is made of:

  • branches;
  • dry rose hips;
  • spruce and pine cones.

First, make a cross from strong branches by tying 2 sticks in the center. Place it in a stick frame. Braid this base with thinner rods. Glue the cones and berries. A toy bird will also look good here.

And if you make a base of wire, bending it in the shape of a heart, then you will get such a panel on the wall. Compositions of branches and cones will be appropriate on the table next to it. And if you lay out the sticks in the form of rays, lay flowers from yellow satin ribbons inside in a circle, then the sun will shine on the wall.

Decorative compositions of dry branches, cones and rowan bunches
Decorative compositions of dry branches, cones and rowan bunches

Such natural materials are successfully used for decorating mirrors. See how to make a similar border.

Mirror frame made of natural materials
Mirror frame made of natural materials

Household items can also be made using chopsticks. With the help of them, a simple floor lamp is transformed beyond recognition, and craftsmen make durable tables using this technique.

Decorating a floor lamp and rocking chair with natural materials
Decorating a floor lamp and rocking chair with natural materials

How to make a painting from natural materials with children?

Painting from natural materials
Painting from natural materials

The child will be delighted if parents create a panel with him, as a result, it will turn out like this. The following materials were used for the work:

  • seeds: pumpkin, peas, sunflower, millet, corn, beans;
  • rosehip berries;
  • immortelle flower;
  • straw (inflorescences and stems);
  • Pine cone;
  • jug, animals made of salt dough;
  • walnut shell;
  • broom;
  • coin (5 kopecks);
  • pasta;
  • candy;
  • wooden spoon;
  • artificial sunflower;
  • branches;
  • pouch;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brownie (he needs: a piece of material, bristles, threads, colored paper);
  • burlap for the base;
  • frame;
  • cardboard.

This picture is a kind of amulet. These were made in antiquity. The canvases promised prosperity and happiness. To make a picture, first cut out a burlap rectangle to fit the frame, glue it. It is good if you first draw a plot on a piece of paper, marking the location of the various elements. Then, looking at this clue, you and the child will be able to correctly make the main picture from natural material.

Now trim the stems of the straw so they are the same length. Cut a rectangle out of cardboard, glue burlap on it. Lay and glue the stems horizontally on this workpiece, let them imitate a log house. You will make its roof from dried flowers.

If you don't have thick straw, you can use wooden skewers or sticks. The latter are cut from even fragments of branches. Cut a small rectangle out of cardboard, glue it on the wall of the house. Have your child draw the details of this window using a pencil or felt-tip pen.

The pouch on the panel is made of burlap. A rectangle of the desired size is cut out of it, on top of it you need to tie a narrow braid or thread.

The Brownie's head is made of bristle, which must be laid out in a circle in the picture. Details of the face are cut out of colored paper: eyes, nose, mouth. The hat is cut out, sewn from the material, and the body is made of burlap.

Next to the Brownie, you need to glue a coin as a symbol of prosperity. On the left, attach dry grass to the PVA. It will replace the ears. Glue grains, candy and other details of the natural painting. We will form the sun from the round pasta, and corn grains will become its rays.

Making animals is not difficult. To do this, knead the dough by mixing 2 parts of salt and one flour, add water to make a dough, as for dumplings. When the animals are ready, leave the figurines to dry completely. Dough toys can be left as they are or painted over. This panel will become a source of pride for children, their parents and a talisman at home.

Leaf crafts

Such natural material in the fall, in the literal sense of the word, is lying underfoot. But from it you can make wonderful crafts for a kindergarten or elementary school. Here are just a few examples.

Show your child how to arrange the leaves so that they turn into funny figures.

Leaf crafts
Leaf crafts

If the kid doesn't know how to make a hedgehog, tell him.

Leaf hedgehog
Leaf hedgehog

First, let him cut it out of colored paper and glue its base onto the cardboard. Then you need to pick up leaves that are similar in size, paste over the back of the animal with them. His facial features can be drawn or cut out of colored paper.

Making a hedgehog from leaves
Making a hedgehog from leaves

And if you cut the leaves in a certain way, paint, then the result will be such interesting work.

Crafts from carved leaves
Crafts from carved leaves

See how original crafts made from natural materials can be.

Tree made of leaves
Tree made of leaves

For this, you need to collect leaves of various colors, dry them a little. Have a child chop the leaves with their hands over a deep box. After that, he will draw a tree on paper, cover the fate of the branches with glue. While it is still not dry, you need to sprinkle the art with crumbs of leaves, slightly press them with your hands to the canvas so that they stick better.

Making a tree from leaves
Making a tree from leaves

Then you need to brush the leftovers back into the box to use them for another canvas. And this is done.

Natural materials will help to make not only a flat tree in the picture, but also a three-dimensional one. For it you will need:

  • 1 paper bag;
  • leaves;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Cut the bag halfway into strips from above. Put it on the bottom. While holding, twist the middle part to form the trunk of the tree. Now twist each strip or 2-3 to form branches.

Making a tree post from a paper bag
Making a tree post from a paper bag

You need to glue the leaves to them. If you want the tree to be extraordinary, make eyes from the caps of acorns, and pupils from dried rose hips. These elements can be glued or planted on the halves of toothpicks. The nose will be an acorn, and dried rowan berries strung on a thread will turn into beads.

Decorating a tree from a paper bag
Decorating a tree from a paper bag

Such children's crafts are also made from almost nothing.

Maple leaf craft
Maple leaf craft

First you need to paint a dried maple leaf with felt-tip pens, then put a clothespin on it. On the other hand, plasticine mugs are attached to it. This is the head of the figurine. Eyes for dolls need to be attached to it, and the hair should be made from maple seeds or others similar in shape.

Head ornament made of natural materials

Leaf wreath
Leaf wreath

The gifts of nature will also help in this. After all, even a crown can be made of them. A strip of double-sided tape must be measured according to the volume of the child's head, remove the upper protective film, connect its ends. It remains to stick leaves on it, and you can stage a fairy tale in which the bearer of such a crown will be, for example, a forest king or a prince.

Dandelion wreath
Dandelion wreath

In the same production, a girl who will play the role of a princess must necessarily shine. Make a head decoration for her also from natural materials.

Weaving a dandelion wreath is not difficult. The technology for this is shown in the following figure.

Dandelion wreath weaving pattern
Dandelion wreath weaving pattern

A flower on a long stem is joined by another, the stem of which is braided by the first. Then the stem of the third flower is wrapped around the legs of these two yellow dandelions. Thus, the whole wreath is collected. When it is made to fit the head, you need to connect 2 opposite parts of it using a thread.

You can also make a wreath of different flowers here, for example, from these, taking:

  • garden roses;
  • 1 branch of jasmine;
  • berzelia;
  • rice flowers;
  • buttercup.

In addition to them, for it you will need:

  • floristic tape;
  • satin braid;
  • scissors;
  • thin wire;
  • secateurs.

If you do not have the indicated colors, replace them with others that are similar in texture and color. But be sure to use roses, because they are the main accent of the wreath.

Girl with a floral wreath on her head
Girl with a floral wreath on her head

Prune all plants by shortening their stems 2-3 times. To prevent roses and other large flowers from breaking off, reinforce them with wire, hide it under the turns of the ribbon. Spread the plants out in front of you on a table so that everything is close at hand.

Making a flower wreath
Making a flower wreath

Measure the satin braid to fit your head, leaving enough headroom to tie the wreath later and just enough to keep the ends hanging down. Attach a piece of wire to the tape to help strengthen the structure.

Start applying flowers to this base by wrapping them with floral tape. Place each one below the previous one.

Flower wreath strings
Flower wreath strings

When there is enough length, tie a ribbon, twist the wire, securing the joint.

Such a wreath will adorn the head of a girl at a holiday or will be a great addition to the bride's wedding attire.

What else can you make crafts from natural material? Videos will tell you:
