In this article, you will learn which drugs are really effective in the fight against extra pounds, and which are just a waste of time and money. It has long been known that active sports and special nutrition programs help to fight overweight. But now food additives can be added to this list.
Best fat burners - rating
The most effective is the mixture of caffeine and ephedrine. However, in recent years, many new products have appeared on the market, which, according to manufacturers, are more effective than the above substances. It is about them that the conversation will now go. Before, there were already many contenders for the title of the most effective fat burner, but no real effect was noticed from their use.
Ephedrine and caffeine
To begin today's review, of course, it is with a mixture of these substances. A more effective fat burner has not yet been discovered.
First, about the cons. When using ephedrine and caffeine, some side effects are noted in the first stage, but with a gradual increase in dosage, they can be avoided. Scientists are confident that this drug reduces appetite, and this leads to weight loss. It is also worth noting that this combination has a thermogenic effect on the body. To put it simply, when using the drug, fat cells seem to be “fried” and eventually destroyed.

According to scientists, the greatest effect in this combination belongs to ephedrine - 75%. According to recent studies, it can be argued that with prolonged use of the drug, its effectiveness increases, and the side effects, on the contrary, disappear. During the experiment, a similar effect was observed in 90% of the subjects.
It should be said right away that the term for taking the funds is quite long, and the bill goes for months. For example, professional athletes add this supplement to their diet on an ongoing basis.
If you are taking antidepressants or heart medications along with ephedrine and caffeine, be sure to consult a specialist about this. Also, you can not use energy drinks with the drug. Almost all of them contain mahuang, which is an analogue of ephedrine. You should not use the supplement during the treatment of colds, it is better to pause for this period.

If we speak briefly about this drug, and do not go into scientific descriptions, then it is based on the tropical plant commiphora muculus. Local tribes have used decoctions of this plant for weight loss for centuries.
It is too early to talk about its effectiveness, since the experiments have so far been carried out only on rats. This made it possible to establish that the agent significantly increases the concentration of thyroid-type hormones in the body, thereby significantly increasing metabolism.
The test animals lost weight even with the usual diet. Also, people who decided to use the drug on their own were studied. As a result, it was revealed that the level of cholesterol in their blood decreased markedly. But at the same time, it should be noted that they took doses exceeding the recommended ones, which in some cases even amounted to 75 mg per day.
Burn fat with green tea

Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate, which is the main active ingredient. In the course of experiments, it was found that this substance is able to enhance the effect of the hormone norepinephrine, which in the human body is the most effective natural fat burner.
Thanks to this, green tea is able to accelerate the oxidation of fat cells by 4%. Although long-term trials have not yet been conducted, scientists recommend abandoning black tea in favor of green. For the reason that the second is a pronounced antioxidant.
Fat Burning Cream
Most drugs of this type contain forskolin, yohimbine and aminophilin. Their effect on the human body is explained by the high thermogenic effect. However, compared to other fat burners, creams look very exotic, although their popularity is constantly growing.

To a large extent, this was facilitated by studies by scientists from the United States, who have already been able to prove their effectiveness twice. Moreover, it is worth noting that these experiments were quite large-scale.
Yohimbine was found to be the least effective. On the other hand, two other active substances were able to significantly reduce the amount of fatty deposits on the thighs of the women who participated in the study.
Scientists attribute the fat-burning properties to the thermogenic effect produced by active substances, due to which the fatty layers in the places where the creams are applied are heated. When buying these funds, you should be vigilant, since mass production of this product is still poorly developed, but there are a lot of fakes on the market now.

Very often, after the end of the diet, weight begins to rapidly gain again. In studies using pyruvate, subjects gained only one kilogram, while the control group gained two in the same time. This suggests that the drug promotes fat burning, but the mechanism of its action has not yet been disclosed. According to scientists, it's all about speeding up metabolism.
In the course of the research, increased doses were used, however, to obtain the required effect, five grams of the drug should be enough. Another study can also be cited as confirmation of the effectiveness of pyruvate. The subjects used the drug in the amount of 6 grams during the day.
After the completion of the study, scientists stated a decrease in body fat reserves, in contrast to the control group, where the agent was not used. The people included in it even gained weight.
Who "left the race"
- Chromium picolinate. The first drugs that failed to prove their effectiveness were chromium picolinate. The research was conducted on athletes involved in strength sports. After the experiment, the subjects were found to be intoxicated.
- Hydroxycitrate. The second on this list of "losers" was hydroxycitrate, produced from Cambogia Garcinia. Experiments were carried out twice, and no positive results were noted. The drug did not appear to be more effective even with physical exertion.
- Carnitine. Carnitine is next on the list. The effectiveness of the natural hormone carnitine as a fat burner has been proven more than once. But the artificially synthesized hormone turned out to be useless. This has been proven in the course of a fairly large number of studies.
Vanadyl sulfate. Closing the list of drugs that are ineffective for burning fat, vanadyl sulfate. Scientists have proven the ability of the drug to increase insulin sensitivity in people with type II diabetes.
It would seem that this is quite enough for the drug to be a good fat burner. However, the remedy could not have any effect on healthy people. In contrast, increasing the dose was found to have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver.
That's all the drugs that are currently used as fat burners. Studies of their effectiveness are ongoing, and, probably, soon it will be possible to speak more accurately about the advisability of taking this or that drug. In the meantime, the combination of ephedrine and caffeine is most effective at burning fat cells.

Undoubtedly, new remedies will appear, since the problem of obesity is very relevant. However, they should not be used until their effectiveness has been proven. It's one thing if they turn out to be simply ineffective, and completely different if they can cause harm to health.