White mushroom

White mushroom
White mushroom

Composition and calorie content of porcini mushroom. Useful properties, possible harm and contraindications to the product. In what dishes to use?

Harm and contraindications to the use of porcini mushroom

Pregnancy as a contraindication to porcini mushrooms
Pregnancy as a contraindication to porcini mushrooms

Despite the fact that the porcini mushroom is the most popular edible mushroom, and also has many minerals in its composition, not everyone can eat it. Who is not recommended to eat this mushroom:

  • Pregnant women and children under 14 years old … Chitin, which is contained in the shell of porcini mushrooms, is difficult for a child's body to absorb, and is also not recommended for use for the same reason for pregnant women.
  • People with kidney and digestive system diseases … If there are problems with these organs, enough enzymes are not produced to assimilate chitin. Aggravation may also occur while taking mushroom broth.
  • Allergy sufferers … Allergic reactions can occur to any product, porcini mushrooms are no exception. They can be caused by fungal spores.

Well, we must not forget that our wonderful "king" of mushrooms has a poisonous twin that causes poisoning. Those people who are not very versed in mushrooms should not pick those that turn blue (in other words, change their color scheme) when cut, and also have a bitter taste. Be careful and take care of your health and your life!

Recipes for dishes with porcini mushrooms

Pickled porcini mushrooms
Pickled porcini mushrooms

White mushroom is rightfully called the "king" of mushrooms, because of its excellent taste, which is by no means worse than meat dishes. But we must not forget that mushrooms are food that is far from easy for our body, especially if they are fried. Therefore, such mushroom dishes are recommended to be eaten with vegetables. But dried mushrooms retain the greatest amount of nutrients, and they taste great. In addition, they can be consumed without heat treatment.

But, when collecting porcini mushrooms, one should not forget that they are capable of accumulating toxic heavy metals from the ground, therefore, it is better to go out to mushroom hunting in places located far from the road and industrial enterprises, as well as outside the city or village.

Recipes for dishes with porcini mushrooms:

