Raspberry diet 3 days

Raspberry diet 3 days
Raspberry diet 3 days

Freshly picked raspberries are the best summer treat! Its aroma attracts us to taste the berries and enjoy their great taste. Summer is the best time to lose weight on raspberries! Not all girls and women are able to withstand the strict rules of mono-diets, when there is no desire either to look at the same fruit, or, moreover, to eat it. But there is one exception - this is a raspberry diet, which will not "become boring" and will help to get rid of the extra 3 kilograms of weight. It is designed for only three days. In addition to losing weight, you will saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, get rid of toxins, toxins and improve health.

Read what is the calorie content of raspberries, the benefits for the body and harm

The diet also provides for the use of dairy products, which, simultaneously with raspberries, will improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. For women, this berry is very useful - it is a storehouse of folic acid. If you have the opportunity to enjoy the taste of fresh fruits, then why not start losing weight this summer? Do not forget to do physical exercises while doing this - walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics are ideal.

Raspberry Diet Menu

Raspberry Diet Menu
Raspberry Diet Menu

Day 1

  • First breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g) or a glass of fermented baked milk, raspberries (100 g)
  • Second breakfast: milk jelly with raspberries
  • Lunch: boiled turkey meat (200 g) plus raspberry sauce
  • Dinner: any fermented milk product and raspberries

Day 2

  • First breakfast: a glass of yogurt or low-fat kefir, raspberries
  • Second breakfast: a glass of fresh raspberries with honey (2 tsp)
  • Lunch: boiled fish of medium fat content, salad of fresh vegetables (cucumber and tomato), seasoned with herbs
  • Dinner: a glass of raspberries with hazelnuts (1 tablespoon)

Day 3

  • First breakfast: a glass of kefir or yogurt, plus berries
  • Second breakfast: chopped berries and walnuts
  • Lunch: a slice of boiled beef, vegetable salad (carrot and white cabbage) with the addition of 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • Dinner: a couple of baked apples, brown raisins, raspberry juice

Diet contraindications


The raspberry diet has contraindications for gout and kidney disease! You can not abuse the berry with exacerbations of urolithiasis, as well as people with an allergy to this fruit. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor. For all other people who do not have these diseases, losing weight with the help of raspberries will bring tangible results and tremendous health benefits.

We wish you successful weight loss!
