Hammer for biceps

Hammer for biceps
Hammer for biceps

Learn how to swing your biceps so that the muscle takes on the shape of Arnold? Secret execution technique. Today's article is completely devoted to such a popular movement as the hammer for the biceps. You can not only get acquainted with the technique of the exercise, but also learn some of the secrets and features of the movement, which will make it as effective as possible.

Hammer biceps exercise is basic, although many classify it as isolated. But more important for us is that with its help you can effectively gain muscle mass. The target muscle is the biceps as well as the brachialis. If someone does not know, then the shoulder muscle, and it is he who is called the brachialis, is located under the biceps.

Tips for Athletes Doing Hammer Biceps

Muscles involved in hammering
Muscles involved in hammering

The more the palm is pierced during the movement (directed downward), the more actively the shoulder muscle participates in the work. If you supine (pointing up) the palm more strongly, then, consequently, a greater load falls on the biceps. If a neutral grip is used, then both muscles noted above work with the same intensity.

Using a neutral grip has both advantages and disadvantages. The positive thing here is that two muscles are actively involved in the work and, as a result, the body's hormonal response will be more powerful. In addition, you have the opportunity to use more weight of sports equipment. On the other hand, the load will also be distributed between all the working muscles and as a result, the biceps cannot be pumped to the maximum. Thus, it is up to you which grip to use. You can combine everything. Let's say, use a neutral grip in one lesson, and a pronated one in the next. In the third lesson, in this case, supination is used.

Whatever you decide, you can definitely say that this movement is the most effective for gaining mass. Returning to the types of grip that can be used during the exercise, it should be noted that you should also develop the brachialis so that the hand looks more massive. This is due to the location of these muscles, because the brachialis also runs under the muscles of the forearm. As a result, the hand will have a conical shape.

You can perform the hammer on the biceps in any position - sitting or standing. There is practically no difference between these options for performing the movement. The only thing you should be aware of is the ability to cheat while standing. If you use this technique, then the sitting option is not suitable for you. The movement can be performed with two hands at the same time or alternately. If you want to use more weight of the shells, then you need to work with one hand in turn. In addition, when performing the exercise with one hand, you achieve constant muscle tension, which allows you to improve its pumping. The only negative point here is the increase in class time.

How to properly perform a hammer for biceps?

Hammer execution for biceps
Hammer execution for biceps

Now we will look at the technique of performing the exercise with a neutral grip. Taking the dumbbells in your hands, hold them so that your palms are directed towards each other. The back should be flat, and the arms should be lowered along the body. There should be a natural deflection in the lower back.

As you inhale, begin to lift the sports equipment, bending the elbow joint, which should be tightly pressed to the body. They should remain in this position throughout the entire set. The elbow joints should not be allowed to move forward.

Sometimes athletes lift the projectile almost to the level of the shoulder joint, which should not be done. Having reached the extreme upper point of the trajectory, begin to slowly lower the dumbbells, without completely straightening your arm at the lower point.

Common mistakes when doing hammer for biceps

Girl performs hammer on biceps
Girl performs hammer on biceps

The most common mistake is pushing the elbow forward. To avoid this, it must be firmly pressed against the body. Exercise is performed only by flexing the elbow joint, and the shoulder must be fixed.

Also, novice builders often use inertia and thus make their work easier. This should not be done in order not to reduce the efficiency of the movement. During the execution of the hammer for the biceps, the body should remain stationary and you should prevent it from swinging.

Also, you cannot fully straighten the arm in the lower position of the trajectory, which will maintain constant tension in the biceps. The weight should be chosen correctly so that you do not violate the technique of movement. If you use excessive weights, you will not be able to achieve this, and you will definitely make technical mistakes. This is a very effective movement, but it will only be so if done correctly.

You will learn more about the technique of performing a hammer for biceps from this video:
