How to remove the glabellar wrinkle with botox?

How to remove the glabellar wrinkle with botox?
How to remove the glabellar wrinkle with botox?

Description of the correction of glabellar wrinkles with botox, the price of the procedure. Features of its implementation, benefits and contraindications. Results, complications and subtleties of facial care after visiting a beautician, reviews.

Correction of glabellar wrinkles with Botox is a fairly simple, financially beneficial and completely safe method of eliminating skin folds in this area. The procedure is readily available and can be performed as many times as you want. The body easily adapts to the drugs used and tolerates them without any problems.

The price of botox correction of glabellar wrinkles

This procedure is not that expensive, but the amount of the drug used affects its cost. The deeper the wrinkle, the more filler you need. Its consumption is measured in units, on average one patient needs from 10 to 18 units. to solve the problem.

The cost of correcting the glabellar wrinkles with botox in Ukraine is lower than in Russia, and ranges from 900 to 2000 hryvnia

Correction of glabellar wrinkles with botox Price, UAH.
Botox 1000-1500
Dysport 1500-2000
Xeomin 900-1300

In Russia, the price of eyebrow wrinkle correction with botox is 2000-5000 rubles

Correction of glabellar wrinkles with botox price, rub.
Botox 3000-4000
Dysport 4000-5000
Xeomin 2000-2500

In large clinics, the price of eyebrow wrinkle correction with Botox is slightly higher than in small private offices. In small towns, the demand for this service is lower, and therefore its cost is more adequate than in megalopolises.

Note! The more experienced the beautician, the more you have to pay.

Description of the procedure for correcting the glabellar wrinkles with botox

Correction of glabellar wrinkles with botox
Correction of glabellar wrinkles with botox

This procedure is called contour plasty, it is carried out using preparations based on purified botulinum toxin type A. It involves the subcutaneous injection of small doses of this substance into the problem area. For this purpose, a sterile syringe with a fine needle is used.

Botox is included in the group of botulinum toxin preparations along with dysport and xeomin and can be replaced by them. In terms of cost, it is the golden mean between these two options. It can be purchased already prepackaged in syringes from a beautician, however, you will have to overpay a little for this, since it is cheaper to buy it yourself.

Botox is manufactured in the USA by Allergan. To work with it, the doctor must have an appropriate license and permission from the manufacturer. It always contains a number confirming the right to carry out this procedure.

Note! Botox injections are practically painless, but sometimes they can cause mild discomfort.

The glabellar wrinkle is usually corrected in one visit, but sometimes several sessions are required. In this case, a break of 3-5 days is made between them.

The correction lasts from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the glabellar wrinkle and the amount of the drug used.

Benefits of botox for glabellar wrinkle correction

Glabellar wrinkle as an indication for the use of botox
Glabellar wrinkle as an indication for the use of botox

Under the influence of Botox, neuromuscular connections are disrupted, as a result of which muscles relax, skin tightens and wrinkles are naturally smoothed out. Blocking of motor activity occurs only for a certain period, on average for 6-12 months, after which a repeated administration of the drug is required.

The benefit of Botox is to fill in the glabellar wrinkle, making it smaller or even invisible. As a result, the face looks much younger and more beautiful, the skin acquires a healthy appearance, and traces of fatigue disappear.

Important! The maximum effect of Botox correction can be observed in women 30-40 years old.

Contraindications to the correction of glabellar wrinkles with botox

Acute infectious disease
Acute infectious disease

It is undesirable to perform this procedure for people under the age of 25, because at this age wrinkles are usually not pronounced and there is no special sense in the introduction of Botox under the skin. It should also be used with caution after 60 years of age due to low muscle tone.

Contraindications for the correction of glabellar wrinkles with Botox include:

  • Myasthenia gravis … This is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease, the pathogenesis of which is the rapid fatigability of striated muscles.
  • Acute infectious diseases … The introduction of Botox should be postponed for influenza, hepatitis, sore throat, rhinitis, tonsillitis. With such health problems, immunity is weakened, and recovery from injections is much slower.
  • Inflammation at the injection site … With puffiness of the skin in the eyebrow area, Botox may be unevenly distributed, which can lead to an incorrect assessment of the result and incomplete smoothing of wrinkles.
  • Hemophilia … With this disease, the blood does not coagulate well, which is why, if the integrity of the vessels is violated, for example, with an inaccurate injection, bleeding may open. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to stop it.
  • Pregnancy and lactation … At this time, the likelihood of developing an allergy to the drugs used is increased. This can lead to the appearance of redness, irritation and itching of the skin, as well as a possible negative impact on the health of the baby.
  • A tendency to swelling of the face … If it occurs, then the skin after the injections may become inflamed. This does not affect the result of the procedure, but significantly spoils the appearance and slows down the recovery after its completion.

Before removing the glabellar wrinkle, you should also exclude an unstable psychoemotional state, oncology, dermatological diseases in the acute stage. You cannot carry out the procedure while drunk or intoxicated, during the period of treatment with antibiotics, anticoagulants and antiviral drugs.

Despite the absence of contraindications, it is better to consult a therapist or family doctor before visiting a beautician.

How is botox corrected for glabellar wrinkles?

How to correct glabellar wrinkles with botox
How to correct glabellar wrinkles with botox

For 2 weeks, you should stop taking antibiotics, and 2-3 days before visiting a specialist - drugs that affect blood clotting. It is also important to avoid strenuous physical activity and not go to the gym.

