Body drying and nutrition for women

Body drying and nutrition for women
Body drying and nutrition for women

If your goal is to dry out the body and preserve muscle tissue, take a close look at this material to create the body that all girls dream of.

Steroids for drying the body for women

Methenolone Enanthate Injection
Methenolone Enanthate Injection

When the androgen-type receptors have been blocked, it is necessary to change the ratio of testosterone and estrogen levels in favor of the male hormone. It should be said right away that the choice of funds for women does not spoil a wide variety.

A normal girl can only afford to use methenolone enanthate (primobolan), turinabol or oxandrolone. At the same time, it is necessary to approach with all responsibility the choice of an ACC supplier. There have been cases when methyl, stanozol and methane were sold under the guise of turinabol or oxandrolone.

There have been cases and implementation of diluted testosterone and nandrolone as primobolan. It is best to purchase steroid medications in specialized stores.

Use the above drugs in the cycle in the following dosages:

  • Methenolone enanthate is used once a week in an amount of 100 to 200 milligrams. It is enough to do one injection throughout the week and preferably on the same day.
  • Oxandrolone is taken twice a day in an amount of 20 to 40 milligrams. Perhaps this particular ACC can be called the optimal solution for women.
  • Turinabol is also used twice a day, and its dose ranges from 20 to 30 milligrams. The course should last no more than four weeks.

Body drying fat burners for women

ECA Fat Burner
ECA Fat Burner

And the last item when drying the body and nutrition for women are fat burners. As with ACC, women usually do not use clenbuterol, a mixture of caffeine, aspirin and ephedrine (ECA), or triiodothyronine.

All of these drugs are primarily aimed at destroying fatty deposits in the waist (abdominal) area. Girls are most often interested in places located somewhat lower.

Although you can still try ECA, you can buy the drug at sports nutrition stores. But it may not work, then you should pay attention to growth hormone and metformin. They remove fat deposits evenly throughout the body. It should be noted that each of these funds has its own side effects, therefore, you need to be careful with dosages.

But to name the doses, at least approximate, is quite difficult. In this matter, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But there is a third way - to use fat burners available in pharmacies. They, in combination with the right nutritional program and training, give good results.

Watch a video about drying the body for women:

This is all that can be offered to women who decide to start a serious "war" with extra pounds. All the methods recommended in this article will have a positive effect and reduce the likelihood of side effects. Remember that it is not possible to completely eliminate them. You also need to add BCAAs, vitamin-mineral complexes and whey-type protein to your nutrition program. If the first signs of virilization appear, then the use of steroids should be immediately abandoned.