  1. Pickled porcini mushrooms … What boletuses are suitable for such heat treatment? Small and freshly cut mushrooms, without soil or sand on legs. Components: 1 kg of mushrooms, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 1, 5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, the same amount of citric acid, 3 pieces of pepper, cloves and laurel and cinnamon (to taste). First, cook the prepared mushrooms for 30 minutes, it is imperative to remove the foam. Then we decant the liquid. After that, we prepare a marinade from 1 liter of water, adding all the spices to it, except for vinegar. It must be added at the end of the boil. When it's ready, put the mushrooms in it and cook for another 20 minutes. Now we put the boletus in sterilized jars and cork. We wrap it up until cooling. It is difficult to imagine any meal without pickled mushrooms.
  2. Cold salted porcini mushrooms … For processing 3-3, 5 kg of boletus, you need to take 0.5 cups of salt and 70-80 g of butter. First, we cook the mushrooms: rinse, cut into pieces, and leave the small ones intact. Then we weld them for 2 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then we drain the liquid, and let the mushrooms cool down. Next, put the porcini mushrooms in the dishes with their legs up, while sprinkling each layer with salt. We put oppression for 5 days. Then we put the product in jars, pouring in a little melted butter. We seal, and in a cold place. Eat with gusto!
  3. Hot salted porcini mushrooms … For this recipe with porcini mushrooms, take 1 kg of them, you will also need 1 glass of water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. Well, and of course, we also need allspice, cloves, laurel leaves and dill sprigs to taste. Pour all the necessary ingredients, except for the mushrooms, into a saucepan and bring to a boil. We put prepared boletus in this broth and cook for 25 minutes, while removing the foam. Then we drain the brine separately for cooling. We lay out the mushrooms near the jar, fill with brine and close tightly with lids. You need to keep such a delicacy in a cold place for a month and a half.
  4. Simple hodgepodge with porcini mushrooms … Components: 2 kg of fresh mushrooms, the same amount of red tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, the same amount of cabbage, 0.5 kg of carrots. This is the amount of mushrooms and vegetables, but what about seasonings and spices? So, we need 0.5 liters of vegetable oil, 20 black peppercorns, 70 g of 9% vinegar, 3 tbsp each. tablespoons of salt and sugar. First, we take the mushrooms: wash, cut into small pieces and boil in water for 20 minutes, adding a little salt, and be sure to remove the foam. Then we rinse the vegetables. After that, chop the cabbage and onions, coarsely three carrots, and cut the tomatoes into small slices. Now we mix all the compound hodgepodge, add spices and seasonings, except for vinegar. It should be added at the end of the boil. And simmer it over low heat for an hour and a half. We put in sterilized jars, cork and wrap for 5 hours.
  5. Porcini mushroom sauce with cream … For this recipe, frozen porcini mushrooms in an amount of 500 g are suitable, and 0.5 liters of cream, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, salt, pepper and butter to taste. First you need to boil the washed mushrooms in slightly brackish water. Then chop them and onion into large pieces and fry in oil. At the end of frying, add flour and cream, as well as salt and pepper. Cook sour cream until thick. This sauce is perfect with pasta, buckwheat porridge and boiled rice. Eat to your health!
  6. Dried porcini mushroom soup … This dish turns out to be so aromatic that we cook it without seasonings and spices. Ingredients: dried porcini mushrooms - 100 g, onions and carrots, potatoes - 5 pieces, as well as flour - 1 tablespoon, vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, salt to taste. The first step is to start cooking mushrooms. Since they are dry with us, they must be filled with water for 3 hours to swell. Then we rinse them, chop and cook for about 40 minutes in 3 liters of water. The mushrooms lie on the bottom of the dish - they have already been cooked, i.e. ready. Now it's time to add the potatoes, naturally washed and cut into small pieces. And we also cook our soup for about 15 minutes. At the same time, you need to cook a fry of grated carrots and shredded onions. Vegetables, of course, we take washed and peeled. Add flour to the frying, mix and fry for 3 minutes. Then put it in the soup, salt it and cook for another 10 minutes. This dish can be garnished with herbs and served with sour cream.
  7. Buckwheat porridge with porcini mushrooms … So what do we need for this dish? Of course, 1, 5 cups of buckwheat and 4 pieces of dry porcini mushrooms. And we also take 2 onions, 2 eggs, 130 g of ghee and salt to taste. First, we sort out the groats and rinse them. Then fill it with water, about 3 glasses. Add chopped mushrooms and cook for 10-15 minutes until the liquid evaporates. Then we wrap the porridge in something warm for 15 minutes. Now we are preparing the frying: finely chop the onion and fry it, add finely chopped boiled eggs and salt. We put all this in porridge and mix well. You can't pull you off by the ears from such a dish.
  8. Cheese salad with porcini mushrooms and chicken … Components: 0.5 kg of pickled boletus, 1 chicken breast, 4 eggs, 200 g of cheese, 3 potatoes, well, what a salad without salt, mayonnaise and herbs. We will take them to taste. First of all, we cook potatoes, eggs and breast, and then they need to be peeled. Lay the salad in layers in a wide plate: grated potatoes, chopped mushrooms, grated eggs, chopped chicken and grated cheese. And, of course, we smear each layer with mayonnaise. Decorate the top with greens. We insist 2 hours. Bon Appetit!
  9. Tenderness salad … We need 300 g of pickled porcini mushrooms, 1 onion, 3 pickles, 5 boiled potatoes in their skins. Well, we cannot do without 200 g of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper and dill to taste. First, fry the chopped mushrooms and onions in oil until tender. We “strip” the potatoes from their uniforms and cut them into cubes, we also cut the cucumbers. Mix all the products in a bowl, add the frothed sour cream, salt, pepper and dill. Such a delicate salad will brighten any meal.
  10. Spaghetti with porcini mushrooms and ham … Products for the recipe: spaghetti - 250 g, porcini mushrooms - 200 g, ham - 100 g. And we also need butter - 70 g, tomato paste - 4 tablespoons and salt to taste. First, let's boil mushrooms and spaghetti, of course, in different pans. Then chop the boletus and fry in oil, adding chopped ham and pasta to them. Add this mixture to the spaghetti.
  11. Porcini cutlets … First, keep 250 g of washed mushrooms for 3 minutes in boiling water. Then we drain the water. Now we pass the mushrooms, onion and white bread soaked in water or milk through a meat grinder, 3-4 slices. Add the egg, salt and mix. We form cutlets and fry in vegetable oil.
  12. Stew with porcini mushrooms and vegetables … First, rinse and coarsely chop 250 g of porcini mushrooms. Then simmer them for 10 minutes in oil. Salt and pour in 2 tablespoons of tomato puree, after diluting it in 0.5 cups of boiling water. Now peel 5 potatoes, cut into cubes and simmer with food. After 5 minutes, add 3 tablespoons of rice and the same amount of fresh peas and cook the stew for another 20 minutes, covering the dish with a lid. At the end of boiling or stewing, salt, pepper and add herbs. And finally, you can serve it to the table.

And, of course, porcini mushrooms make an excellent filling or filler for pies, dumplings, dumplings, potato zrazov. They can be stuffed with a variety of waffle baskets or rolls, pancakes. And mushroom cake is beyond any competition!

Interesting facts about porcini mushrooms

White mushroom as a historically famous product
White mushroom as a historically famous product

Many people know the Russian proverb "White mushroom - a colonel for all mushrooms." And, indeed, he is very famous not only in Russia, but also far beyond its cordons. In ancient times, the porcini mushroom was eaten in Rome.

And in Italy and now they love this fragrant product, although the collection of mushrooms is controlled by the forest police. It should be noted that the demand for these forest products significantly exceeds the actual harvest of mushrooms, therefore they are imported from abroad or organized tours-trips to mushroom Finland.

The porcini mushroom got its name because of the white color of the bottom surface of the cap, which remains the same even after drying. Mushroom hunting falls in June-August. The first boletus spikelets appear with the first spikelets of rye, therefore they are also called "spikelets". From 1 hectare of land per season, you can collect 64-260 kg of porcini mushrooms.

They are found on all continents except Australia. And in Russia they can be found both in Kamchatka and Chukotka. In ancient times, the word "mushroom" was used to name all mushrooms that can be eaten, but to a greater extent this word concerned the porcini.

And now about the champion porcini mushrooms. In 1961, in the Moscow region, a forest giant-boletus was found, which weighed 10 kg, and the diameter of the "headdress" reached 58 cm. Three years later, not far from Vladimir, a huge mushroom weighing 6 kg 750 g was found.

Watch a video about porcini mushrooms:

White mushroom is a food that can be eaten during fasting. Having an unsurpassed aroma and taste, it contains many useful substances. Pickled mushrooms, salads with boletus and other dishes are the decoration of any feast. Of course, buying porcini mushrooms at the market or in the supermarket is not difficult. But it is best and safer to collect them, and then cook them yourself, observing all precautions.