First, the cosmetologist conducts a general examination of the patient to exclude contraindications to the procedure. Further, the doctor finds out his goals and expectations, introduces possible side effects and complications. Then he needs to provide consent for the injections.

Here's how to remove the glabellar wrinkle with Botox:

  1. The patient is given a sterile cap and gown, he sits in a chair or lies down on a couch.
  2. The doctor puts on sterile medical gloves.
  3. The skin is treated with antiseptic solutions to prevent infection.
  4. An anesthetic cream is applied to the face to reduce discomfort. Usually, for these purposes, use means with lidocaine "Emla".
  5. After absorbing the cream, the doctor opens the syringe in front of the patient and gently injects.
  6. The drug is administered in small doses, immediately assessing the result and filling the remaining voids.
  7. The needle is inserted at a shallow depth at a certain angle. In one procedure, up to 10 injections can be made for the most even distribution of the drug in the skin.
  8. Next, ice is placed on the treated areas for 15 minutes, which avoids swelling.
  9. At the end of the procedure, the patient receives recommendations regarding facial care, he is told about the features of recovery after contouring.

In the first year, it is recommended to repeat the procedure 1-2 times. This will keep the effect obtained at the proper level and will not allow the skin to sag.

Previously, it makes sense to carry out the procedure only if muscle activity is restored by more than 50%.

Results of using botox to correct glabellar wrinkles

Woman's face after using Botox to correct glabellar wrinkles
Woman's face after using Botox to correct glabellar wrinkles

The maximum effect is noticeable 2-3 weeks after the correction, in some cases the result can be seen in 2-3 days. Approximately in the first 5 days, slight swelling and redness at the injection site may disturb. They usually go away on their own, but if this does not happen, you will need to see a specialist. In case of overdose, skin redness, itching and irritation may occur. This can be the case when an inexperienced doctor is working.

The next day after the correction, it is important not to drink alcohol, not to touch the treated area with your fingers, not to tilt your head sharply and not to engage in active sports.

For 1-2 weeks, it is necessary to avoid sleeping in a lying position with your face in a pillow, do not sunbathe in the sun, do not use decorative cosmetics in the area of injections. Do not press on the skin with your hands and do not perform medium and deep peeling.

For about a month after the correction, it is recommended not to visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium. The face must be washed carefully so as not to injure the treated area.

Reviews on the correction of glabellar wrinkles with botox

Face after glabellar wrinkle correction
Face after glabellar wrinkle correction

Most often, reviews about Botox for glabellar wrinkles are positive, according to them, it is practically painless, safe and really effective. Mainly among those who share their opinions, there are women aged 30-50 years. They say that this correction is one of the best ways to eliminate glabellar wrinkles.

Anna, 30 years old

The wrinkle between the eyebrows began to appear 3 years ago, and I made Botox injections almost immediately after it was discovered. Despite the doctor's warnings about possible side effects, everything went smoothly, no consequences were found. The procedure itself lasted about 20 minutes. The doctor sat me down in a chair, treated my face with an antiseptic, then applied an anesthetic cream and gave me a few injections. After that, I visited this doctor several times, since the result obtained was quickly lost. I was told that this happened due to the peculiarities of my body, and they advised me to repeat the correction 2 times a year, so now I am doing, and I look, judging by what my acquaintances say, excellent. The price for the correction is quite acceptable, there are no problems with choosing a hospital and a suitable doctor, since every large clinic provides such services. My photos before and after using Botox for glabellar wrinkles are very different for the better. I am happy to do the procedure myself and recommend it to my friends.

Anastasia, 40 years old

I would not say that Botox gives super-smooth skin, yes, it lifts it in the eyebrow area, but I don't see anything fantastic in that. As for me, the effect of it is about the same as that of contour plastics with fillers. I did both the one and the other procedure, and did not notice a tangible difference. The only thing is that Botox is injected faster, and the effect lasted longer for me. After its introduction, slight swelling and redness appeared on the face, they did not go away for a long time until I anointed the skin with anti-inflammatory ointment. In addition, I did not notice the result immediately, I do not quite understand why this procedure is so praised. The only thing I liked here was the painlessness, there really are no unpleasant sensations when the drug is injected, although maybe I was just lucky with the beautician.

Evgeniya, 45 years old

The doctor advised me to Botox, she said that this is the only suitable option in my case. For this, I am very grateful to her, because now the glabellar crease is no longer there. The only bad thing is that in order to maintain the effect obtained, you have to do injections again several times a year. Fortunately, it doesn’t hurt, you feel almost nothing during the procedure. And most importantly, after its completion, there are no scars or any other traces. The adequate cost of Botox is also important for me in comparison with thread lifting and fillers based on hyaluronate. I have already injected several times and I plan to continue this in the future, I really do not want to return this ugly wrinkle between the eyebrows. I found one good specialist and I only go to her.

Photos before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with Botox

Before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with Botox
Before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with Botox
Before and after eyebrow wrinkle correction
Before and after eyebrow wrinkle correction
Face before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with Botox
Face before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with Botox

How to correct the glabellar wrinkles with botox - watch the video:

Looking at the photos of women before and after the correction of the glabellar wrinkles with Botox, we can confidently speak about the high efficiency of this procedure. Thanks to her, you can achieve aesthetic appearance, look younger, stay beautiful even at a respectable age. But for this it is worth contacting only professionals who have all the necessary certificates and guarantee good results. If possible, it is recommended to look at the portfolio of the selected doctors.