Can I drink milk at night?

Can I drink milk at night?
Can I drink milk at night?

Whether it is worth drinking milk before bed and why it is not an ideal food product, learn all the advantages and disadvantages of dairy products. Although many people consider milk to be a useful product, scientists have evidence of its negative effects on the body. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of milk at night. However, first, let's find out more details about this food product.

Useful properties of milk

Girl drinks milk and shows muscles
Girl drinks milk and shows muscles

Many people know that milk is one of the main sources of calcium for the body. Moreover, this micronutrient contained in milk is absorbed in a short time almost in full. This is considered to be the main useful property of the product, although there are much more of them.

With viral diseases

Laboratory research
Laboratory research

Milk is useful for colds and infectious diseases. However, fresh milk is not very suitable for this. Immunoglobulins, which are protein structures, fight viruses in the body. For their production, the body must have a lot of proteins. At the same time, protein compounds contained in food must be quickly absorbed by the body. This is what is typical for milk proteins. Milk is very popular among athletes, who get sick much less often than ordinary people.

For headaches and sleep disturbances

Girl can't sleep
Girl can't sleep

This point is precisely related to the main topic of this article - milk for the night benefits and harms. If you use this product shortly before going to bed, then its quality will increase. This is due to the sedative effect of milk on the nervous system. This fact can be explained by the high content of phenylalanyl and tryptophan amines. In ancient Russia, honey was often used for insomnia, which was washed down with milk. You need to take these products 60 minutes before going to bed. Fresh milk can also be used in this situation.

Milk may also be a good remedy for migraines and headaches. There is another excellent folk recipe that has been used by people for more than one century. Stir a raw egg in a glass of hot milk. After that, the prepared drink should be drunk. If you have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, then using this recipe for seven days can give excellent results. Also, milk is great for hypertension, as it helps to lower blood pressure and has a diuretic effect.

For the stomach

Milk is poured into a glass from a bottle
Milk is poured into a glass from a bottle

In the presence of diseases of the digestive system, many people refuse to drink milk. Depending on your disease and its stage of development, it is worth checking the effect of milk on the intestinal tract. Milk can be used to reduce the acidity of the stomach, as well as reduce pain in gastritis and duodenal ulcer. If you have frequent heartburn, then milk can also help here, due to its ability to reduce the acidity of the stomach.

For better assimilation of this product, drink it in small sips and the milk should not be cold. Scientists have found a large amount of micronutrients in milk. For example, the product is able to meet the body's needs for a vitamin such as riboflavin (B2). This substance is essential for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, accelerating the process of obtaining energy from these nutrients. Milk is an excellent means for losing weight, as it accelerates lipolysis and at the same time has a low energy value.


Milk hand bath
Milk hand bath

Milk is very beneficial for the skin, as it can moisturize it and nourish the cellular structures. In addition, milk also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. For the first time, Cleopatra began to use milk as a cosmetic product. Now this recipe is also very popular and for this you need to fill the bathtub with warm water and add a liter of milk to it.

What products is milk compatible with?

Dairy products
Dairy products

Scientists have conducted enough experiments to be able to talk about the compatibility of milk with almost all food products. For example, the combination of herring and milk does not look the best, but it can also be useful. A large number of unusual combinations of tastes are used in medical practice and at the same time they are completely safe for the body.

Milk perfectly neutralizes the effects of spicy and salty foods on the body. At the same time, often in these situations, a laxative effect is manifested, which results in a cleansing of the body. There are many opinions about the use of milk cereals and soups, but it is absolutely certain that they do not have a negative effect on the body. We also note that the combination of milk with tea and coffee is practically devoid of any effects. This is due to the mutual neutralization of the active elements of these products.

The negative effects of milk

Milk in glasses
Milk in glasses

Since now we are talking on the topic - milk for the night is good and bad, then it should be noted the possible negative effects of this product. Milk contains casein, a special type of protein compound. To assimilate this substance in the body of animals, a special enzyme is synthesized - retin. The human body is not capable of producing this substance. At the same time, when breastfeeding a baby, a special bacillus is present in breast milk, which accelerates the processing of casein.

Calcium is washed out

Milk is poured in the laboratory
Milk is poured in the laboratory

We said that the calcium contained in milk is quickly absorbed by the body and this is not accidental. Casein contributes to the oxidation of this mineral. To maintain a normal acid-base balance, it is calcium that is used to neutralize the acid.

Most of the calcium supplied with milk is used by the body to maintain balance. If this mineral is not enough, then the substance contained in other food products will be used. If this is not possible, then calcium will be extracted from the bone tissue, which leads to their weakening. It should also be said that due to the poor absorption of casein in the body, this substance in large quantities enters the kidneys and this can lead to the formation of phosphate stones.

May cause diabetes

Man drinking milk
Man drinking milk

With regular consumption of large amounts of milk from an early age, a person can develop type 1 diabetes. Recall that this type 2 disease is caused by excessive sugar intake. Most often, the onset of level 1 diabetes is associated with a high content of casein. Like any protein compound, casein is composed of a specific sequence of amines. The casein molecule in its amine composition is very similar to the beta cells of the pancreas. It is this organ that synthesizes insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels.

When casein enters the digestive system, the body tries to find a way to break it down. When this fails, the substance is identified as an antigen. After that, the immune system begins to fight the cells of its own organs to neutralize the foreign substance, since their amino acid sequence is almost the same. In other words, antibodies synthesized by the body fight not only with casein, but also with the cells of the pancreas. This results in type 1 diabetes.

Lactose aversion

The boy does not want to drink milk
The boy does not want to drink milk

Milk sugar, lactose, can also be harmful to the body. When a substance enters the digestive system, it breaks down into two constituent elements:

  • Glucose - completely absorbed and is the main source of energy for the body.
  • Galactose - after the termination of breastfeeding, the child in the body ceases to be synthesized, an enzyme is necessary for the breakdown of this substance. This explains the almost complete absence of allergic reactions to milk in children under two years of age.

Galactose cannot be completely eliminated from the body and accumulates in the joints, which can lead to the development of arthritis. The same substance can also cause the development of cataracts and cellulite, as it can accumulate on the lens and under the horse cover. It should also be remembered that unpasteurized milk can cause various diseases transmitted from animals, for example, plague, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, etc.

Here are some facts on the topic "Milk at night benefits and harms":

  1. In the course of scientific research, it was found that milk can cause the development of malignant tumors of the uterus, but at the same time significantly reduces the risk of the appearance of anus tumors, which is much more common.
  2. Almost 20 percent of cases of type 1 diabetes are associated with the consumption of milk in large quantities.
  3. About 60 percent of people have problems absorbing lactose.
  4. In the process of pasteurization, all harmful microorganisms are destroyed, but at the same time a large amount of nutrients are destroyed.

How to choose the right milk?

Woman in the market chooses milk
Woman in the market chooses milk

In the industrial production of milk, the pasteurization process is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees. This allows you to destroy all harmful microbes and preserve maximum nutrients. This statement is true if the product has been stored for no more than 72 hours.

Milk made from powder does not contain micronutrients and cannot be considered healthy. When purchasing milk, try not to buy the product in plastic bottles. If milk is purchased on the market, then be sure to ask the seller for a certificate issued by the veterinary services, and it is advisable to boil the product before use. With moderate consumption of milk, this product does not pose a danger to the body, and its beneficial effects neutralize the negative ones. Here's everything you need to know about having milk at night - the benefits and harms.

Can I drink milk at night? Watch in this video:
