Beer belly in women and men

Beer belly in women and men
Beer belly in women and men

A beer belly not only spoils a person's appearance, but also negatively affects the state of health. Both men and women will benefit from knowing how to get rid of a beer belly. What are the most effective and efficient means to solve this problem.

If your own figure begins to cause severe discomfort, you need to do something about it and you will have to act immediately. Recently, more and more often sounds such an interesting term as "beer belly" and can be used not only in relation to men, but also women. Many will be surprised, but such a tummy has absolutely nothing to do with beer abuse.

A variety of ways will help you get rid of excess fat in the abdomen. But to get a flat and toned belly, you will have to make every effort and be patient, because losing weight in this area will take a long time.

Reasons for the appearance of a beer belly

Beer and high-calorie snacks as the cause of a beer belly
Beer and high-calorie snacks as the cause of a beer belly

Probably, there is no other drink in the world that has such a rich history. Scientists have discovered the chemical composition of beer during various archaeological excavations. The Slavs used the word "beer" to refer to any drinks, including plain water. Today beer is a popular low-alcohol drink, obtained from the fermentation of malt wort. Beer differs in strength and color, raw materials and fermentation method.

Beer is a very high-calorie product that provokes the appearance of obesity in the abdomen. The composition of this drink contains estrogen-like substances that slowly give the female outlines to the male figure. It has a direct effect on the rate of growth of the fatty layer in the abdominal region.

The most common causes of a beer belly in men and women are

  • low mobility;
  • eating a large number of high-calorie snacks;
  • weakened abdominal muscles;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • entrapment while eating air;
  • flatulence;
  • lack of oxygen in the body.

The harm of a beer belly to health

Heart attack in a man as a consequence of a beer belly
Heart attack in a man as a consequence of a beer belly

Scientists have conducted numerous studies, thanks to which they were able to establish a connection between a large belly and the development of various dangerous diseases.

If measures are not taken in time, a beer belly can lead to serious complications

  1. If only subcutaneous fat accumulates in the abdominal area, it is relatively safe. However, in the case when internal fat appears and fills the space between the organs, it covers the outside of the walls of the organs. This type of fat is called visceral and is very dangerous to health.
  2. In the presence of a large abdomen, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases several times. This is the result of an increase in the concentration of blood fat in the blood.
  3. It provokes the development of arterial hypertension, which in turn can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
  4. The risk of such a dangerous disease as diabetes mellitus increases.
  5. Scientists have been able to establish a link between a large belly and the development of dementia. Microstrokes lead to the gradual death of brain cells, an increase in blood sugar levels occurs, which destroys valuable proteins in the brain.

For men, a waist circumference of 94 cm is considered the norm, for women this figure should be within 80 cm. In the case when the waist is much larger, and the stomach protrudes strongly forward, this is the first sign that it is time to make certain changes in your lifestyle. At first glance, a beer belly seems completely harmless, but it can provoke the onset of the development of serious diseases of blood vessels, heart and brain.

    How to remove a beer belly with wraps?

    Getting rid of a beer belly with a wrap
    Getting rid of a beer belly with a wrap

    In the fight against a beer belly, you can also use such a pleasant cosmetic procedure as wraps. However, it should be borne in mind that even the constant use of various weight loss creams will not help get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits in the abdomen.

    Most importantly, you should always adhere to the principles of good nutrition. But as complex measures, you can also use the following types of wraps for the abdomen:

    1. Vinegar wraps - it is vinegar that has a pleasant cooling effect during evaporation. As a result, the body begins to use additional reserves from subcutaneous fat. This action explains the effectiveness of the entire procedure.
    2. Coffee wraps - in this case, the ground product must be used. The coffee grounds help to reduce waist size and significantly improve skin condition. It is coffee that is one of the most effective means of enhancing metabolic processes in the skin, and has a scrubbing effect.
    3. Honey and mustard wraps - provided that a "combustible" mixture is used for wrapping, the desired result will be noticeable even after the first procedure. The combination of mustard with honey has a warming effect on the body, provoking a rush of blood to the surface of the skin.
    4. Film wraps - in this case, the problem area is simply wrapped in a layer of cling film, without the use of additional funds. To make the procedure more beneficial, it is recommended to perform simple physical exercises aimed at working out the abdominal muscles during the wrap.

    If you are over 40 years old and have a rather impressive beer belly, while you are worried about surges in blood pressure, there are problems with cholesterol and blood sugar levels, you must immediately take measures to lose weight. It is necessary to monitor the state of health and body from an early age, which will help get rid of the appearance of any flaws in the figure much faster and easier.

    How to get rid of a beer belly - watch the video:
