Chromium picolinate for weight loss

Chromium picolinate for weight loss
Chromium picolinate for weight loss

The article describes the pros and cons of a substance called chromium picolinate. Find out how chromium is beneficial for athletes and healthy people. With regard to muscle growth and strength, this issue remains controversial. Some athletes noted the anabolic effect of taking the supplement, while others deny it.

The supplement should be consumed during meals, since at this moment the insulin content in the blood increases, and chromium enhances its effect. Accordingly, the effect of the substance will be greatest when the insulin level is at its peak. The maximum daily amount of chromium should not exceed 10 mg, and in food additives this element is usually not more than 500 μg, which is twenty times less than the maximum allowable threshold. This once again indicates the possible use of the drug.

It is not recommended to take chromium picolinate for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, as chromium affects glucose levels, which can negatively affect the course of the disease.

Chromium picolinate for weight loss

Chromium for weight loss
Chromium for weight loss

A decrease in body fat occurs as a result of a decrease in the production of fat in the body and a decrease in appetite. A decrease in appetite occurs due to the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, which affects hunger, and not due to the effect of chromium on the nervous system, which is also a positive fact.

There is also a direct relationship between insulin levels and fat accumulation. The higher the level of insulin, the more unused forms of insulin are converted into fat. Chromium picolinate contributes to the normalization of insulin metabolism, and thus helps to reduce fat mass.

Of course, dietary supplement alone cannot lead to a decrease in body fat. In parallel, you should adhere to a diet in which there will be no foods with a high glycemic index, and the calorie consumption will be greater than their consumption. Chromium picolinate for weight loss is just an impetus for weight loss.

It will be useful to use this substance for those who adhere to a mono diet for a long period and lack the necessary microelements. As a result, weakness and fatigue may develop. As a rule, such signs are the first bells in a malfunction of the thyroid gland, and drugs with chromium and iodine will help normalize its functions.

Chromium picolinate: side effects

Chromium Sources
Chromium Sources

There is also a lot of information about the dangers of chromium-based supplements, but all of them are not officially confirmed facts. There is an opinion that the substance is capable of causing chromosomal mutations that can lead to oncological pathologies.

But even this opinion has not been confirmed, since the research was carried out on experimental animals, which were given large quantities of chromium. And since no sane person will take the drug in doses thousands of times higher than the permissible norms, it is at least pointless to fear such an effect.

Another misconception is the carcinogenicity of the substance. Yes, chromium can be toxic, but only hexavalent. Chromium picolinate is trivalent, which is a big difference.

However, the opinion about the carcinogenicity of chromium was put forward for a reason. Initially, the English pharmacological company Nutrition 21, which specializes in weight loss drugs, began to produce chromium picolinate in the form of a dietary supplement. Firms-competitors clearly did not need the successful distribution of the new additive, and with their light hand, rumors about the carcinogenicity of the drug became public.

As a result, at the end of 2004, additional tests of chromium picolinate were carried out, after which it was found acceptable for human consumption as a food additive that does not have a toxic effect on the body.

Lack of chromium in the body

Girl on the scales
Girl on the scales

A lack of chromium in the human body can cause serious health problems such as:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • growth retardation;
  • an increase in the amount of fat in the blood;
  • deterioration in reproductive function;
  • acne;
  • an increase in glucose levels and associated symptoms resembling diabetes mellitus.

Lack of chromium in the body is usually caused by the following reasons:

  • lack of protein foods;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • infectious diseases;
  • eating a large number of foods with a high glycemic index - for example, confectionery, soda, candy, etc.

Therefore, athletes who resort to intense training benefit from additional chromium in the form of dietary supplements.

Excess chromium can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction and impaired liver or kidney function. But the negative aspects of the nutritional supplement have not been confirmed, and most likely are only fiction. Therefore, if the dosage of chromium does not exceed the permissible, and it is almost impossible to exceed it, you should not worry that it is capable of causing harm to health. Any nutritional supplement taken as directed and in conjunction with exercise and a balanced diet will only be beneficial.

Where is chromium found?

In addition to food supplements, you can get enough of the substance your body needs by adding the following foods to your diet:

  • tuna;
  • herring;
  • beef liver;
  • mackerel;
  • beet;
  • pearl barley;
  • tomatoes;
  • broccoli;
  • grape;
  • hazelnuts;
  • Champignon;
  • especially a lot of chromium in seafood (crabs, squid, shrimp, shellfish).

Chromium content table in food:
