Egg diet for a week - cheap weight loss

Egg diet for a week - cheap weight loss
Egg diet for a week - cheap weight loss

Chicken eggs are not only a huge source of healthy vitamins and minerals, but also a great way to lose those extra pounds. Discover a new recipe for how to make your figure attractive. Content:

  • The principle of losing weight with the egg diet
  • Basic rules of the egg diet
  • Egg diet menu for the week

Every woman on the planet dreams of the desired parameters 90-60-90. But in our time it is difficult to give up your favorite delicacies, or extra pounds appear due to the wrong way of life. Also, it is difficult for a woman to maintain ideal shape after pregnancy. After all, nature provides so that becoming a mother you have to forget about an exquisite figure.

But in order to have the ideal weight, you just need a lot of willpower and an optimistic attitude.

Diet has always been considered the most effective way to lose weight. But their variety today is quite large and sometimes it is difficult to determine the choice of an effective and safe diet for health. Over time, many different dietary supplements for weight loss and other means have appeared.

Today we will talk about the egg diet, which is designed for a week. It is considered completely safe, since the presence of a large amount of pure protein (which a person needs every day for the normal functioning of the body) minimizes the occurrence of health problems. In addition to the healthy protein that eggs are rich in, they also contain many vitamins and minerals for beauty and health. For example, they contain such useful substances as calcium, iron, zinc, etc. They ensure the correct metabolism and have a positive effect on the work of all organs. Therefore, by sticking to the egg diet, you not only gain the desired weight, but also improve your health.

The principle of losing weight with the egg diet

Egg diet for a week - cheap weight loss
Egg diet for a week - cheap weight loss

Despite the amount of nutrients that chicken eggs are rich in, they are also low in calories. One chicken egg contains only 70 kcal. A seven-day diet will help you lose about 7-10 kg. In this case, the combination of diet with physical activity (running, exercising in the gym, fitness, etc.) plays an important role. The egg diet is well tolerated by the body, despite the sharp and large weight loss. Since eggs are quite satisfying, and by sticking to an egg diet, you won't feel hungry at all. Also, thanks to proteins (proteins), the body does not lose its shape and active muscle growth occurs. The only one contraindication to this diet there is that it is forbidden to people who have kidney and liver problems.

Basic rules of the egg diet

  1. Adhering to this diet, you must completely abandon sugar, salt, and vegetable or animal fats.
  2. It is also necessary to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, because in such cases, you will need to forget about a positive result about the ideal weight.
  3. In addition to this diet, there is the use of fresh vegetables and fruits, which help cleanse the body. The number of these products must be strictly observed, not interchanged or canceled.
  4. Eggs must be hard boiled and, as an exception, you can steam omelette. It should also be noted that chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs. They are great for those people who are allergic to chicken. Since they are not large, instead of one chicken, you need to take two quails.
  5. The seven-day egg diet includes not only eggs alone, but citrus fruits are also included in the diet. They also burn fat well and have a positive effect on the figure. Almost every diet mentions citrus fruits at least once in the recommended foods.
  6. Drinking plenty of fluids is essential to any diet. You need to drink about two liters of water per day, because while adhering to losing weight, it is important for a person to cleanse his body from the inside. Water in this case will remarkably help to cleanse the body. Also, a lot of fluid is needed in order to prevent dehydration of the body.
  7. Despite the excellent result that the egg diet gives, it cannot be used as weight loss more than once every 6 months.

Egg diet menu for the week

Boiled chicken eggs
Boiled chicken eggs


  • breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit or grapefruit juice (100-200 ml);
  • lunch: 2 eggs, boiled chicken or beef and a glass of water (still);
  • dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable salad and a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast: 2 eggs, natural coffee (without sugar), and preferably green coffee with ginger;
  • lunch: 2 eggs, vegetable salad or stewed vegetables;
  • dinner: 2 eggs and a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast: 2 eggs, orange juice;
  • lunch: 2 eggs, boiled chicken or beef;
  • dinner: 2 eggs and a glass of water (no gas).


breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit and a cup of coffee;

  • lunch: 200-250 g of steamed sea fish and a glass of water;
  • dinner: 2 eggs and a glass of water.
  • Friday

    • breakfast: 2 eggs, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of coffee;
    • lunch: vegetable salad and a glass of orange juice;
    • dinner: 2 eggs and a glass of water.


    • breakfast: 2 eggs and a glass of grapefruit juice;
    • lunch: 2 eggs, 200-250 g of steamed sea fish;
    • dinner: 2 eggs and a glass of water.


    • breakfast: 2 eggs and an orange;
    • lunch: 2 eggs, boiled chicken or beef;
    • dinner: 2 eggs and a glass of water.

    The egg diet menu is simple and the body quickly adapts to the new diet. If you feel very hungry, you can eat one egg, and you can also drink water without restriction, as water will help cleanse your body and temporarily create a feeling of fullness.

    By following all the recommendations and adhering to all the rules, it will not be at all difficult for you to put your body in order. The main thing is to tune in to the positive and work hard on yourself, because the result of the diet depends on this.
