How to train punching power: hammer and tire

How to train punching power: hammer and tire
How to train punching power: hammer and tire

How to train the power of the blow correctly? This question is asked by thousands of guys who find themselves in the gym in the ring. Agree, it's unpleasant when the enemy knocks you out with one blow, and you are not even able to fight back. Ask, what's the matter? The answer is obvious - you need effective punching training.

Impact force: effective training

Big muscles are undeniably beautiful and effective. But I want my arms to be not just “inflated”, but also strong. To achieve the desired impact force, it is necessary to organize special training. Bodybuilders have long established the most effective exercises for building arm strength.

Well-coordinated muscle work is the power of impact

Perhaps it is paradoxical, but a huge biceps does not mean that a person is capable of knocking out from the first blow. Striking power does not depend on the volume of the arm and the ability to lift the barbell. It consists of the well-coordinated work of every muscle in the arm and the rest of the body. There are about 600 of them, only the basic ones undergo training. Ideally, all of your weight is put into the kick. But only a few athletes differ in such data.

You have probably encountered the wrong hitting technique. At the same time, your opponent is not capable of inflicting pain, only annoying with his arrogance. If you manage to control your blow, then the opponent will be unconscious with the first correct swing of the hand.

How to train punching power: hammer and tire
How to train punching power: hammer and tire

It is best to turn to a trainer whose activities are aimed at creating real "killer machines" in the boxing ring. Training of this level will cost you a pretty penny. Therefore, for those who do not want to part with their hard earned finances, this article has been written. You can learn to hit hard if you follow the guidelines of the world's leading bodybuilders. To start classes, you need to be patient, have a great desire, a tire and a sledgehammer. It is better to train the power of impact with such shells in the open air.

Tire for business

Car tire rubber should be thick. We are looking for a tire from KAMAZ or other freight transport. What is a hammer? This is a tool that is actively used in the forge. Remember the blacksmiths in Russia, these are tall guys with huge hands who bring down enemies with one blow.

For the tire, static is important, that is, you cannot put the tire on the ground. Throw tightly, bury it in the ground, like in kindergartens. Secure the inventory well, since it is on it that you will have to train your punching power. The weight of the hammer depends on your fitness. If you have undeveloped muscles, then it is better to stop at a tool up to 10 kilograms. But professional athletes should pick up a unit weighing at least 15 kg.

The arms are closer to the load, but far from each other. Boxers fight with only one hand, this should be taken into account when starting a workout.

The hammer is power

Don't be confused by strange projectiles. The hammer will "draw" all your strength and will train your endurance. It is important to observe the correct technique when waving the unit. Otherwise, the waste of energy will be directed to something completely different. When training takes place in the gym in front of the punching bag, only the arms are strained. This is not enough for a real power strike. And the hammer will allow you to combine the work of arms, torso and legs.


The weight of the tool should not be too light. You should feel the load on most of the muscles in your body. Swings are made measured, and the hammer is held with two hands. Remember that they are far from each other.

Striking technique and number of approaches


Most of the guys grab the hammer and start swinging it pointlessly. Stop and read the recommendations in detail, the effectiveness of your workout will depend on it. Each athlete is interested in the number of repetitions and approaches. In this case, it is better to individually select the load level. If you doubt the rational assessment of your abilities, then take the following data as a basis:

  • 100 hits on the tire per set.
  • 3-5 sets. Focus on your strength.
  • 3-4 times a week.

It is better to stop the last approach if you understand that the technique is suffering.

Athletes have developed five basic options for swinging the hammer and hitting the tire. Each option is aimed at shaping the force of the impact. After a couple of months of training, you will understand that you are a "real boxer with a super powerful punch" - let's put this phrase in brackets, since you cannot become a boxer from one hammer and huge "cans" on your hands, you need to practice boxing for years, but nevertheless the result will.

1. Static posture clubfoot

The feet are placed parallel to each other, a little clubfoot. It is important not to move and stay in this position for the entire approach. The beating hand (right / left) is located in the middle of the handle. The second is at the very edge. During the strike, we keep our back straight, it is allowed to squat to a comfortable height.

In this position, you learn the coordinated work of the legs, trunk and arms. It is important to choose the appropriate weight for the projectile. Don't chase records in your first workout. Examine your body and determine your weight.

2. Combat position

It is necessary to stand slightly sideways to the object of impact. We change the right and left sides. The far arm is located in the middle of the handle, and the second is at the very edge.

During the strike, it is allowed to take a minimum step forward, after the strike we return to the starting position. Learning to properly deploy the body when striking. This is the second stage of your power punch development.

3. Jeb (main punch in boxing)

Stance with the left or right side of the body, slightly turned body towards the object of impact. The front hand is now positioned in the middle of the hammer handle, and the far hand is positioned at the edge. It is allowed to take small steps forward and backward.

At first glance, it seems that the position is simple and does not require special skill. But you need to move on to this stage after studying the second option.

4. Static front stand

The left and right hands will have to be changed after each hit. You can only rotate the body, the legs remain in one position. Better if it is a non-stop cycle, it will allow you to shape your punching force and direct it with the right weight to any point.

5. Combat stance with interception

Legs are slightly sideways to the point of impact. Hands change position after each blow to the tire. This option combines all the previous ones. You can change racks and hand positions, the main thing is to do all this without additional stops. If, after a few hits, you want to pause, then you are not yet ready for such a throw. We'll have to go back one step.

This way, you can learn to work all the muscles in your body. If you get tired of the hammer, you can use the ax. It looks, of course, such a workout intimidating. Imagine an athlete swinging an ax at a tree and looking far unkind. The disadvantage of the ax is that there is no springy moment. But there is a load while removing the tool from the stump or tire.

There are athletes who use a conventional hoe to train their power punch. Of course, my grandmother will suggest using this garden tool in a more useful way. This is irony, of course. In fact, with a hoe, you can also prepare yourself well for a fight. But the blade does not go into the object, but into the ground. After a thousand repetitions, you will see how the body automatically adapts to hitting the right blow.

It is worth taking care of safety during such an exercise. Make sure that no one is standing nearby. Nobody knows at what point the hammer head can fly off. To avoid this moment, it is best to choose a device with welded elements.

Before the main workout, you need to warm up:

  • We relax the biceps with pull-ups on the uneven bars.
  • Train your hand daily with an expander.
  • Squeeze cotton a couple of times.

All of these recommendations are aimed at creating a powerful impact force. Compliance with the technique will allow you to get the desired result. After such exercises, you will be not just a clumsy pitching with a weak blow, but a real athlete. The first approaches will be difficult, but if you set yourself such a goal, then in a week everything will be much easier.

Impact force is the ability to force all the muscles in the body to work harmoniously. For the body to become malleable, it needs to be trained. Large muscles will undoubtedly decorate you, but they do not always indicate the required impact force. Correct this situation and follow the methodology developed by the world's leading athletes. They know for sure that a tire and a hammer can be useful.

Video about strength exercises with a sledgehammer and wheels:
