Maltodextrin in bodybuilding

Maltodextrin in bodybuilding
Maltodextrin in bodybuilding

Find out what other name sports nutrition manufacturers use to hide simple carbohydrates, which are analogous to sugar in composition. Today, all food products contain incomprehensible names of ingredients. Not everyone pays attention to this, but there are those who want to know what they eat. One of these substances is maltodextrin. Nowadays it is often used in the production of various food products. In addition, maltodextrin is very often used in bodybuilding, where it is one of the components of many gainers. Let's see what this substance is.

What is maltodextrin and how is it obtained?

Maltodextrin Powder
Maltodextrin Powder

Note that maltodextrin is not the only name for this substance. You can also see the following names in the composition of a product: molasses, grape (starch) sugar, glucose, dextrose and dextrinmaltose. If you come across them, they are all maltodextrin.

Outwardly, this substance looks like a white or sometimes creamy white powder. The taste of the substance can be moderately sweet or even tasteless. Maltodextrin is made from starch by breaking it down into its constituents. It should be noted that maltodextrin, in comparison with starch, is absorbed much faster, and also practically does not cause problems with the work of the stomach, as can be the case with the use of glucose.

Any starch can be used for the production of maltodextrin, for example, potato, rice, wheat, etc. For obvious reasons, manufacturers try to use the cheapest raw materials possible. In the United States, maltodextrin is mainly produced from corn, and in European countries from wheat. Since it is a carbohydrate, maltodextrin is widely used in bodybuilding.

Maltodextrin application

Maltodextrin in sports nutrition
Maltodextrin in sports nutrition

Maltodextrin is used in various industries, not just food. Maltodextrin is used in bodybuilding as one of the components of supplements, in particular gainers. In addition to the food industry, this substance is also used in the textile, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

If we talk about the food industry, then maltodextrin acts here as a baking powder, sweetener, thickener, to increase the energy value of products, increase their ability to retain moisture, etc. In the production of dietary supplements, maltodextrin can be used to increase homogeneity and solubility, and in the pharmaceutical industry this substance is used in the production of tablets to improve their absorption.

Also, maltodextrin can perform an emulsifying function, which is necessary in the production of creams, shampoos and various rinses. In addition, the substance can increase the viscosity of these products and prevent them from delamination. Molasses in creams can be used as an emollient ingredient or as a preservative to slow discoloration. In the textile industry, maltodextrin helps to increase the wear resistance of fabrics, and can also replace the starching process, improving the appearance of textile products.

We have already briefly mentioned that maltodextrin in bodybuilding is used for the production of gainers and is very active. If you pay attention to the composition of these supplements, then this carbohydrate will be very common. For manufacturers of sports nutrition, maltodextrin is a very good component, since its cost is low.

Benefits of maltodextrin

Sports supplement with added maltodextrin
Sports supplement with added maltodextrin

If we talk about why maltodextrin is needed in bodybuilding, then the answer is obvious - the energy value of sports supplements increases. After training, athletes need to replenish energy reserves in a short time, and the rate of absorption of maltodextrin is high.

Surely you know about the so-called "carbohydrate window", which, according to scientists, opens 20 minutes after the completion of the training. It is assumed that during the period of time while the "carbohydrate window" is open, the body is able to quickly and efficiently assimilate carbohydrates and protein compounds. This is very important for athletes, because thanks to carbohydrates, they replenish glycogen stores, and protein compounds reduce the rate of catabolic processes and activate regenerative reactions in muscle tissues.

It should also be noted that another advantage that can be obtained when using maltodextrin in bodybuilding is that there is no likelihood of fat accumulation. This fact also suggests that the substance can be considered useful for athletes, since it is quite difficult to fight fats. By the way, when using maltodextrin, fats do not accumulate for the reason that the metabolism of a simple carbohydrate is very high. We also note one more feature of the substance, namely the long disintegration time in the intestinal tract. This suggests that when using maltodextrin, a powerful release of insulin is not observed, and the body can receive energy for a long time. This is one of the reasons why maltodextrin is often used in the production of baby food. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, in particular the intestinal tract of children.

Is there any harm to the body from maltodextrin?

Protein cocktail
Protein cocktail

Now many people are wary of various ingredients with obscure names. Each of us at least once studied the composition of any food product, and we have come across similar components. However, you should not be afraid of maltodextrin, since this substance is not dangerous for our body.

In the production of baby food, maltodextrin is used on a completely legal basis and this speaks volumes. By the way, maltodextrin is a hypoallergenic substance, which is also important for infant formula. At the same time, there are some contraindications to the use of maltodextrin. However, this can be said about any substance.

We have already noted that this substance may even taste neutral, but its glycemic index is quite high. This suggests that people with diabetes and predisposition to obesity should avoid maltodextrin. An allergic reaction to a substance made from cornstarch is also possible. If a substance obtained from other sources is hypoallergenic, then corn maltodextrin is not. If you have problems with the assimilation of corn, then maltodextrin obtained from this raw material is contraindicated for you.

You should not consume substances made from wheat and those who suffer from gluten intolerance. This is due to the structural features of the villi of the intestinal tract, which cannot be processed by wheat protein compounds. Such people need to avoid not only wheat maltodextrin, but other products made from cereals. We also note that excessive use of any type of maltodextrin can lead to such disorders of the digestive system as flatulence and intestinal upset. All of this is true when using maltodextrin in bodybuilding.

Today, molasses is increasingly used in the food industry instead of maltodextrin. This substance is even less expensive and is a waste in the sugar making process. Most often, molasses is used in the manufacture of baked goods and yeast. Unlike maltodextrin, molasses contains a large amount of impurities, and this substance can more often cause allergic reactions.

That's all we wanted to tell you about the use of maltodextrin in bodybuilding and other industries. It is a safe substance that is widely used. Manufacturers are constantly looking for an opportunity to replace any component of their products with a cheaper one, and we said that molasses is now starting to be used more and more actively. Perhaps the day will come when maltodextrin will be replaced by a new, similar ingredient, the cost of production of which will be lower. While in the sports nutrition industry, maltodextrin is one of the main carbohydrates used in the production of carbohydrate-protein mixtures.

More information about maltodextrin in this video:
